I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 957: Looking for the corpse king

Chapter 948

Chen Mo didn't go online either, because he was with Lin Kexin, so he doesn't need to worry about anything, and don't worry about the characters in the game.

Lin Kexin returned to the room and wandered around.

Damn! So annoying!

Finally, she summoned her courage.

"Come on, Kexin! You and Brother Chen Mo have known each other for so long, and they are very familiar with each other, and you like Brother Chen Mo very much, um..."

Lin Kexin plucked up the courage to walk out of the room and stand at the door of Chen Mo's room.

Finally, she took a deep breath and knocked on Chen Mo's door.

The door had been knocked, and she had no room for maneuver.

The door was opened by Chen Mo.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo asked.


Lin Kexin blushed and was startled.


Lin Kexin was already very courageous, but after seeing Chen Mo, she couldn't say anything, and then blushed and ran away.

Chen Mo scratched his head.

What happened to this girl today?

Chen Mo tried hard to understand, shook his head and went back to bed to sleep.

The next morning, Chen Mo was awakened by the smell of the fragrance that came into the room, and then walked out of the room. Lin Kexin was making breakfast, and Xiao Meng also rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned and walked out.

"It smells so good."

Xiao Meng swallowed and said.

"Breakfast will be ready soon, Xiao Meng can eat after washing it up."

Lin Kexin said something and saw Chen Mo, her face blushed again.

"Chen... Brother Chen Mo, breakfast is almost ready."

Chen Mo nodded and walked over.

"What did you knock on my door last night for?" Chen Mo asked.

Lin Kexin; "..."

Ahhhhh! So shy!

Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin's red face and squeezed it.

"what happened?"

"No...nothing, really fine."

Lin Kexin shook her head.

"Well, I'm going to wash up."

After breakfast, they went online one after another, and then came to Chu Naihe!

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Chu Naihe shouted happily.

He didn't go offline all night last night, An Qing was able to speak, he chatted with An Qing all night, and she was able to speak slowly! It's really special excitement!

Chen Mo nodded and said, "Can you do the task now?"

Chu Naihe came over: "Of course it's okay, Huzi, Chaoping, Qingyun, team up!"

Then the three people walked over and saw Chen Mo's excitement again.

"Is there another one?" Chen Mo asked.

"Oh, maybe something is going on, it’s okay, let’s just go! And we’re more looking for it, because it’s been several days, and trillions of players have accepted this task, because the rewards are very luxurious, but They haven't gotten any results for several days, and we can only look for them."

Chu Naihe said.

Chen Mo nodded: "No problem."

"But... we have to have a mount, otherwise the speed is too slow! I only have small pets."

Chaoping said awkwardly.

"Doesn't the Great God Chen Mo have a powerful mount?"

Sister Qingyun looked at Chen Mo expectantly.

Chen Mo shook his head; "Not there."


Lin Kexin thought for a while and said, "Or... let Xiaohuang come out, Xiaohuang can bring many people."

Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin.

Lin Kexin's mount was Dark Phoenix, very powerful, but Chen Mo rarely saw it.

"Why didn't you let Xiaohuang take us on our way before?"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

Lin Kexin whispered: "Yesterday and a few days ago, Xiaohuang was in an evolutionary state, so today is better."

"That's it!"

"Is it the Dark Phoenix?"

Huzi asked excitedly.

That is the top mount that is now on the list.

Lin Kexin nodded, and then summoned Xiaohuang.

With a cry, a little phoenix combining red and black light flew out, spinning in mid-air, looking suffocated to death.

The little phoenix at this moment is no longer the small pet before, and is now at least two people old.

"very handsome!"

They looked enviously.

"Little Phoenix."

Lin Kexin shouted, and then Xiao Huang fell in front of Lin Kexin, rubbing Lin Kexin.

"Then let's go!"

"Little Phoenix, take us out."

There was a cry, and then Xiaohuang quickly grew bigger!

"I'm going! I've been in this game for so long. I have never taken a flying mount before. I see those strong and some top players who have taken flying mounts every day. I really look forward to this feeling!"

Chaoping exclaimed, and then they jumped up.


With a cry, Xiaohuang flew out with everyone! The other players and the people in the city looked up one after another, showing surprised expressions.


Above, several players who have never been on a flying monster can't help but exclaim!

"Is this the feeling of flying? It's so cool! I'm so envious!"

"This is the meaning of our presence in the sky, we can feel the feeling we can't feel in reality!"


"Brother Chen Mo, where are we going?"

Lin Kexin asked.

Chen Mo looked at Chu Naihe and asked, "Where else hasn't been probed around here?"

Chu Naihe shook his head: "Actually, the places that should be explored in all directions have been explored, but this Arctic Empire is particularly difficult to search things because they are all covered by wind and snow, maybe some caves, underground caves, etc. It’s harder to be discovered, and it’s said that the one who wanted you was a corpse king who had been dead for a long time. Should the corpse king be in the coffin?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Well...it should be, even if it's not in the coffin, why should it be in the grave?"

"So we have to look for the cave again, the place where we entered the tomb, but it's all covered by the wind and snow. This is really difficult. No wonder so many people are looking for this task, but they have found nothing for many days."

Chen Mo thought about it~www.readwn.com~ His Shura killing pupils are useless. Shura killing pupils is used to search for organs or something. If it is a tomb, there are many organs inside, but that is also inside. The entrance is basically How could it be an agency?

But it is also possible!

After all, in Chen Mo's memory, there are many TV shows like tomb robbers, and the entrances of some powerful tombs may even be entered by a special method or mechanism!

And here is very likely to have derived a corpse king, that is an extremely ancient existence, the corpse king should still be in the tomb, otherwise the snow city should be gone, why is it infected? It is possible that the corpse gas infiltrated from somewhere and infected some insects, and the insects bit people again...

That is to say, somewhere must have been opened or leaked...

In the air, they saw a lot of players teaming up to explore in all directions. Because it was all wind and snow, the fire attribute players were especially important! While they were walking, they continued to melt the wind and snow without stopping the fire attribute power, exploring the ground for clues.

(End of this chapter)

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