Chapter 950

Why would Chen Mo doubt the bottom of the water?

It's very simple, didn't it happen that the corpse qi was not detected? Then there is a thick layer of ice on the surface of the river, this ice can completely prevent the leakage of corpse energy! Then why can't you doubt it?

And they really didn't have anyone to pay attention to the river, the river may have walked past countless times, but who has broken the ice?

"Is this big brother??"

A player noticed Chen Mo.

Chen Mo shook his head: "Nothing, has anyone seen the bottom of the river?"

"No, is there something at the bottom of the river?"

Some of them saw Chen Mo jump off Xiaohuang, and felt that he was a master.

Chen Mo walked toward the river, then looked down at the fish swimming in the river.

Normally it looks like nothing, but what makes Chen Mo feel quite weird is that...these fish swim extremely excited.

"These fish swim very fast, but it's so cold now. Fish under the ice water would normally not be so active, right?"

Lin Kexin asked a question of common sense.

"What is this, do you need to doubt anything?"


Chen Mo crushed the ice with one foot.

Everyone:? ? ?

"Damn it? That thick ice surface was crushed directly?"

"Nima! How much is this player's power worth? This..."

"Master! This is definitely a master!"


Then several players learned to be like Chen Mo, but they kept jumping around on the ice without breaking them.

Most of them are ordinary players, and Chen Mo's power value is simply crushing them.

Chen Mo was even more exaggerated in their eyes!


Chen Mo directly stretched out his hand and caught a fish, which kept flapping in Chen Mo's hand, and then Chen Mo reached out his hand and placed it next to the fish's mouth, and the fish directly bit into Chen Mo's hand.

What everyone saw was dumbfounded!

What is this for?

" are immune to infection effects."

Chen Mo slightly ticked the corner of his mouth, as expected!

"Big brother, what are you doing?" a player asked with a sword in doubt.

"you try?"

Chen Mo handed the fish over.

"Ding...You have been infected, and your health drops every second, and your attributes continue to decrease."

The player:? ? ?

"Damn! This fish can be infected! This fish is also infected!"

The player exclaimed!

"I can't it? The water is also infected?"

Everyone exclaimed, and then more gathered around.

So now Chen Mo has a doubt!

What if the first people in Floating Snow City were not bitten by bugs? But because of eating fish in this river?

If this is the case, the river may be the first leak!

With this suspicion, Chen Mo began to look at the river carefully.

"Great God, what's the situation?"

Someone asked Chen Mo.

"Go and explore this river to see if there is anything special." Chen Mo said.


These players are all eating, they do this task for luxurious task rewards and money, which is equivalent to the task issued by the Arctic Empire! The reward will never be less! Even one point can have a lot! After all, this matter makes the empire panic! Do you think that once it broke out, wouldn't the entire Arctic Empire be over?

Then the surrounding players scattered to observe if there is any special place in this river.

Now in their eyes, Chen Mo is a great god! They didn't have any clues anyway, and at this moment there appeared a person who seemed to be quite powerful to them, and he would naturally listen to him.

"Great God, who are you on the ranking list?"

A girl quietly approached Chen Mo and asked.

"Uh-not on the leaderboard."

Chen Mo shook his head and said.

Next to Chu Naihe they suffocated a smile.

Well, it is not on the ranking list, but it is stronger than anyone else.

"Great God Great God, here, come and take a look here!"

In one place, one person shouted at Chen Mo, and then many people all surrounded him.

The ice surface there was blasted out of a big hole by the player's skills.

What did Chen Mo find when he walked over?

There is a stone at the bottom of the river, but it seems that some water is flowing under the stone!

What's happening here?

Obviously, there should be a hole under this five or six-meter stone!

Chen Mo sacrificed an ordinary weapon, and then his power directly slashed over.


When the dust and silt from the bottom of the water dissipated, countless, massive amounts of water crazily poured into that huge hole!

That's right! There is a hole close to two meters in size under the rock.

"It looks like this is it!"

"Damn! Hide the map!"

"Should this be the mission point?"

"I'll go! After looking for it for so long, it turns out that it is really hidden in the bottom of the river!"


Everyone exclaimed!

"Go in!" Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin and said!



Then they jumped in one by one!

Those players are also following their footsteps.

After jumping in, it was a long-distance underground river. This underground river and underground space were much larger than they had imagined!

Fortunately, they are all players, and their ability to hold their breath has been improved many times compared to reality, otherwise, I am afraid that many of them will be suffocated to death.


Two minutes later, Chen Mo emerged from the water and came to an underground space.

Lin Kexin was pulled up by Chen Mo, and Chu Naihe followed closely!

"Damn! Isn't this a tomb?"

Chu Naihe exclaimed.

Chen Mo nodded: "It's a tomb, so the situation is clear now."

That's right, the situation is clear. The entrance to a tomb at the bottom of the river may be just one of the entrances, and then the corpse in the tomb or something in the tomb left through the entrance, causing the external situation.

This corpse king has either left or is still here!

It should still be here, because if you leave, with the defenses and the number of strong people in Floating Snow City, you can't stand it at all. At this moment, Floating Snow City has completely fallen, and even the surrounding cities have already fallen!

Players one after another also surfaced and climbed up!

"I'm going! This... This is really a hidden map!"

"So big! What a shocking place!"


Everyone exclaimed!

"Quick! Go in and see what happens!"

Then those players ran forward one after another!

They are of course they are grateful to Chen Mo, but grateful to be grateful, everyone wants to move forward as soon as possible, because there is no benefit in the back! Anyway, even if you hang up, you won't really die!

"Shall we go too?"

Sister Yunqing asked in a low voice.

Chu Naihe looked at Chen Mo and asked, "Big Brother, how are you doing it now?"

"Just follow."

Chen Mo didn't know what was ahead, but wouldn't it be nice to have players exploring the way ahead?

(End of this chapter)

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