I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 971: Lin Kexin's courage

Chapter 962 Lin Kexin's Courage

Chen Mo also probably knows the location of Snow Imperial City, but now the City Lord of Snow Imperial City points to that direction, and even tells Chen Mo the approximate kilometers, then Chen Mo basically counts it!

The person he met should indeed be from Snow Imperial City! But what Chen Mo didn't understand was that whether it was the old man Lin Kexin was talking about or the person who was talking about Snow City City Lord, it would be like this for Mao? It's really strange.

"Thank you City Lord, I will probably go over and see it again!"

"Hey, Young Master Chenmo, you have to be careful, this legend of Snow Imperial City must have been heard of Young Master Chenmo before, and I don't know the specifics!"

The City Lord of Snow City reminded.

Chen Mo nodded: "You'll know when you get there!"

"Then I wish Young Master Chenmo a smooth journey!"

Chen Mo gave a fist: "Thank you!"

After eating, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin left the Floating Snow City, found a place and went offline to rest!

This is the benefit of players!

You said that if Chen Mo came out with an NPC, like Xiaoyuan, if there is no city nearby, would Chen Mo dare to go offline? Don't dare! There is a city, Chen Mo, go in, let Xiao Yuan live there before he can go offline!

But it's comfortable now! Both Chen Mo and Lin Kexin are players, going offline anytime.

After going offline, Xiao Meng was also called out, and then Zhao Yingmeng and the others also called, and they had a barbecue for themselves in this back garden!

"Brother, Xiaoyuan and the others talk about you every day and miss you."

Xiao Meng is eating chicken wings, wow! It's not too delicious.

Chen Mo nodded; "I know, I'll go back later, you guys have fun."

"Brother Chen Mo is really unkind."

Zhao Yingmeng murmured.

"what happened again?"

Chen Mo looked at this beautiful girl helplessly.

"Big Brother Chen Mo and Ke Xin have gone wandering the world."

Zhao Yingmeng was wronged.

A long time ago, I had agreed to take her, but...

Oh oh...

"People go on their honeymoon, you go to be a light bulb!"

Zhao Yingluo rolled her eyes.


Zhao Yingmeng's little mouth pursed.

"No, we are going to do the task, killing some monsters along the way, it's pretty interesting anyway."

Lin Kexin said with a smile.


Zhao Yingmeng really envy!

She used to clean up monsters with Chen Mo, and it felt so comfortable to be a follower behind!

Wow! So envious.

"Let's be together again when I have time. Now I will do the task." Chen Mo said.

It can be considered a task, he is looking for the law, to Snow Imperial City! By the way, with Lin Kexin... well... it's a honeymoon.

In fact, it doesn't count. I haven't pulled this hand much.

"Humph, anyway, the heroine is now working hard to improve her level, and she will definitely be able to help Brother Chen Mo by then!"

Lin Qinghan smiled and said, "Then come on."


Lin Qinghan looked at Chen Mo and said, "I have taken over the business of Fengshenzong in the player, so there shouldn't be any major problems at the moment!"

"With Chen Mo's eldest brother and Gongzi Mo's reputation, it is simply an infinite market." Zhao Yingluo said.

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, just do it tentatively, there is no need to do too much!"


They froze for a moment.

Don't do too much?

This... Is there anyone who doesn't value money?

Chen Mo really doesn't pay much attention to money, it should be really easy for him to want money!

"Well, I will do my best." Lin Qinghan nodded and said.

Zhao Yingmeng next to him frantically sprinkled chili noodles on the chicken wings!

What Chen Mo saw was shocking.


Then Zhao Yingmeng swallowed and bit into it.

"Isn't it spicy?"

Lin Kexin was also taken aback.

"Barbecue is delicious like this! Phew—"

"By the way, Brother Chen Mo, Ke Xin, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, you can go to our Zhao family to celebrate the New Year."

Zhao Yingluo suddenly thought of something.

"Anyway, Sister Qinghan also agreed to go to the Zhao family for the New Year."

Zhao Yingmeng also looked at Chen Mo expectantly.

"It's not necessary."

"Go, it's fun when everyone is together."

Chen Mo hesitated.

Because Chen Mo is also very grateful to the Zhao family.

"Well, I'll talk about it then!"


Zhao Yingmeng jumped up happily.

After eating, everyone separated.

"Xiaomeng, I took a shower and went to bed, and I am not allowed to play games at night."

Lin Kexin rubbed Xiao Meng's head.

Xiao Meng is still young and can't stay up all night to play games.

"Yeah, Xiao Meng is very good."

Lin Kexin smiled and nodded; "If you know you are good, go."

Then Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo, who had already taken off his down jacket.

"I'm going to take a bath." Chen Mo said.

"Ah... Kexin releases water for Brother Chen Mo."

Then Lin Kexin hurried to the bathroom to adjust the water temperature for Chen Mo.

Chen Mo went to take a bath, and Lin Kexin fell into entanglement again.

Hmm...Should I wait for him in Brother Chen Mo's room?

Chen Mo wiped his hair and walked out, then returned to his room and saw Lin Kexin sitting on the edge of his bed.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin suspiciously.

Lin Kexin blushed.


Lin Kexin shook her head.

Chen Mo looked at this girl suspiciously, strange.

"Then go back and rest." Chen Mo said.


Lin Kexin stood up and bit her lip.

"That... Brother Chen Mo."


Lin Kexin mustered up the courage.

"But... Ke Xin, or... sleep in Brother Chen Mo's room."

Chen Mo: "..."

To be honest, Chen Mo was taken aback.


When Lin Kexin said this, she had no room for maneuver, and she was completely relieved.

It's just that the little face was so red that it was hot.

Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin.

To be honest, he was also a little nervous.


In Chen Mo's heart, Lin Kexin is different from any other girl. He didn't really want to just touch her like this...

"Kexin, talk about it later, now..."

Chen Mo didn't know what to say.

Lin Kexin bit her lip.

"Brother Chen Mo... doesn't he like Kexin that much?"

Lin Kexin showed a lost expression.

"No, it's not like that."

Chen Mo was also dumbfounded.

How could this girl think so!


Lin Kexin nodded ~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo then took her hand: "Because you are more important, so I don't want to touch you so early."

Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo with big eyes.

"Yes...Is that so?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"But... Ke Xin has so much courage to come..." Lin Kexin blushed.

Chen Mo scratched his head.

"Then...it really doesn't work, let's start with the game? In reality, I don't want to touch you so early anyway."

On the contrary, the more I cherish, the less I don't want to touch her so early.

Chen Mo didn't know if others were like this, but he was like this anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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