Can this girl really hear the voice of others?

If not, how could she say the chain of disaster? In other words, she already knew the chain of disaster?


Chen Mo looked at her.

"Can you hear what other people are thinking?"

Chen Mo asked.


Xiao Meng blinked her big eyes, then nodded.

"Before, there were so many bad people who wanted to give Xiao Meng delicious food, and sold Xiao Meng away to people who were worse and worse. Fortunately, Xiao Meng could know the bad thoughts in their hearts."

Xiao Meng's cute little nose wrinkled and said.

It may be a human trafficker, but Xiao Meng may have been in a noisy place before. They didn't do anything, and later lost her.

Lin Kexin and Zhao Yingmeng looked at each other.

Can hear the thoughts of others? How is this possible? Is there such a capability in this world?

Could it be... mind reading?

so amazing!

If this is the sky, they will not feel magical, but this is the sky blue star.

But Zhao Yingmeng wondered, what is the chain of disaster? Is it the bracelet on Brother Chen Mo's wrist? That seems to mean a lot to him.

"Then do you know what I'm thinking?"

Zhao Yingmeng then asked.

It feels too weird, right? Is it Mongolian?

"Hmm... My sister is thinking about what my brother is holding."

Xiao Meng said.

Zhao Yingmeng's small mouth opened wide. If she guessed right at the beginning, she would be suspicious and curious, but now that she guessed what she thought was right, it was really too exaggerated.

Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yingmeng.

"That... Brother Chen Mo, she was really right."

Zhao Yingmeng was a little embarrassed. She knew she didn't want this anymore. It was embarrassing to say it.

Chen Mo nodded.

Xiao Meng is special, and Chen Mo feels that it is normal, because she made the chain of disaster react, but Chen Mo does not know why.

Now anyway, I will take her first, and slowly see what is special about her.

"Kexin, buy her a virtual ring when I go back." Chen Mo said.

"Well, Kexin knows it."

The plane soon arrived at Tiandu Airport, and they got off the plane one after another, and Chen Mo assumed the role of the coolie carrying a little dream.

Xiao Meng seemed to like Chen Mo very much, lying on Chen Mo's back, always touching Chen Mo's body with her small face, her little nose sniffing the smell of Chen Mo's body.

I drove to the nearest clothing city nearby and bought a dress for Xiao Meng. It was very beautiful, just like a little princess.

Xiao Meng seems to be a familiar one, and can already hold their hands very skillfully.

What was soft and weak before, is now a little bit lively.

Zhao Yingmeng took another taxi and took Chen Mo and the others to her family!

"Here, this is my home."

Zhao Yingmeng got out of the car with Xiaomeng, and Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo go down together.


Lin Kexin couldn't help but exclaimed.

"so big."


Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue.

"It's okay. I prefer the three-bedroom and one living room where Tianhua City lives with Sister Qinghan and her sister."

There is a huge manor in front of me, so think about it, what is a manor for such a big family?

"Miss, you are back."

Several security guards came over and bowed respectfully.

"Well, are they there, my father?"

"Yes, Dong Zhao heard that Miss you are going home today, and did not go to the party specially. Now we have prepared a dinner party to welcome Miss and your friends."

"Oh, I see."

Zhao Yingmeng then looked at Lin Kexin and Chen Mo and said, "Kexin, Brother Chen Mo, let's go in first."

Chen Mo said, "Should I go in too? Just forget it, I will go again when the senior genius doctor comes."

"Um... Senior genius doctor and grandpa should be in other places. The two of them should have a lot of topics to talk about, and senior genius doctor doesn't like to be disturbed. My father didn’t know him at all, and he wouldn’t be in it, but I told my father that a friend was coming..."

Zhao Yingmeng pouted her little mouth.

She wanted to introduce Chen Mo to his father.

"Then you take Kexin and Xiaomeng with you."

"Um... Brother Chen Mo, if you don't go, Xin will definitely not go in either, please."

Zhao Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo aggrievedly.

Chen Mo then nodded: "Okay."


Then they walked into the manor.

It's not that Chen Mo is hypocritical, but Chen Mo is this kind of person who doesn't like lively occasions. He doesn't have any intersection with Zhao Yingmeng's family, so what capital does he have to eat with them?

Moreover, Chen Mo’s eyes can’t see it, which is very inconvenient, but since Zhao Yingmeng has told his family to bring friends back, Chen Mo can’t help but show her face, and the family knows about it, and even prepared a dinner party. , So passionate, Chen Mo naturally had to give face.

"Miss, are you back?"

A sweet voice came, and then a beautiful girl ran over.

"Xiao Yu, want to kill me, hug."

Zhao Yingmeng then ran over and hugged her.

Xiao Yu is the maid of the Zhao family. She is only seventeen years old now. She is about the same age as Zhao Yingmeng. She worked at the Zhao family several years ago. She is responsible for Zhao Yingmeng’s daily life and so on, but Zhao Ying Meng has a good relationship with her, she is a good friend.

After all, it's normal for such a big family to hire many servants. Doing things here will definitely make more money than normal work, and it's easier.

"Miss, they are..."

"My friend, Brother Chen Mo, and Kexin, this is a little dream."

Xiao Meng blinked her big eyes and looked around.

"Hello, miss, Zhao Dong is already waiting for you and your friends."

"I see, ah right, is there someone else coming?"

Zhao Yingmeng saw a few cars parked in the manor that were not his own.

There are so many cars in her family that she really doesn't need to buy a new car. How long did she leave the house, so she would normally not buy a new car. She knows all the cars at home, but she doesn't know about this car.

"Yes, Master Ou heard that Miss you are here, he also came specially."

"Huh...Ou Zhenjie?" Zhao Yingmeng asked.

Xiao Yu nodded.

"Ah! Why did he come! Who told him I was going home today?"

Zhao Yingmeng is I don't know this either. "

"Is it my dad? Shouldn't it, me! My dad can really save trouble. It just happened to entertain Chen Mo and Ou Zhenjie together."

Zhao Yingmeng scratched her hair.

Xiao Yu held his smile next to him.

At this time, Zhao Yingmeng's phone rang, and she glanced at WeChat.

"Shadow Dream Woman, I'm sorry. Yesterday Ou Zhenjie asked me when we were going back. I accidentally leaked the news that you were going home today. I just told you that there is no need to go back."

Zhao Yingmeng: "..."

Like I can release infinitely the big move, please collect it: () I can release the big move infinitely, the hottest update speed.


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