Chen Mo and Lin Kexin followed the Snow Emperor to a location outside the city!

Their Snow Imperial City is still great, and this Snow Emperor’s command just now has thousands of people gathered here to open up wasteland! Ready to plant.

"Captain Zhao, why do we want to grow grain! This...there is no water for irrigation of grain from now on!"

A simple citizen asked puzzledly.

"Hahaha, people, from now on, you don't have to worry about this! Because, there is a savior in our Snow Imperial City!"

Zhao Simiao laughed and said!

As the captain and the people, if he wasn't in this suit, he might feel that he was also a citizen, enough to see how harmonious the relationship between everyone in this Snow Imperial City is!

no way!

Everyone in the Snow Imperial City can only live on each other!

If there is no mutual dependence, the entire Snow Imperial City may not be close to 50,000 people!

"Captain Zhao, what savior is it?"

Some people asked.

"He brought this rain! In the future, we can also have water in our farms, and all the edible animals we catch will have food for them to breed, so we don’t have to worry about starvation and thirst. Up!"

Then there are cheers! Many top experts next to them raised their hands to blast open the loose soil, and then watched this scene with a smile.

Chen Mo secretly sighed when he saw this scene!

A group of strong people who are top-notch outside will be excited and happy about these things!

"Brother Chen Mo, I feel that there is actually a special harmony here, and the relationship is particularly good." Lin Kexin said.

Xue Huang nodded; "Yes, everyone in Xue Huang City must learn to rely on each other. There may be one person who is about to starve to death, but it may not rain in a year. I am afraid that the entire Snow Emperor City will not be able to find some water. Someone will take out the only water left at home to save their lives! Also because of this, there are still close to 50,000 people in Snow Imperial City."

Chen Mo asked: "According to the Snow Imperial City there were 300,000 people before."

Xue Huang nodded: "Yes, in fact, we have no shortage of food. There is really nothing to eat in this world. People can always find something to eat. Even the bark can always cushion their stomachs. All they lack is water. In fact, there is always a way to survive if you want to survive, there is always a way to find a small amount of water! It was just the biggest drought that broke out decades ago."

The Snow Emperor sighed, "At that time, the Snow Emperor City had undergone tens of thousands of years of changes. Although everyone had a very difficult life, they would not die so many people. Until the severe drought, the thirst was alive. Hundreds of thousands of people died! But those who persisted more than survived, the drought finally ushered in a heavy rain, and the rest survived."

Chen Mo sighed secretly.

"Is there really no way to get out?"

Xue Huang shook his head: "For the time being, I can't find any way, only the trial, but I don’t know how many people died in the trial, it’s okay, now Young Master Chenmo brought jade, at least everyone Will starve and die of thirst."

Chen Mo also felt that Xue Huang and the others were helpless!

He has the skill but is useless.

"I'm really sorry, because there has just been a drought here, it doesn't matter to us who are strong, but there is really nothing in the entire Snow Imperial City to entertain the two, and some are even brought by the two. food."

Chen Mo shook his head; "No, I'm actually here to find the rules, and everything is worth it to get the rules!"

"Well, let's go to the elves."

"it is good!"

Then the three of them went to the elves!

The living environment of the elves is similar to them, but the houses may be different.

Once in the past, Chen Mo was full of all kinds of beautiful girls, flying around...

"The elves all live together, wood elves, snow elves, water elves, fire elves, etc..." Xue Huang said!

"Okay... so beautiful."

Lin Kexin opened her mouth slightly.

Chen Mo nodded; "It's very beautiful."

The elves are indeed a perfect race on this continent. Every elves is very beautiful. At this moment, they are flying in mid-air, bathing in heavy rain, and they are all surrounded by their bell-like laughter.

At this time, a very beautiful elven girl flew in front of them and fell down.

"His Royal Highness Xue Huang."

The elf girl bowed slightly.

Then she glanced at Chen Mo and Lin Kexin with beautiful big eyes.

Strange ah, I haven't seen it before

"Have you advanced?"

The elf girl then nodded happily; "Well, I just got promoted, and then I heard the good news that it was raining outside."

"It's good to be promoted. Under such an environment, you can still be promoted to Shenhuang so quickly. If you are outside, I am afraid you are already Super God!"

Xue Huang nodded and said:

"Feifei, these two are Young Master Chenmo and Girl Kexin. They are friends from the outside world. They brought this heavy rain!"

Xue Feifei opened her mouth slightly.

"Feifei has seen Master Chenmo, Girl Kexin."

Lin Kexin opened her mouth slightly, and then walked over.

"Is Feifei a Snow Elf?"

Her snowy hair is very beautiful.


Xue Feifei blushed slightly.

"Then... Can Kexin be friends with Feifei?"

Lin Kexin is really super excited, wow! Elf!

"When...Of course." Xue Feifei was also very happy.

"Girl Kexin, will I take you there for fun? There is a secret base for me."


Then Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo and said, "Brother Chen Mo, Kexin and Feifei are going..."

"Go!" Chen Mo smiled.

Then they ran away with a smile, and soon Lin Kexin was surrounded by a group of elves!

The Snow Emperor then said to Chen Mo: "The Elf Goddess is also the Snow Elf, and the law of growth lies with her."

Chen Mo nodded, and then the two walked into a beautiful residence!

At the entrance of the main hall, an extremely beautiful and noble woman was standing there, next to several elder elders of the elves!

"My Goddess, the rain seems a little weird."

An old man respectfully said.

"It's weird."

Then the elven goddess looked at the person who came.

"Your Excellency Snow The fairy goddess said hello.

"My Goddess."

Xue Huang also said hello.

"Who is this??"

The fairy goddess looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at her secretly in admiration.

This is an elf!

This is the fairy goddess!

Beautiful and noble! Unspeakable beauty! Even in such a difficult situation, she still couldn't conceal her outstanding beauty, and the Snow Emperor beside her was very noble.

I can unleash the ultimate move infinitely

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