I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 958: At the bottom of the river

Chapter 949

Chu Naihe said: "Big brother, this place has basically been explored, but it seems that today everyone realizes that it is necessary to clear all the wind and snow on the way to explore better, not only the players, but also ten Tens of thousands of NPC troops are sweeping the wind and snow to help our players do this task."

Chen Mo thought for a while, and said, "Go down and join the players. We can't find anything on it. Tens of thousands of players and hundreds of thousands of troops can't detect things, and there are probably many Arctic Empires. The powerful man sent by the royal family was not found in this case, and it should have been basically covered by the wind and snow."

"it is good!"

After they landed, Lin Kexin put away Xiaohuang.

"But... Great God Chenmo, logically speaking, the powerhouse of this continent should be able to perceive the existence of corpse energy, right?"

Qingyun asked Chen Mo suspiciously.

Chen Mo frowned.


The corpse qi should be easy to perceive, and it is not cryptic. For many powerful people, they only need to be aware of the traces that can be found along these traces. Then why has there been no news yet?

Quite strange.

"This is really strange."

Chen Mo nodded.

The people in front also discovered the existence of Chen Mo and others, but they did not know that they were Chen Mo, because the dark phoenix hardly appeared in the player’s sight a few times, so everyone did not know that this was the dark phoenix, but since Being able to use the top flying mount, the strength is naturally beyond doubt.

"For the time being, follow the big troops in front," Chen Mo said.

"it is good."

The reason why Chen Mo wants to take care of this matter, how should I put it, since he has encountered it, then he will treat it as something he encountered while traveling with Lin Kexin. It is very interesting to take advantage of the trend. If traveling is just to watch the scenery, That is really boring! And Lin Kexin obviously likes it too! She likes to take risks with Chen Mo!

In such a world, there will be no life-threatening risk if you die, and you can see and experience things that cannot be experienced in reality. That is absolutely exciting! What you dare not do in reality, you can do it here!

For example, in the reality of Resident Evil, instead of running, a group of you are still searching the zombie base camp? is it possible?

"Brother Chen Mo, Ke Xin actually has a skill."

Lin Kexin said suddenly.


Chen Mo and the others looked at Lin Kexin.

Lin Kexin then said: "Because Kexin's profession is a holy angel, the nemesis of all evil in the world, so there is a skill that can be activated for one minute. Within this minute, you can detect all the evil things around, including hiding it. Yes, but the range is limited, only 500 meters, and the cooling force is still inexplicably long."

Chen Mo thought for a while.

"The effect is not great, but if you find a suspicious place, you can release this skill." Chen Mo said.


"Holy angel, so envious." Sister Qingyun looked at Lin Kexin enviously, and then asked, "How can I hide the profession?"

It feels that those great people are all hidden professions, and as ordinary players, they have not even been in contact with hidden professions! This gap is too big.

"Hidden occupations depend on fate. Sometimes fate must be there, and fate is always indispensable. Hidden occupations also have high and low points. Big brother and sister-in-law's hidden occupations are top-notch. What if there are many hidden occupations? Still not great." Chu Naihe said.

Chaoping reluctantly said: "Different eyes and different pursuits. For me, now relying on the sky, if you are lucky, you can make more than 100,000 yuan a month, but if you are not lucky, it may be thousands of dollars a month. Well, and if I can have a hidden class, I can increase my strength even if it is not powerful. If I can fight more advanced monsters, I will have a better chance to sell good equipment."

That's right!

Tianlin is actually the second world, where currencies are interlinked, and even here you can earn more money. In reality, it is not easy for you to have a stable job. So in reality, those elders, 30 or 40 Reluctant to give up the job at hand, because to support the family! But young people are different!

Tianlin put everyone on the same starting line, and you are impoverished, but in Tianlin, maybe because of luck, you got something and burst out one thing, just sell it for millions or even more!

Tianlin has changed the lives of not many people. Of course, more people should not be able to make money and still can't make money. You can't hit silver and gold tools when they are valuable, but now you hit them but they are worthless!

Previously, the gold tools were randomly hundreds of thousands and millions. Now, the 30-level gold tools, can you sell them for 10,000 yuan?

But for Chaoping and Huzi, they are about 20 years old, and they are more here for making money than for playing.

At this time, several powerful players in front of them fell, and they immediately attracted the attention of those players who had been rushing to find them.

"Senior, did you find any clues?"

Someone asked.

An old man shook his head: "No, you have been here for so long. Where did the seventy or eighty thousand people who ran out of Snow City go before? Do you know?"

"I don't know. Didn't you go to other cities?"

"Other cities do not enter. They can only return to Syracuse, but they have not returned to Syracuse now. It is very likely that there will be accidents. You must also be careful. It is very likely that you will be attacked by hundreds of thousands of poisonous people in the future." The old man reminded.

"Also, one of the monster beasts within a radius of several tens of miles has disappeared. It is very strange. It may also be related to the corpse king. Maybe you will be attacked by countless corpse monsters. Be careful, if something happens, it will not only happen by yourself, but you will become one of the enemy's forces!"


Then the old men galloped away.

"It seems that there is nothing ahead, so let's change direction."

Chu Naihe asked Xiang Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly noticed where the players stopped in front.

This is a small high slope~www.readwn.com~ Chen Mo walked over and found that there was a river below, not too big, the whole river was frozen, after all, the weather was so cold.

"Everyone, let's go, there is probably nothing wrong here, go to another place!"

"Hey, I wasted a few days in vain. If this task cannot be completed, my mentality will not be good!"


Chen Mo asked at this time: "Have you ever searched the river?"

Many people looked at Chen Mo.

"I don't know, I haven't searched it anyway."

"No! Is there anything wrong in the river?"


Chen Mo pondered slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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