I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 972: Elf Girl

Chapter 963

Lin Kexin blushed and lowered her head.

"Um... in the game?"

She blushed.

"Yes." Chen Mo smiled and held her hand.

"Then you have to be ready, I will take advantage of you."

Lin Kexin blushed and ran away quickly.

Chen Mo smiled and looked at her back.

This girl...

She is very shy, Chen Mo knows how much preparation and courage she has made in her heart to say these things!

This should be something he took the initiative to say, but it's not that Chen Mo didn't take the initiative, but Chen Mo really didn't think about it. He really wanted to take care of Lin Kexin.

You said, even if Chen Mo is a straight man, he is basically able to Ye Yuhan, dye Qingqiu, Lin Xiaoyu and Han Jiangxue, including his body training! Otherwise, he could still dye Qingqiu and Han Jiangxue together that day...

But this girl took the initiative, and Chen Mo couldn't help it, so start from the game...

Anyway, the experience in the game and in reality is actually the same, um... also pretty good.


They went online the next morning after breakfast.

Lin Kexin was almost ashamed. He didn't say anything to Chen Mo early in the morning. He didn't dare to say it. He was too shy.

Chen Mo knew she was shy, so he didn't say much, so Xiao Meng thought they had a fight.

After going online, Lin Kexin became even more shy!

Because last night I said that I was going to be in the game... Now it is in the wilderness, is it the first time to be in the wilderness...

Chen Mo looked at this girl.

"What do you want?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

"Huh? No...no."

Lin Kexin shook her head.

"Still thinking about last night?"

Lin Kexin blushed.

"I can't give you anything in this snowy field, right?"

Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Brother Chen Mo has gone bad..."

Lin Kexin mumbled softly.

"Let's go, let's talk about it later, let's do the task first, you let Xiaohuang come out and take us to Snow Imperial City."

"it is good!"

Lin Kexin nodded with a red face.

Then the Dark Phoenix Xiaohuang came out and galloped away with them.

Chen Mo didn't know what was going on in the Snow Imperial City, but he had Shura killing his pupils, should he be able to see what's going on?

and many more!

Damn it!

Shura can't use killing pupils anymore!

Because Chen Mo had released Shura's active ability to kill the pupils, if the active skill was used, Shura would not be able to release the killing pupils for seven days, and he couldn't even detect them!

It seems only luck.

Xiao Huang's speed is not too slow, during this period Chen Mo and Lin Kexin have been chatting.

After a few hours, they probably reached the scope of Snow Imperial City!

Anyway, it is said that this place was once the location of Snow Imperial City, but many powerful people have come to look for it, and have never even appeared again. The specific Chen Mo needs to look again!

After they fell, they went offline to cook lunch and went online again after eating.

Before, I glanced at the surrounding situation on Xiaohuang’s back.

Anyway, there is no one in the distance, and there is no one. The legend about this place is terrible. How can anyone live around here?

All are undulating snowy mountains, snowy fields that you can't see at a glance, and you can't see the traces of monsters!

Chen Mo said that it was a little uncomfortable, if Shura killed the pupil now, it would be fine.

"Brother Chen Mo, how should we find it."

Lin Kexin expressed his confusion!

Chen Mo shook his head and said helplessly: "I don't know, I can only try my luck and find it slowly."


Then the two people walked forward aimlessly.

Yes, I didn't do anything all afternoon, just walking aimlessly.

In fact, Lin Kexin feels pretty good. Although she hasn’t gained anything, she really likes the feeling of being alone with Chen Mo. They can chat all the time and talk about various topics. It feels like time flies quickly. .

After dinner at night, they reluctantly went online again!

No idea! The place is too big, and Chen Mo's Shura killing pupil is gone, so he can only search aimlessly.

Then Xiaohuang took them to the highest mountain nearby, and the two of them sat there facing the wind and snow, and chatting while overlooking the darkness below.

"In fact, I should wait until my skills have cooled down before I come to this Snow Imperial City to look for it. Such a search is really a waste of time."

Chen Mo sighed and said.

It's better to level up with Lin Kexin, there is no need to do this.

"Kexin feels pretty good." Lin Kexin said softly, leaning on Chen Mo's shoulder.

Chen Mo glanced at this girl.

"Brother Chen Mo."

Suddenly Lin Kexin pointed in a direction and shouted.

Chen Mo's gaze followed the direction she pointed at!

A person?

It seems to be a person! Anyway, I can't see clearly, but it seems to be moving. At least this is the only living creature I encountered on this day. Whether it is a monster or something, it must have attracted their attention.



Then the two rushed over at a faster speed!


The man felt the movement behind him, stretched out his hand, a sword appeared in his hand, turned and pointed at Chen Mo and Lin Kexin.

Chen Mo looked at this girl in surprise!

She was a girl, she seemed not too old, and she was twenty years old. The most surprising thing was that her ears turned out to be pointed.

"Brother Chen Mo, is this... an elf?"

Lin Kexin opened her mouth slightly.


Chen Mo nodded.


So is she from Snow Imperial City?

It is logically possible, because the elves have been extinct in the mainland for a long, long time! Like the dwarves, the elves are also a poor race. Because of their kindness and beauty, the elves once became the slaves of the human race. They arrested the elven girls as maids. Later, together with the dwarves, the elves disappeared on the mainland. on!

Although the Human Race had realized the mistake, there was no way to atone for it.

"Who are you?"

The girl pointed her sword at them warily.

"We are here to find Snow Imperial City. Is the girl from Snow Imperial City?" Chen Mo asked.

She frowned suddenly!

Chen Mo then took out the token of Snow Imperial City~www.readwn.com~ Lin Kexin also took out one!

Seeing these two tokens, she opened her mouth slightly, then put away the sword, and the vigilance disappeared.

"This...this token are you..."

"It was given by someone I met accidentally." Lin Kexin whispered.

Then the elf girl bowed to them: "It turns out to be a friend, but the little girl is rude, please don't blame it for the two."

Chen Mo frowned.

"In other words...you are from Snow Imperial City, are you?"

The elf girl nodded: "Well, yes! The person who gets the token is the person who has helped us, our friend, and we won't hide anything from our friend!"

Chen Mo let out a long sigh of relief!

This luck...

(End of this chapter)

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