I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 999: Challenger of the Underworld

Chapter 990-The Challenger of the Underworld

Linglong sat there with her cheek supported, and then Chen Mo's figure appeared in front of her.

"Big...Big brother!"

Linglong's big eyes flashed and her small mouth opened slightly.


Is it God's will?

She had been thinking about Big Brother just now, as long as he comes, as long as he confuses him to go, she will definitely go! This is providence!

"Well, I'm here again."

Chen Mo nodded and looked at her and said.


Linglong nodded her head.

"Then what, I went in first."

Chen Mo rubbed the girl's Xuefa and said.

exquisite:? ? ?

"Ai-ai-ai, big brother."


Chen Mo looked at this girl suspiciously.

"Big...Big brother doesn't have anything to tell Linglong?"

Chen Mo thought for a while: "No?"

"Really not?"

Linglong's mouth bulged slightly.

Chen Mo thought for a while: "Oh, yes!"

Linglong's big eyes then flashed with small stars.

Then Chen Mo took out a lot of delicious food, piled them up and placed them there!

Linglong's little mouth bulged again.

"What's wrong? Tired of eating? I brought everything you haven't eaten this time. Why are you unhappy?"

Chen Mo was puzzled, he was really puzzled.

It stands to reason that this girl should be happy, but now she is not happy?


What can this girl worry about? If you have no heart, no lungs, no worries, just eat and drink well.

Yes, but that was the old Linglong.

Now she just wants to go out and play!

I want to eat delicious food, but there are so many delicious foods outside, and there are so many good friends!

Ahhhhh! !

Why didn't Big Brother confuse himself to go out like before this time, because he let himself go out before! Oh oh...

She was waiting for her big brother to let her out, but he didn't say...


Linglong said with a little little head.

"Then why don't you laugh?"


Linglong puffed up and looked at Chen Mo, and asked, "Is there nothing else to say, Big Brother?"

Chen Mo thought for a while.

Can he have anything to say?


"no yet?"

"It should be gone..."

"Is it really gone?"

Chen Mo:? ? ?

What the **** is this girl doing?

"What the **** do you girl want to say?"

"No... there is nothing to say."

Linglong said quickly.


Chen Mo thought for a while...

Isn't she... She wants to go out to play?

Suddenly thinking of this, Chen Mo smiled in his heart.

"That... Linglong, do you want to go out to play?"

Then Chen Mo saw the girl's big eyes glowing.

"Big Brother is going to Linglong out to play."

Linglong said.

Chen Mo: "..."

"Hmm... I asked you to go out to play, are you going?"

"Go! Anyway, it was the elder brother who let Linglong go out by herself!"

After speaking, this girl disappeared.

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

This girl...

Chen Mo laughed, and then went to the underworld!

"Senior Fengya!"

Chen Mo handed the envelope to Fengya.

"Thanks a lot!"

Chen Mo shook his head; "It's okay, isn't Senior Fengya one of the gods? Don't you plan to go back?"

Feng Ya smiled and shook her head: "Don't go, I suddenly discovered that those so-called rights are useless, I am very happy here."


Chen Mo nodded.

"Then I will find Xiao Yu first."

"Well, go ahead."

Chen Mo then went to the Temple of Underworld.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyu and the Ming Zhan couple were sitting there eating dinner.

Lin Xiaoyu's name did not change, Ming Zhan hoped that she would be changed to Ming Xiaoyu, but Lin Xiaoyu firmly disagrees!

Because in her mind, the father and mother who adopted her are so important to her! She hopes her surname is Lin.

They can't do anything about Mingzhan! That doesn't matter!

Anyway, she is a girl, and in the future, the child will follow the man's surname.

"Father, why do you look sad?"

Lin Xiaoyu looked at Ming Zhan and asked in a low voice.

Ming Zhan smiled and said, "It's okay, just a little thing."

"Can't you tell Xiao Yu?"

Ming Zhan then rubbed her hair with a smile, and said, "It can be said, yes, a very powerful person has come up from the Eighth Heaven. She has already challenged two gods. Although both are narrowly victorious, she wins. Now! And her realm is not as high as a god."

"Ah? Then she... has also become a god?"

Ming Zhan shook his head: "No, she doesn't seem to want to sit on the seat of this **** for the time being, but her goal now seems to be to challenge every god, and the next one should be your father and me."

"Can the father win?"

Lin Xiaoyu asked.

"It's hard to say that that person's combat power is extremely strong. Although the realm is not at the peak, but her combat power is terrible, and her weapons are very terrifying. Anyway, it doesn't matter. If you lose, you will lose. Like a god, it has lost the hearts of the people!"

Ming Zhan said.

This is where he is distressed.

It doesn’t matter whether he can beat it or not, but if he can’t beat it, as the Pluto region, he has many cities and many people. If he loses, in the eyes of these people, this Pluto region is the strongest. God lost, they might not believe in his strength too much in the future! This is the place of distress!

As for the danger, there is no such thing, that powerful woman can't kill, just a simple challenge!

Ming Zhan is really surprised!

This realm has not reached the sky forbidden, but it has been able to defeat the gods of the sky forbidden level, which can be called against the sky!

"I have talked to the defeated Guangshen before. Guangshen said that this person is extremely powerful and has a terrible attack, but the most terrifying thing is the four terrifying weapons around her."

Ming Zhan rubbed his temples.

"Father will definitely win."

Lin Xiaoyu said.


At this time Chen Mo walked in, and their gazes passed.

"Dust... Master Chen Mo..."

Lin Xiaoyu saw Chen Mo with a surprised expression.

She would be called Master Chen Mo when no one was there, but when there were others she was still Master Chen Mo, of course, just in front of her parents, after all, in her heart, Chen Mo had always been her young master! This is what Chen Mo requested.

Lin Xiaoyu happily ran towards Chen Mo and threw herself in his arms.

Chen Mo smiled~www.readwn.com~ rubbed her hair.

"Brother Chenmo, you came right in time and were eating, madam, quickly add a pair of dishes to Brother Chenmo."


Chen Mo was then pulled by Lin Xiaoyu and sat beside her.

"Uncle Ming seems to have something on his mind."

Chen Mo asked.

"I just told Xiao Yu just now."

Then Ming Zhan probably told Chen Mo something.

"Is it so powerful? The strength of the Saint Destruction rank can defeat two gods in a row?"

Chen Mo showed a surprised expression.

It's normal for this to happen to myself, but it happens to others, I rely on! Simply invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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