I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 975: Snow King

Chen Mo and Lin Kexin sat in the room, and Chen Mo glanced.

There is nothing particularly worth looking forward to in the room.


He asked awkwardly.

Chen Mo shook his head.

This is very embarrassing, why? Because they lack water, and pouring a glass of water is the way to treat guests.

"There is a shortage of water here, and we are not thirsty."

Lin Kexin nodded.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Then he brought two pieces of paper.

"The two of you, please fill in the information. I am the captain of the Snow Imperial City team, Zhao Simiao. Just call me Captain Zhao!"

Chen Mo nodded, then filled in the information smoothly.

"But I'm very curious, since you know it's hard to get out here, why come here?"

Zhao Simiao looked at the two curiously.

Chen Mo naturally couldn't come to find the law, but said: "I'm particularly curious about Snow Imperial City, so come and have a look."

"Curiosity belongs to curiosity, hey... but it is likely to cause you a lot of trouble!"

Chen Mo then looked at Zhao Simiao and asked, "Captain Zhao, I have some idea of ​​the general situation in Snow Imperial City, lack of water and food."

"In fact, it is mainly due to lack of water, and food is lacking because of lack of water. For some of the higher realms, there is not much demand in this area, but almost 40,000 of our human races do not have much cultivation skills. It is an ordinary gift, and it cannot reach such a high level. Although there are many strong ones, the strong ones are not of much use here, and the strong ones cannot save the lives of these ordinary people."

"Is there a foreign race?"

Zhao Simiao nodded; "Well, it is the monsters. There are monsters in a large area outside the Snow Imperial City. Most of them are weak. Even these monsters will become our food, but there are still many strong ones. This whole place is very difficult to survive. There is no way. We can only stay in this Snow Imperial City. The remaining strong people keep going out and go far away to see if we can find a more suitable place for our survival. The place!"

Then he sighed and said: "Unfortunately, after searching for many, many years, I still haven't found it. Even some strong people can only come back several months after they go out."

Chen Mo sighed secretly, it's really a pity that the original Snow Imperial City was so powerful, but it was scammed by one person, got here, and then it became like this!

The dwarves and elves are also helpless!

"Actually, I have a way to rain here." Chen Mo looked at him and said.


Zhao Simiao looked at Chen Mo with an expression of disbelief.

"Young man, it has not rained in my place for six months."

Chen Mo then took out the jade and walked out.

Then Zhao Simiao also followed out.

After that, Chen Mo's thoughts moved. In an instant, dark clouds were covered, and then heavy rain fell only within the scope of Snow Imperial City!

Zhao Simiao:? ? ?

"It's raining, it's raining! Everyone is coming out soon!"

"It's raining! It's finally raining! Hurry, hurry!"


In an instant, on the street that looked deserted and deserted, I don’t know how many people rushed out, and then they took as many basins as they could imagine, caught the rain excitedly, and then opened their arms under the rain, excited The rain...

Chen Mo also sighed secretly when he saw this scene...

"This... this... young man, this..."

Zhao Simiao looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

"You wait...you wait!"

Then he dashed away.

Chen Mo scratched his head.

"Brother Chen Mo is so amazing, can Brother Chen Mo still let his breath rain casually?"

Lin Kexin opened her mouth and looked surprised!

No wonder Brother Chen Mo brought the seeds.

Above the Snow Imperial City Palace, a woman in a blue fairy skirt walked out, reaching out to feel the rain.

It's very strange, why did it rain down in an instant? There is no trend at all.

And she took a look, and it was only raining within the Snow Imperial City, not elsewhere!

Of course there are many other strong people who have the same doubts as her!

Ordinary people may be dazzled by the surprise and don't think about it.

Is it really the favor of Shang?

"Master Xuehuang, Captain Zhao please see me."

A girl saluted.


Then Zhao Simiao ran over quickly.

"See Master Xue Huang."

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Simiao stood up.

"Master Xue Huang, yes... it's like this, two human friends came from outside."


Xue Huang frowned slightly.

"They came here voluntarily knowing the situation here."

This surprised her.

"and then?"


Zhao Simiao watched the pouring rain outside and said, "That young hero can make it rain here, and then...the rain will come!"


Xue Huang showed a shocked expression!

"Quickly, show me him!"


Chen Mo and Lin Kexin also bathed in the rain of Zheng

"Let's go see the elves later, okay?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Lin Kexin nodded; "Good, good!"

But everyone has a longing for elves. Although they have met one, it must be very beautiful if they are all elves next to them.

Lin Kexin was very happy. Come out to play with Brother Chen Mo. Even the elves and dwarves can be seen by then. That's really good luck.

At this time, Chen Mo's gaze fell on a woman who hurriedly walked forward.

It was raining, but there was no drop on her body.

Chen Mo looked at her.

I go!

Noble temperament, how beautiful is it?

It's picturesque, um...It is estimated that Qingqiu, Han Jiangxue and the others should be able to compare with her in a few years! Mainly her kind of temperament is too dusty!

The temperament is a bit like...

Empress Saint Yao...

Xue Huang looked at Chen Mo and then at Lin Kexin.

Then she bowed to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo probed it.

Because there was no Shura to kill the pupil, Chen Mo's ordinary detection technique could not detect any of her attributes, all? ? ? .

"Young man, this is our Master Snow Emperor from Snow Imperial City."

Chen Mo frowned.

Snow King...

That seems to be a character from ten thousand years ago? But the former Snow Imperial City was tied to the Moon God Palace and the existence of the Xianzong level. That is, the woman in front of him was a Moon God level person?

The existence life of this level can reach hundreds of thousands of years~www.readwn.com~ Although she is a figure ten thousand years ago, she still looks so young! And it will definitely not hang up! So it's her!

"Chen Mo has seen Lord Snow Emperor!"

"Ke Xin has seen Lord Snow Emperor."

The two saluted.

"No need or not."

Xue Huang quickly helped them up personally.

"Young Master Chenmo, did you summon this rain?"

The Snow Emperor is straight into the subject!

She cares too much about this!

Chen Mo nodded.

I can unleash the ultimate move infinitely

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