I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 929: just kidding

Chen Mo's head was blank at that moment.

Having lived for twenty-six or seven years in his life, he has never encountered such an embarrassing thing.

How to explain it, so embarrassing!

To be honest, it was true that he had put his hand into other people’s clothes before, but now Chen Mo really just wanted to pull her clothes off, but because of a guilty conscience, Chen Mo really couldn’t explain to her that he just wanted It's as simple as helping her pull her clothes...

Lin Qinghan is very confused...

She was half asleep and half awake just now, and then she felt a small movement on her body, and then her subconscious mind opened her eyes, and then she opened her eyes to see Chen Mo playing with her clothes.

To be honest, it's incredible.

Is this him? This is not the Chen Mo she remembered. It's so strange. He shouldn't do such nasty things, right?


Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose and looked at Lin Qinghan awkwardly.

"Wake up."

Lin Qinghan sat up and nodded.

The pretty face was a little red.

To be honest, she has a high affinity for Chen Mo. First, he is Chen Mo who has been helping her. He is also Gongzi Mo. He also saved her, although they did not have the same contact as Zhao Yingmeng. There are so many, but it is precisely because of the lack of contact and the mystery of Chen Mo that made her feel better.

In fact, even if Chen Mo does anything, she might not refuse too much.

"I just saw that your clothes were too close, and your belly button leaked out, which is not good for your health, so I thought about helping you pull the clothes off." Chen Mo coughed dryly.

Lin Qinghan glanced at Chen Mo.

Is that so?

Sure enough, this is Chen Mo, not such a nasty person.

But women are always like this, inexplicably lost.

"Does it have a headache?"

Chen Mo asked.

Lin Qinghan nodded, "Well, I drank too much last night, so my head hurts a bit."

Chen Mo's hand then stretched out to press on her shoulder, the white light flickered slightly, and Lin Qinghan felt that he had recovered in an instant.

She looked surprised.

It may be nothing to treat your own disease, but...

"Chen Mo, is this supernatural power?"

Lin Qinghan asked in shock.

In the past, she was called Mr. Chen Mo, but Chen Mo told her not to call that way, so now she just called her name.


Supernatural power? Maybe it should be counted in Sky Blue Star.

"This...I don't know how to explain it. In the future, if you feel uncomfortable, please come to me at any time. I just need to raise my hand. You don't need to feel trouble. It hasn't been long since your body has just recovered. Injuries, the body will be very weak in a short time, and it is easy to get sick. I can only cure you. As for the weak body, I can't help it." Chen Mo said.

"Thank you very much," Lin Qinghan said.

Then she frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

"Ah? It's okay." Lin Qinghan shook his head.

"I'm going to cook, you can call them up." Chen Mo then got up and walked to the kitchen.

Lin Qinghan sat on the ground and looked at Chen Mo.

How do I feel... my chest hurts.

At first, she really felt that Chen Mo hadn't done anything, but after realizing it was so painful, she almost went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, then...

That obvious handprint...

Other girls did it? She didn't know, and Chen Mo's hand just now...

Could it be Chen Mo?

No way? ?

Anyway, she is messy. Whether it is or not, she will not blame it. She feels that she may have misunderstood. After all, Chen Mo also drank too much, and he is definitely not such a person, so you don’t know anything... ……that's it.

Chen Mo didn't know about this. He was really drunk. He really didn't remember how much strength he used, but since all traces were pinched, it is estimated that the strength used was not small...

Lin Qinghan quickly walked to Chen Mo's side and helped to cook breakfast, and then several people got up one after another, yawning, washing and eating breakfast perfectly. After eating, they went back and went online one after another.

"Kexin, I'm online first."

Lin Kexin and Xiao Meng are washing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Knowing about Brother Chen Mo, did Brother Chen Mo go offline for dinner at noon?" Lin Kexin asked.

Chen Mo said: "Not sure, see if there is anything wrong, I will tell you during the game."

"it is good!"

They are also in the Fengshen Sect, but they are more about leveling up. Chen Mo didn't accompany them too much. Since it's all right in reality, Chen Mo doesn't have to think about this anymore. There will be more time to play together in the future. Yes.

"Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

Walking out of the room, Chen Mo saw Han Jiangxue sitting in the courtyard, and Chen Mo patted his forehead.

I wiped it, and forgot about her. The night before, I told her that I asked her to come yesterday to tell her something. Then I didn’t go online the day before. I was going to come at night, and I forgot when I was drunk, so she might have waited for nothing. .

"Sorry, yesterday..."

Before Chen Mo finished speaking, Han Jiangxue shook her head slightly: "It's okay, I just happened to be here for a day, very happy."


Chen Mo sat in front of Han Jiangxue.

She doesn't wear a veil much in front of everyone now, so her face is completely exposed to Chen Mo's eyes. Han Jiangxue is really no worse than others. Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu are all beauties of the same level as her, each with its own advantages. , Are cold, but very gentle towards Chen Mo, there is no way, Chen Mo's personality charm shines.

At this time, Ran Qingqiu walked into the yard with food and saw Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue sitting together. Her first reaction was that there was something between them, but she got used to it... It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

"I took some food."

Ran Qingqiu put the food on the stone table and walked away, saying nothing.

Chen Mo sighed inwardly, the women here are really wonderful, but in reality Lin Kexin and the others are also very good.

"Are Master Chenmo and Girl Ran...companions?"

Han Jiangxue asked.

"Uh-it's the same with Yuhan." Chen Mo said.

"So it makes sense." Han Jiangxue said slightly.

Think about it and feel sorry for Chen Mo~www.readwn.com~ He and Miss Ye are partners, and Miss Ye died in front of him...

"It makes sense?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Young Master Chenmo is so good, and it's normal for Young Lady Ran and Miss Ye to be enamoured of Young Master Chenmo."

"Where is Senior Sister Han Jiangxue?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Hanjiang Snow; "..."


"just kidding."

Chen Mo then said, "Actually, I probably know where the foreign teachers of Yangshen Sect are."

Han Jiangxue looked at Chen Mo, slightly excited.

The current situation is that she knew that the enemy was the Yangshen Sect, and she also confirmed that it was a foreign teacher of the Yangshen Sect. However, the real place for the foreign teacher of the Yangshen Sect was not found at all, and the entire continent could not be found.

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