I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1007: Annoyance

Chapter 998

Originally, Chen Mo didn't plan to stay in this underworld for a few days, but it happened to happen now, and Chen Mo planned to stay here for a few more days!

It just so happened that the current Tianji Pan's Zhanyan was also cooling down, and Chen Mo didn't care about things in the Snow Imperial City for the time being, but Lin Kexin was having fun with the elves there! Then Chen Mo didn't care about the construction of the city. There were many talented people looking after him.

So Chen Mo will stay here for a few more days, just to accompany Lin Xiaoyu. Of course, he also admires Nangong Yu very much, and can look at her demeanor again, um... it's good.

"Master Chen Mo, are you going to the Celestial Empire?"

Outside, Chen Mo, Nangongyu and Lin Xiaoyu were standing there.

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, in order to make sure that the plan is successful, go there, there should be nothing particularly difficult, otherwise, it is almost impossible to destroy their tens of thousands of troops in a short time!"

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes, and said, "I probably guessed what Master Chen Mo wanted to do."

Chen Mo looked at Nangong Yu and smiled, "Hush, don't say it."

Nangong Yu then smiled and nodded: "Princess Chenmo must pay attention to safety after passing by."

"Don't worry! I will have to see General Nangong's demeanor then."

"There is no so-called demeanor in front of Mr. Chen Mo." Nangong Yu said.

"Hurt, don't you always hold me up."

Nangong Yu shook his head; "I really didn't hold it, what I said was really from my heart!"

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go first, Xiao Yu, you should also learn more from General Nangong."

"Yeah, I know Master."

Lin Xiaoyu nodded.

"Then I'm going!"

Then Chen Mo's figure jumped on Fengya's mount and galloped away.

Lin Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo's direction: "It must be okay."

"Don't worry, Master Yi Chenmo's ability is definitely fine, but you, I didn't expect Xiao Yu to be the daughter of Senior Underworld God."

Nangong Yu looked at Lin Xiaoyu, and after thinking about it, she felt a little bit as if she had passed away. She really thought that Lin Xiaoyu was Chen Mo's maid, but when she arrived here, she discovered that she was the daughter of the **** of underworld, and she was really inhumane.

Lin Xiaoyu spit out her pink tongue.

"It's just that why do you still call him young master?"

Nangong Yu asked.

"Young Master will always be Xiao Yu's Young Master, and will not change because of Xiao Yu's identity." Lin Xiaoyu said firmly.

Nangong Yu looked at her with a smile.

Sure enough, all around him are very good girls!


On the other side, in the royal family of the Celestial Empire, the Celestial God Ouyang Tianluo sat there discussing with a dozen important members of the royal family.

"Your Majesty, the Poison God Empire and the Fengshen Empire can send troops. This time, the Underworld Empire is definitely gone!"

"Yes, that's right! By then, His Majesty the Heavenly God will unify the Fengshen Empire and the Hades Empire. If the Poison God Empire is re-unified, then the four empires will be unified. The Northern Territory is simply that His Majesty the Heavenly God will cover the sky with only one hand. In the near future, the other four empires can also be annexed bit by bit. By then, the entire Nine Heavens will belong to His Majesty the Celestial God!"

"Your Majesty really looks like a great emperor!"


The group licked frantically.

The **** Ouyang Tianluo rubbed his temples, and then said: "You think these are too simple. The four empires here may be easy to handle. When the four empires to the south are located, the area is not as large as I can count. What can be compensated is that the empire over there has developed and is so long, the luck of the four great gods is really good!"

"It's not luck. They also rely on their strength. After all, the four of them became gods a long time ago, and the south is the fastest growing and the best place. They have the right to choose better. The four empires in the north developed relatively late."

An old man said.

"But these are not important now. We will integrate the northern part first. But now we have encountered a big problem. Although the Hades Empire is besieged by the forces of the Celestial Empire, the Poison God Empire and the Fengshen Empire, I want to truly To win the Underworld Empire, the heart and price required are definitely not small! And as the most powerful empire, if there is any mistake or a little problem, the price of the Underworld Empire is likely to be inability to take the Underworld Empire. It’s not good for us to be able to take down the Hades Empire at one time and give them some breathing time!"

A woman said: "His Majesty God is referring to... Mingjiang?"

"Yes! Our Celestial Empire is all people who do not understand water, and Mingjiang, as the largest river in the Nine Heavens, requires more than one hour for ships to cross the Mingjiang. Forty million troops must cross the Mingjiang. This is definitely not good news. The lack of understanding of water has caused the soldiers to sway on the ship and become dizzy, which directly leads to the low combat power of tens of millions of troops!"

Ouyang Tianluo said.

"This is indeed a problem, because this is the only way for the army to attack the Hades Empire. It must cross the Hades River. After passing the Hades, it only takes 30 kilometers to be the border city of the Hades Empire. For the Wan Dajun, thirty kilometers is not a distance at all, it is equivalent to that once the Mingjiang River passes, we will go to war, and if all of our tens of millions of troops are in a downturn, it is simply terrifying. thing!"

Ouyang Tianluo nodded; "So, do you have any suggestions to allow tens of millions of troops to get through the river without getting drowsy?"

Then Ouyang Tianluo looked at everyone.

They were pondering slightly.

"His Majesty, should you consider some drugs?"

One person suggested.

Ouyang Tianluo shook his head: "It's useless, this is not a good suggestion, what else can I do?"

They continued to ponder: "Either...we use the slowest speed to cross by boat?"

"Master, this is useless. You may not understand the water at all, let alone the slower speed. Even if you are motionless on the surface of the river, it will still be bumpy~www.readwn.com~ So that's it, that's it. Is there any way?"

They thought for a few hours, but they didn't come up with a perfect way to come out abruptly!

"To recruit the Magi, you must think of a flawless method for the deity in one day! If anyone can think of a good method, the reward is tens of billions!"



On the other side, Chen Mo finally came to the Celestial Empire! Looking at the terrifying army, Chen Mo was secretly speechless.

"I don't know if they think of any way to come!"

Chen Mo directly disguised himself as an old man by using the illusion of Caihua, and then entered the city without any pressure!

Now, the battle is imminent, and God must be presiding over the overall situation in the most fringe city that day!

(End of this chapter)

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