I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 931: Xiao Momo, you are so insidious

Xiao Ruhan then took a sip of wine and glanced at Chen Mo.

"What? Are you anxious to sell your invincible and beautiful fairy master?"

Chen Mo shook his head; "No, I guess there are very few people who can get your way."

"It's not so pitiful."


"Isn't born yet."

Chen Mo: "..."

Well, this Xiao Ruhan's narcissism level is still unmatched, but she is indeed excellent, at least in Chen Mo's view, she is very mysterious. On the surface, she seems to be just the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace, but in fact it is definitely not the case. !

Create the law, and then meet a lot of bigwigs... This plus the previous top-level spiritual weapon in the continent's top starry sky map, is not something a little Weiyang Palace Seven Elder can have.

It's just about Xiao Ruhan's true identity that Chen Mo didn't really understand, so Chen Mo was just the seventh elder in her impression, and then a little more mysterious.

"Hurry up, be careful when you reach the underground city. The key is to keep a low profile. Your low profile is quite low profile, but you always become the highest profile person inexplicably." Xiao Ruhan shook his head.

Strange, really strange, this Chen Mo was really low-key, she saw it, but the more low-key, the more inexplicably he became the most sensational person.

"I know."

"Are you going with Xiao Jiangxue?" Chen Mo asked.

"Well... I don't want to bring Xiaoyuan and the others, let them stay here to play." Chen Mo said.

"Where is Xiao Qingqiu?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "Forget it."

"Well... if you avenge Xiao Jiangxue, you might win her heart, wow!!"

Xiao Ruhan suddenly realized something, and then stared at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

"Xiao Momo, you are so insidious."

Chen Mo;? ? ?

"what happened?"

Chen Mo asked dumbfounded.

"I didn't realize this fairy, but now this fairy realizes that you went to the underground city to help Xiao Jiangxue get revenge. You don't bring this Xiao Qingqiu, and then you two with Xiao Jiangxue. Once you help her get revenge, she I will fall in love with you, not to bring Xiao Qingqiu in order not to disturb your two-person world, so that you can start with Xiao Jiangxue! Xiao Mo Mo, Xiao Mo Mo, you are not simple at all, you are deliberate, not simple! You It's not the same little Momo anymore."

Xiao Ruhan shook his head and said.

Chen Mo;? ? ?

He really didn't mean that, because it was inconvenient to bring her without dyeing Qingqiu, because of Mao? Chen Mo is going to do business. If he brings his partner, there is a Han Jiangxue next to him. It may be a bit weird. Should he show his affection in front of Han Jiangxue? He really just wanted to help Han Jiangxue as a friend.

"I don't mean that."

"Stop talking, I don't believe anything you say."

Chen Mo; "..."

"Well, I'll take Qingqiu with me." Chen Mo said helplessly.

"Na na na, guilty, and now you are taking Xiao Qingqiu again? Tui!"

Chen Mo: "..."

"Let's go, take Xiao Qingqiu, maybe the two of you can stay in the same room with you, come on." Xiao Ruhan then flashed her beautiful eyes and walked away with a smile.

Chen Mo; "..."

Wow! This Xiao Ruhan is really worse than his man.

Although it is indeed a dream for any man, Chen Mo Zhenxin is no exception. It is in every man's subconscious mind, but it only shows a lot. If not, it proves that this man treats someone A woman gave all her love.

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders, and just as Ran Qingqiu walked in.

"Let's go to the underground city together later."

Chen Mo said.

Ran Qingqiu naturally nodded without hesitation.

"it is good."

Then bring Ran Qingqiu together, she is also a very strong combat power.

"By the way, you are also a member of Yangshen Sect. Yangshen's foreign teachers should be in the underground city. Can you tell who is Yangshen's foreign teachers?" Chen Mo asked.

Ran Qingqiu said: "If the power is released, it can be distinguished, but if the underground city is the place where the Yangshen Sect is a foreign teacher, it is estimated that the whole place is controlled by the Yangshen Sect."

"I'm not sure about this, I'll talk about it later."

"it is good."

Han Jiangxue also came here, she glanced at Ran Qingqiu.

"The three of us go together."

Han Jiangxue nodded: "It's okay, it would be better for an affair girl to help."

"Then let's go."

Then they went to Weiyang Palace, and with the help of Weiyang Palace's teleportation array, they randomly came to the edge of the Profound Earth Empire.

The three took a glance.

When this Profound Earth Empire fell into it, they could clearly feel the scorching heat and dryness that came on their faces, and they were in the desert, with yellow sand in their eyes.

"Seventy percent of the Profound Earth Empire is desert. Where are we going?"

Ran Qingqiu glanced at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took out the map Xiao Ruhan gave him.


Ran Qingqiu pointed.

Chen Mo nodded: "What is the name of Death Shahai?"

"I have heard that it is said that ordinary people in that desert are basically dead and dead, and it is very dangerous for warriors to enter. A very powerful monster in the Xuantu Empire seems to be dying in the sea of ​​sand."

Han Jiangxue glanced around.

"This... seems to be the death sand sea."

Han Jiangxue then pointed to the distance and said: "Death celestial phenomena only in the sand sea of ​​death."

They raised their heads and looked into the distance.

Chen Mo; "..."

The celestial phenomenon of death is actually a sandstorm, but it belongs to the kind of sandstorm with unimaginable intensity. Because sandstorms in any place cannot be compared with this place, it is called a celestial phenomenon of death. It is impossible for ordinary people to survive, and the survival of warriors may not be great, unless you are in a very realm. high!

The most frightening thing is that this kind of dust storm will hit you with a scorching heat that exceeds the temperature of the flame. This is the real death. The more severe temperature may be no less than magma. If an ordinary fairy-level warrior encounters At that level of sandstorm, it would be dead!

Think about it ~www.readwn.com~ is equivalent to splashing magma on you, constantly splashing, can you bear it?

So there are very few monsters here, and any monsters you meet here will not be weak.

The sandstorm is far, far away, but they have already felt the heat wave on their faces.

This is definitely the sea of ​​death! This heat wave should be over eighty degrees. When it gets closer, Baidu will be easy.

However, for a master of their level, this kind of dust storm has time to dodge, and it will not hurt.

In the next instant, Ran Qingqiu and Han Jiangxue shot at the same time, each holding Chen Mo's hand.

And Bai Hanxue, who was holding Chen Mo's left hand, instantly blushed...

Spring heart rippling hands...

Chen Mo quickly released her and Bai Hanxue returned to normal. At the same time, Ran Qingqiu took Chen Mo and jumped.

The powerhouse of Shenhuang level can go from the sky.

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