I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 930: Take her down

Han Jiangxue is like Ye Yuhan in some places, they all live for obsession.

Simply put, the meaning of Ye Yuhan's life is to avenge and find relatives, and Han Jiangxue does.


Han Jiangxue trusts Chen Mo very much, because Chen Mo's character and strength are worthy of her trust.

"Under the Sky, have you heard of Senior Sister Han?"

"Underground Sky City?"

Hanjiang Xuedai frowned and thought slightly, then shook her head.

"Never heard of it."

Chen Mo said, "Go and ask Master."

"it is good."

Then the two went out.

"Oh huh."

Xiao Ruhan happened to be outside, and then saw Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue walking out together.

"Let this fairy guess what happened, Xiao Momo and Xiao Jiangxue walked out of the yard together, then they came out of the room together, and then you can infer that you spent the night in the same room, um... …"

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Han Jiangxue:? ? ?

"Cough cough cough, Master Fairy, you think too much."

"Oh?" Xiao Ruhan leaned in front of Chen Mo and kept sniffing on Chen Mo, the kind that was very close.

"The fragrance of a woman does not seem to belong to Xiao Jiangxue."

Xiao Ruhan then sniffed the smell of Hanjiang Snow again.

"Well...it's not really, it's Xiao Qingqiu."

Chen Mo; "..."

"I'm able to bear it." Xiao Ruhan said with a smile like a buddy with his arms around Chen Mo's shoulders.

Han Jiangxue pondered slightly.

Have they all developed to that point? It feels like Young Master Chenmo and Girl Ran have not known each other for long.

"Ahem..." Chen Mo coughed awkwardly.


Xiao Ruhan pressed his elbow to Chen Mo's waist and said, "Then Xiao Jiangxue, when are you going to take her away?"

Han Jiangxue: "..."

"Master fairy, don't talk nonsense."

"No, think about it, Xiao Jiangxue is so beautiful, dare you say you haven't moved your mind? You men, hey...it's hypocritical."

Chen Mo; "..."

Well, men might be so.

"Seven elders, have you ever heard of the underground city?"

Han Jiangxue changed the subject.

"Underground City? It seems a familiar name, let this fairy think about it."

Xiao Ruhan paced slowly. After ten seconds, he said, "I remember, it was a place outside the law. Many years ago, an anti-human evil sect appeared in the mainland. I don't know how many people were killed. Wanted by the mainland powerhouse, but he was very strong, and then inexplicably disappeared. It is said that he hid in a place, that place is called the underground city."

Xiao Ruhan paused, and continued: "It is said that that place is underground. I don't know why there is a huge space under the ground. Then he captured a lot of humans, maybe tens of thousands, maybe more, and how much he used. It was established in 1999, and an extra-legal land, the underground city was built. Later, I heard that many people wanted in the mainland would try their best to get to the underground city because it was safe."

"Is it another place outside the law?" Chen Mo pondered slightly.

"Is it easy to find?" Chen Mo asked.

Xiao Ruhan took a sip of wine, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said, "Someone knows, where are you going?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Well, I will help you to ask questions and I will answer you tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you Fairy Master."

Han Jiangxue then wondered: "Seven elders, if there is a place outside the law, all people are damned, why does anyone know that no one will encircle and suppress?"

Xiao Ruhan said: "Perhaps they are a great blessing to be there. Think about it. They are hiding there. It is said that they have conditions to come out, so they will not harm the mainland. If we fight over, there will be chaos. There may be a lot of people who can't take care of it and fled to the mainland in large numbers again. That's a bad thing again, right?"

"That's it."

"Okay, okay, you continue to kiss, this fairy will go eat some delicious food first."

Xiao Ruhan then hummed a little song and walked away.

Han Jiangxue then gave Chen Mo an awkward look.

"Seven elders are like this."

Chen Mo nodded.

Chen Mo has always been adhering to the principle that no matter where people go, whether they are good or bad, they will always get something, positive or negative, that is God’s guidance to you, for the time being Can't find other rules, so Chen Mo went with Han Jiangxue, what unexpected gains could he get?

Apart from other things, it is also a gain to be promoted to one and two levels, right?


Early the next morning, Chen Mo and Ran Qingqiu walked out of the room.

"Oh huh."

In the courtyard, Xiao Ruhan sat on the stone bench and looked at them with a smile.

Chen Mo: "..."

Wow! This fairy master is poisonous recently.

Ran Qingqiu's pretty face suddenly turned red.

"I... I'm going to get some food."

After speaking, she ran away quickly.

Xiao Ruhan smiled and leaned in front of Chen Mo.

"Tsk tusk tusk, Xiao Momo, Xiao Momo, I think when we first met, you were so innocent and so consistent, and now...you have changed."

"Uh-Master Fairy, I am my partner, isn't that okay?" Chen Mo said helplessly.

"It's nothing, this fairy just sighs that things are impermanent, even Xiao Momo, you are already like this, hey...grow up."

Chen Mo; "..."

Xiao Ruhan smiled and said: "Okay, no joke, here is the location of the underground city."

Then Xiao Ruhan handed Chen Mo a map, and Chen Mo glanced at it.

"In the Profound Earth Empire?"

Chen Mo asked in surprise.

"Normal, the Profound Earth Empire is vast and sparsely populated, and there are many places where no one exists all the year round. It makes sense that the shameless underground city was built in the Profound Earth Empire."

Xiao Ruhan took out a drink and said lightly.

"Well, then I will go with Senior Sister Han."

"I heard Xiao Jiangxue say the reason for your going there, just pay attention to safety, remember to take Xiao Jiangxue down."

Chen Mo; "..."

"I said Master Fairy~www.readwn.com~ Why do you keep asking me to treat other girls?"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

Xiao Ruhan rubbed his chin and circled Chen Mo twice, and said, "How can I say, you are still good, although you are a thousand miles away from this fairy, but it is still better than the others. I'm satisfied, whether it's Xiao Jiangxue or Xiao Qingqiu, or other pretty girls in the sect, including...Xiao Yuhan..."

Speaking of Ye Yuhan, Xiao Ruhan sighed slightly, and then continued: "This fairy thinks they are very good. Rather than cheaper other men at the time, it's better to give it to you. I think it's good, after all. The character of the fairy is still in the eyes."

Chen Mo; "..."

"I keep promoting others, and I haven't seen you think about your lifelong events."

Chen Mo grumbled.

Xiao Ruhan paused when he was drinking.

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