I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 974: Current status of Snow Imperial City

Chapter 965

Came to the Snow Imperial City, where it was completely unblocked, and then Chen Mo and Lin Kexin purchased a lot of food, and they filled their space rings anyway!

These are small amounts of money. For Chen Mo, money may be a number!

These foods are mainly meat, they eat very little, and there must be less meat! Then some things that can be stored, such as vegetable cakes, meat cakes, etc., like stir-fried vegetables are completely unnecessary.

I bought 10,000 vegetable cakes, 10,000 meat patties, and a lot of cooked pork knuckles and other things. Then Chen Mo left some space and bought a lot of seeds.

"Brother Chen Mo, aren't they talking about water and can't plant seeds?"

"There must be water, and it will definitely rain, but it may rain once many days, and people will die of thirst, but it is estimated that it will be similar to a severe drought and there will be no water for several months, otherwise it is estimated that the state The low ones are all dead, but they are not willing to use water to sow seeds, but it doesn't matter, I have a way."

Chen Mo squeezed her cheeks.

"Brother Chen Mo can do this too."

Lin Kexin opened her mouth slightly.

"Sure, otherwise, why should I buy seeds?" Chen Mo smiled.


Lin Kexin admires Chen Mo more and more.

After that, their figures disappeared in place, and then took out the token of Snow Imperial City, and the two disappeared here!

In fact, Chen Mo is really grateful, and also grateful for his destiny. Why?

If Chen Mo does not help Tianxuecheng, then Chen Mo may not get this second token, then Chen Mo and Lin Kexin may be the only one who can go there! And can't be together! So sometimes fate is so wonderful!


In the next instant, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin appeared in one place!

When they came to this place, their first feeling was to know why it was not suitable for living at all!

The icy environment, and it is dry and cold, even this cold is cold without snow! There is no snow in sight, and there are very few green plants! There is a sense of sight of an ice field without snow!

Where they are now is a very, very shocking huge city!

This should be Snow Imperial City! The scale of many years ago is still so shocking now!

Their location is the entrance to the huge gate of Snow Imperial City! And in front of the city gate, above the city wall, there are many strong men standing guard!

The city gate is open. Look along the city gate and you will find that the entire Snow Imperial City, whether it is roads, houses or whatever, has some diversion canals and water storage!

Obviously, if it rains, they want to store as much water as possible, but looking at this place, it seems that it hasn't rained for a long, long time!

From the back, Chen Mo glanced over, and it was obvious that it should be a place like no man's land.

The fairy girl just now also said that besides Snow Imperial City, there are many other races here! Obviously, the entire Snow Imperial City is the territory where the dwarves and elves, including the strongmen of the Snow Imperial City, were located. They did not expand their territory, because the Snow Imperial City is also big enough, because their number will not increase, because the total Some people will starve to death!

"Who are you!"

Several people fell in front of Chen Mo and Lin Kexin and blocked them.

Chen Mo and Lin Kexin took out the tokens, and then Chen Mo said, "We are from the outside world. I heard that Snow Imperial City still exists, and I heard that there is a big crisis here, so come and have a look!"

They glanced at each other.

"Young hero, girl, don't you know how this Snow Imperial City is going now? Why do you dare to come in? Once you come in, I'm afraid there will be no chance to go out!"

The soldier looked at Chen Mo and Lin Kexin and said.

"I heard, but we are willing to come in!"

"Hey...Since it's the choice of two, please follow us into the Snow Imperial City and register!"

How do you actually say it?

They admire that someone can come in. These are the only two foreigners who come here for so many years, but they don't want anyone to come in!

There are two reasons. First, you may not get out for the rest of your life after you come in! Secondly, when people come in, it means there are two more people, which means food, and more water will be distributed.

But I am also happy that they can come! After all, there can be more human power!

"Brother, let me ask how many people are there in Snow Imperial City right now?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Forty-eight thousand, two hundred and twenty-three!"

Chen Mo; "..."

Is it accurate to single digits?

No way, it must be accurate to single digits.

"I remember someone once said that when Snow Imperial City first came here, there were more than 300,000 people."

Chen Mo; "..."

"They are all……"

"Most of them died of starvation, the others were killed in battle, and few survived."

Said the man.

"The elves and dwarves..."

"The great elves of the elves, fire elves, water elves, wind elves, etc. total 3,800 people! There are 8,400 people of the dwarf people. I am also fortunate that there are water elves and snow elves, otherwise this water source will be even more scarce. ! It’s just that the water elves and snow elves add up to no more than fifty people, and they simply cannot feed tens of thousands."

The man sighed.

"What about the rest?"

"The other more than 40,000 people are the strong people who used to be in Snow Imperial City or the offspring passed down from generation to generation by the people! It's just that there are fewer generations than generations."

There are very few people on the road, why?

In order to consume less, they choose not to conduct more activities! Because activities will have greater intake!

"There is the Elf race, there is the Dwarf race, and the other places are where the people and the Snow Imperial City strong live! It is roughly divided into four areas, the strong area, the dwarf area, the elves area and the people area. "

He sighed again, and then they came to a room.

"Captain, there are two friends from outside."

The door opened instantly, and a man looked at Chen Mo and Lin Kexin.

They are all human races.

"Is anyone from the outside world? Didn't the heroes who went out met friends never said?"

Chen Mo said: "I said ~www.readwn.com~ we came in voluntarily."


The man froze for a moment.

"Well, I probably won't be able to get out once I'm in. Thank you for being here, so please prepare your identity first! Please come in."

Chen Mo said: "This."

Then a lot of food piled up at the door.

"We brought some food by the way, please share it with you!"

Seeing these foods, they showed excitement.

"Thanks...Thank you! Thank you very much, hurry, come in!"

Then Chen Mo and Lin Kexin walked into that room!

(End of this chapter)

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