I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 976: Law of Growth

Chapter 967

Xue Huang's beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

Her gaze then fell on Tianyu in Chen Mo's hands.

"Could this be the heavenly jade of the heaven and the earth?"

Xue Huang looked at Tianyu in surprise and said.

Chen Mo nodded.

She even knew the jade of heaven and earth! Sure enough, that level of existence!

"Sure enough! Sure enough!"

Xue Huang showed a surprised expression, and then she let out a long sigh of relief.

Except for Tianyu, she couldn't think of any other power that could call the wind and call the rain!

"Quick, please come in."

Then they entered the room again.

"Captain Zhao, pour water."

Then Zhao Simiao ran out to pick up some water and walked in.


The Snow Emperor was also embarrassed.

"You run out of water here?"

Zhao Simiao nodded awkwardly.

"The two, please go to the palace."

Xue Huang said.

Chen Mo shook his head: "No need for Your Excellency Xue Huang, we don't drink water."

Xue Huang also sighed helplessly.

"I'm sorry for the poor reception."

"Master Xuehuang, Young Master Chenmo also brought tens of thousands of vegetable cakes, meat cakes, and a lot of meat."

Zhao Simiao said.

Xue Huang looked at Chen Mo and then couldn't help standing up and saluting.

"Ashamed to say, I, the Snow Emperor, is of no use at all. I have seen too many deaths of ordinary people over the years but I can't do anything about it."

Xue Huang sighed.

"I've heard all of this, and it has nothing to do with Your Excellency Xue Huang. Who can resist this kind of thing?"

Xue Huang then looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

"Young Master Chenmo, can this jade be loaned to Snow Imperial City for the time being? Although my Snow Imperial City lacks food and water, there are still many top spirit artifacts. You can give it to you no matter what you want!"

Chen Mo hesitated.

Of course he knew what Xue Huang meant!

Heavenly Jade and Wind Calling for Rain, as long as this Heavenly Jade exists, they will never die of thirst or starvation! They can still flourish!

"It's no problem..."

Xue Huang's beautiful eyes lit up.

"But... doesn't seem to be needed either."

Xue Huang groaned.


"Because Young Master Chenmo may not be able to go out! I really don't want to understand why you dare to come here, but I will give you all the treasures I should give!"

Of course she was not gloating, she really couldn't get out!

Chen Mo thought for a while and asked, "Your Excellency Xue Huang, what was the situation of that trial?"

Xue Huang shook his head: "I don't know. We discovered that place some time after we came here, and after repeated trials, we discovered that the trial there is a special space that gives people a sense of trial. , The difficulty of the test faced by each person when entering is different."

The blood emperor paused, and then said: "For example, if a Faerie-level powerhouse enters, it may need to fight a trial that is several times more difficult than the Faerie-Class, and even if I go in, what I need to fight against is several times that of the Heavenly Forbidden level. Power, too difficult, too difficult. If a thousand people enter and one person can pass, it is a fluke!"

Chen Mo was secretly speechless!

"Simply over the years, some top geniuses have been born one after another, and they can pass."

"How many?"

"Ten thousand years...seven."

Chen Mo: "..."

"That's really unnecessary."

Xue Huang sighed.

"It's not necessary, but they always want to help everyone. Everyone in Snow Imperial City is very kind and simple."

Chen Mo then said: "But I don't need it now, I can let it rain here, and..."

Chen Mo released food.

"I brought the seeds of food!"


She gave an expression of surprise.

"Captain Zhao!"


"Greeting to the people to prepare for farming!"


Then Zhao Simiao ran out carrying food.

"Young Master Chenmo, Miss Kexin, I really don't know how to thank you."

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "Actually...I'm here for...the law."

"Is the law? Yes!"

Xue Huang said without hesitation!

Chen Mo's eyes lit up!

I rely on! This...is it done?

The Snow Emperor then said: "How can the grace of Young Hero Chenmo be comparable? I owe the people over the years. There are too many elves and dwarves."

Chen Mo shook his head: "It's not your fault!"

Then Xue Huang said: "The law lies in the elves."

"What is this law?" Chen Mo asked.

"The law of growth can directly improve the realm of one or some people with the help of the law, but the degree of improvement is limited. Most of them are used to improve the realm of ordinary people. There is no way to force them to promote growth. The people's talents are too poor, but A slight increase in their realm will make them endure more hunger! The reason why they are placed in the Elf race is because just a few days ago, the little princess of the Elf race broke through immediately, using this law to help her break through."

Chen Mo nodded.

This is the law of withering law, the law of growth! He needs it! And... Damn! It's really easy to come by!

"But... Xiao Xia Chenmo can't get out of this Snow Imperial City, even if there are rules, it's useless."

Xue Huang looked at Chen Mo and said.

"I should be able to go out!"

Chen Mo then took out the empty magic stone!

"Empty Magic Stone?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Such an empty magic stone, I am afraid that only one person can go out twice."

Chen Mo: "..."

"Actually, I also had an empty magic stone in my hand. It was not that big. I tried to get out, but I couldn't get out because there seemed to be a terrible barrier between here and the mainland. Even an empty magic stone would be difficult to break through! "

Snow King Road.

Chen Mo scratched his head.

It's embarrassing now...

"That's it!"

"I will bring Young Master Chenmo to get the law first." Xue Huang said.

"Don't worry, let's go around here first, there is no need to be in such a hurry!"

Xue Huang nodded: "Okay, then I will accompany the two of you around."

"Thank you!"

Then the three people walked out~www.readwn.com~ The rain is still falling, and the laughter is still far away...

"I heard that the former Snow Imperial City was very powerful."

Xue Huang nodded: "It's very powerful. In fact, it's not bad now. There are no less than a thousand humans in the Sky Forbidden level in the Snow Imperial City, and each of them is a top-level Sky Forbidden. What's the use?"

Chen Mo: "..."

This...is too scary?

"It's just that most of the strong have left the Snow Imperial City. They go to various places in this unimaginable world to find out if there is a place suitable for survival, and set up teleportation arrays far and far away. I am afraid that the distance we have traveled in the year is no less than the length of an empire, and some have even gone for several years. Although we have been searching for so long, it is a pity that this is everywhere in this place!"

Xue Huang said.

"But it's all right now, Young Master Chenmo, Miss Kexin brought the seeds and Tianyu, everyone can survive."

(End of this chapter)

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