I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 960: He is Chen Mo!

Chapter 951 He is Chen Mo!

A few people followed the frantic rush in front, and soon hundreds of players walked forward calmly behind.

"Damn! Zombies! Nima coins!"

"Made!! A level fifty zombie? It's okay too! Go!"



Soon the sound of those players fighting from the front came, various skills and various forces bombarded like crazy.

Those are zombies and look a bit disgusting, not skeletons, but everyone knows that this is a game, so there is nothing to fear.

"Big brother, I'm going to level up too."

Chu Naihe said.

Chen Mo nodded.


Then they rushed forward too.

"Brother Chen Mo, do we want to level up?" Lin Kexin asked.

Chen Mo said, "Whatever, we come here more for adventure, just play as we like, right?"


Then the two of them continued to move forward with the large group!

These zombies are not terrible, because there are no BOSS, these players may not be too strong, but if this level of mobs can not be beaten, then it is really shameful.

Those in front pick up equipment.

"I'm going! This golden monster actually exploded the golden weapon!"

"Wow! What a pity, this golden tool is not too valuable now!"

"Some of the fifty-level ordinary golden tools can even sell for hundreds of thousands. The explosion rate of these monsters is so high!"


There were a lot of golden weapons exploded in the front, and they were basically level 40 or 50, which made those players extremely excited!

"In front, there is a lot of space in front!"

Someone exclaimed, and then ran over.


Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

"What happened to Brother Chen Mo?"

Lin Kexin asked.

"There is no mechanism in this tomb, so far I haven't seen any mechanism." Chen Mo said.


Lin Kexin's small head tilted to show that she did not understand.

Chen Mo shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. The boat went straight to the bridge. Anyway, this was not his particularly important task! Just come and take a look.


Ahead, that huge space attracted countless exclamations from players!

Chen Mo and Lin Kexin couldn't help being shocked after they walked in!

"What's happening here?"

What's the situation ahead?

An extremely empty and huge space, the height of its head is probably hundreds of meters, in this space, there may be hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of terracotta warriors and horses arranged there in an orderly manner!

"A lot of terracotta warriors!"

Lin Kexin also exclaimed, it was really spectacular!

"Is the owner of this tomb a general?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

Some players jumped down one after another, observing the terracotta warriors.

"It's weird, why are there so many terracotta warriors and horses here, monsters?"

"Maybe you need to go to the next map to meet the monster."


Chen Mo walked over and looked at the terracotta warriors and horses.

Suddenly Chen Mo frowned suddenly!

What did he find? ?

He was looking at the eyes of a terracotta warrior, and then he suddenly saw the inside of the terracotta warrior's eyes, as if there were really a pair of eyes moving while looking at him!

This scene was extremely strange and terrifying, even Chen Mo was frightened at that moment.


At this moment, a gate suddenly fell at the place where they entered, completely blocking the entrance!

Everyone looked at it suspiciously.

"I'm going! Why is this closed?"

"Is it a trap?"



A player screamed and everyone looked at him. A long spear in the hands of a terracotta warrior behind him directly pierced him! Most of the health bars are lost!

"Nima coins! Scammed the corpse?"

"Damn it? Isn't this a terracotta warrior? Isn't it clay? It will move?"


Many people were taken aback and ran up one after another.

Da da da--

The clay on the terracotta warriors and horses was shattered and fell off from the body!

Then hundreds of thousands of troops appeared in front of them.

Everyone:? ? ?

"My Nima? These are not clay? These are real people sealed inside?"

"This is too exaggerated? Hundreds of thousands! This..."

"This Nima is over! The back road is broken!"


Everyone showed horrified expressions.

"very scary!"

Lin Kexin opened her mouth slightly.

If it's just a game, maybe these are nothing, after all, it's just a setting, you can set it as you like! But now it’s different. This is the real world, which means...

When the owner of this tomb died, the army of hundreds of thousands was buried with him? It may be more than just these, because this is just entering here!

"Kill kill kill!"

The army shouted this word, and then rushed to the players!


Then those players greeted them helplessly, and the army was fighting.

"Brother Chen Mo, what should we do?" Lin Kexin asked.


Chen Mo sacrificed his weapon and said, "That can only be killed!"

"But a lot!"

Chen Mo smiled and said, "More does not mean that you are strong!"

Players hung under the swords, spears, swords and halberds of thousands of horses. The players couldn't stand it at all. They yelled and retreated, and the army pressed over.

"Great God, won't you make a move? If we don't make a move, we will all die!"

"Damn! It's too much! It's useless for a great **** to make a move!"

"This Nima, why is it so exaggerated?"


Chu Naihe looked at Chen Mo and said, "Brother, I can only rely on you!"


Hearing what Chu Naihe said, everyone was stunned. What did he mean? What he meant was that this person can turn the tide? Is it reliable in this situation?

Yes, he may indeed be a master, but in this situation, the master... is it really useful?

Chen Mo nodded.

Then Chen Mo jumped... jumped to a high place and stood with the help of the bulge of the wall.

"Sura kills pupil!"

Standing tall and looking far away, with a wider vision, Shura's effect of killing pupils is better!

In an instant, the army of hundreds of thousands was shaking, roaring, and desperate...


Ten seconds later...

Hundreds of thousands of troops cannot afford it.

Everyone:? ? ?

"Ding... your level is increased to 69."

Chen Mo's level soared directly~www.readwn.com~ I rely on!

It's worth it!

With the experience value of these hundreds of thousands of troops, this trip by yourself is definitely worth it!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

died? All these are gone? It's gone for a moment?

"Chen Mo! It is the Great God of Chen Mo! He is the Great God of Chen Mo!"

One person pointed to Chen Mo and shouted in shock.


Everyone was dumbfounded!

"It's Chenmo Great God, Chenmo Great God has such a skill! Have you forgotten?"

"Damn! Chenmo, Gongzimo! Oh my God!!"

(End of this chapter)

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