I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 998: I really want to be fooled

Chapter 989 I Want to Be Bewitched

The Empress Saint Yao felt that Chen Mo should not have such big ambitions.

But think about it now, maybe it does!

What he said is quite reasonable!

The dwarves and elves can open their own shops, attracting many people in the empire, far better than just building two places to live next to the Fengshen Sect!

"Well... it's okay! With the topic of the dwarves and the elves, even if the city is established, even if it is new, there must be a lot of people in a short time!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"That's... the cost of building the city may be very scary, and it may require hundreds of thousands of people to build it at the same time..."

Chen Mo coughed dryly.

I am embarrassed.

The Empress Saint Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry, since I promised you, the Empire where they live is responsible. Even if the city is built, it will also be funded by the Empire. Well, the sooner it is established, the better, and it will also allow some possibilities nearby. People who are slightly poorer can make a lot of money in a short period of time. Although the project is large, it is meaningful!"

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly lit up!

I like this kind of wealthy empress! How comfortable this is!

"Well...when the city is built, the revenue will be paid to the empire regularly." Chen Mo said.

The Saint Yao female emperor shook her head: "This is not necessary. These are all small things. The city is built in the Saint Yao Empire. This is an intangible benefit. Moreover, the Fengshen Sect is also the sect of the Saint Yao Empire, the dwarves, and the elves. Clan, Snow Imperial City, and Young Master Chenmo are all friends of the empire. Think of it as a little gift from me."

Chen Mo nodded: "Then thank you Majesty the Empress!"

"That's nothing! It's the Young Master Chenmo who needs to be more careful. My people told me that there have been people from the Demon God Temple on the Fengshen Sect recently."

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, I know this in my heart."

"Well, then let's prepare. Starting today, I will also start to bring the people out bit by bit!" said the Emperor Sheng Yao!

"Okay, then trouble!"

"This is not a troublesome thing!"

"Then I will go first!"

After Chen Mo finished speaking, his figure disappeared in place!

The Empress Saint Yao was slightly in a daze.

Why does she always have an indescribable sense of ease when she is with this Chenmo?

Don't understand.

Chen Mo returned to Fengshen Sect, he was thinking about many, many things, including what to do next...

Linglong guessed that she came to play for two days and then hurriedly slipped back. She was still not very courageous, so Chen Mo was ready to seduce her again at that time. This little girl should be a hidden big boss, with her in the Fengshen Sect. Chen Mo is very relieved!

The twelve laws, now he has soul, strength, time, growth, withering, life, death, and then created in Xiao Ruhan, the space is in the emperor Shengyao, the nine laws have come out! He has seven! The last three are left!

Only the last three are needed, and he can get Ye Yuhan back!

Only the last three are left! So close, there shouldn't be a big problem!

Next, Chen Mo only needs to wait for the Tianji Pan's Tianji Zhanyan to cool down, and then he can find the remaining three laws!

In the next period of time, Chen Mo accompanied Lin Kexin to other places to have fun. Of course, they also played in Snow Imperial City for a long time!

One week has passed!

What embarrassed Chen Mo was that the result of Chen Mo's divine secret this time was a very, very general result that could not be understood!

what is it call?


That's right!

It was these two words that Chen Mo Zhanyan got! He was completely trapped.

"Tianyu? Is there a place called Tianyu on the Continent?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly, and then ran out quickly.

"Senior Flower!"

Chen Mo happened to meet Hua Sheng, the seventh elder Xiao Ruhan, and Long Xiaorou's grandfather, Long Xu, drinking and talking there, and then hurried over.

"Chen Mo, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Flower Saint said with a smile.

In the past seven days, the emperor Shengyao took the people away. None of the dwarves, elves, and the Snow Imperial City powerhouse came out, and they were not in a hurry to come out, and the construction of the city had already begun!

These Chen Mo don't need to pay attention, there is absolutely no problem with Yun Qi, Lin Qinghan and others!

Chen Mo then asked, "Senior Flower, Senior Long, Master Fairy, have you ever heard of Tianyu?"

Hearing Chen Mo's question, the three of them all looked at each other in a daze.

"Tianyu? What is that place? Have you heard of it?"

Xiao Ruhan took a sip of wine questioningly.

The two also shook their heads.

Chen Mo frowned: "Have you never heard of it?"

"Unheard of, where did you get the news?"

Chen Mo frowned.

They have never heard of it, so who can have heard of this place?

However, this is indeed the result of Occupation! And the result of this account is reduced to a certain range! It's Tianyu, but they haven't heard of it!

"Then I will ask others."

Xiao Ruhan said, "Don't be too tired. We can ask you about these things. If you can ask, you will definitely ask, but the name of a place that we don't know is a bit strange."

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, I get it!"

It really doesn't work, Chen Mo can only wait for the next rule to occupy the position of the next rule. This will be left first, but this makes Chen Mo a little uneasy, since there are still places they don't know! That's weird!

"Senior Flower, I will send you a letter first."

"Good, good!"

Hua Sheng quickly took out the envelope and handed it to Chen Mo.

"Well, then I'm going."

Chen Mo then disappeared in place.

"Hey, this little Momo is under too much pressure every day." Xiao Ruhan said with a sigh.

"Yes, the greater the responsibility, the greater the pressure, and his heart must be particularly tired."

Said the flower sage.

"Um... I have to find a way to relax him. Fortunately, Xiao Qingqiu and the others are there. Sometimes they can help him relax." Xiao Ruhan muttered while rubbing his delicate chin.

"Seven elders, what are you doing again?"

Hua Sheng and Long Xu coughed dryly~www.readwn.com~ always felt that something might happen to this dust mou.

"Huh? No, I'm just talking."

Xiao Ruhan then jumped and walked away.

At this moment, Chen Mo came to Linglong.

Linglong is uncomfortable!

She sat on the rock and kept shaking her feet.

Since she came out to play last time, she has always been thinking about her whole body when she comes back!

Ahhhhh! !

I really want to go out and play!

But... dare not!

At this time, I really want to have a big brother come over, and then confuse myself to go out to play, as long as someone confuses, um, she must go out! ! Uhhhhh!

(End of this chapter)

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