I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1008: The war begins

Chapter 999

Chen Mo had already seen it when he passed the Mingjiang...

That is so densely packed with ships! Imagine a ship that can pass thousands of troops through, how much does it cost?

Mingjiang, it’s very big to feed people who don’t know how many people are there. It takes two hours to walk in a boat for Guangkuan. There are fishermen around the entire Mingjiang. These fishermen belong to the Mingjiang Empire because Mingjiang is next to the Mingjiang Empire. It is just that most of these fishermen come from nearby villages and small towns! The truly strategically important city is still thirty kilometers away!

Those ships are all prepared in advance! Either manufacture or buy fishermen’s boats.

Chen Mo walked into the city, and at a glance, he saw a notice posted in the city with the sign of the Magi. It didn’t say what the Magi was doing. It just said that if you are smart, you can come and try it, but Chen Mo guessed it. Then Chen Mo took off the notice.

"Your Majesty, someone took off the notice!"

In the hall, those people were still discussing, and then a person ran in and said hurriedly!

"Oh? What kind of person?"

"An old man with white hair and beard!"

"Quickly, bring him!"

This white hair and beard means rich experience! Even if the odds are not great, you must try it!

Chen Mo Yirong walked in: "I have seen your Majesty the God!"

"Hurry up, please, no need to salute! Come here, have tea!"

Then a girl served Chen Mo tea.

"Where did the old man come from? What is his name?"

Chen Mo then took a sip of tea and said, "The old man has been living in seclusion in the Celestial Empire, and he has only recently emerged. The name is taboo... Eight hundred years ago, someone should call the old man Mr. Bei Guo, not to mention it, not to mention it, just saw the empire. There is going to be a war between them. I saw this notice, so see if there is anything that can help."

Chen Mo doesn't understand anything else, anyway, these eight hundred years ago, adding a name of Mr. Bei Guo that he made up randomly, it feels okay.

"It turned out to be Mr. Bei Guo!"

A man said quickly.

Chen Mo;? ? ?

Isn't it... I just said a name casually and someone bumped into it?

"Oh? Have you heard of it?"

Chen Mo raised his brows and asked.

"Of course, Mr. Bei Guo, who was 800 years ago, has been admired for a long time!"

"It turned out to be Mr. Bei Guo! I've been admiring the name for a long time!"

The **** Ouyang Tianluo also gave a punch.

But they all said...what kind of tyrant is Mr. Bei Guo? They don't know, but when they hear that there are characters from eight hundred years ago, they think they are a bit powerful, so they have to pretend.

Chen Mo; "..."

"I didn't expect the old man to be so famous!"

Chen Mo pretended to smile and said.

"Mr. Bei Guo, it's like this..."

Chen Mo shook his head, and then said: "Your Majesty needless to say, the old man has basically guessed it, is it because of Mingjiang?"


They glanced at each other.

Where is this Mr. Bei Guo sacred? Can he guess directly?

Although this is not too exaggerated, it is not a trivial matter!

"It is exactly this matter, Mr. Bei Guo is really a strange person!"

Chen Mo then smiled and said, "Just forget it, it may be the reason, so the old man will come and have a try!"

"Mr. Bei Guo, please answer your questions."

Chen Mo then said lightly: "Actually, the method I think is very simple, but maybe the simpler the method, the more difficult it is for you to think of, eight words!"

Everyone looked at Chen Mo

"The iron cable connects the boat, like walking on the ground!"

Chen Mo stood up after speaking.

Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, those people's eyes were full of surprise and shock!

Chained boats, like walking on the ground!

It's such a simple method, but they didn't expect it!

"Mr. Bei Guo, where are you going?"

Someone got up and looked at Chen Mo and asked.

Chen Mo smiled, and said: "I came here to come up with an idea. After all, the Celestial Empire is the home of the old man. If it can help, the old man has no other way. "

"No, no, this method is simply against the sky!"

Ouyang Tianluo said quickly!

"Then wait for the good news from the Empire!"

"Thank you, Mr. Bei Guo, for your doubts!"

After that, Chen Mo walked away!

"According to my order, tomorrow morning, the whole army will attack, and after arriving at Mingjiang, they will be in a row in one day!"



Chen Mo held back a smile all the way, and when he came to a place where no one was there, he left here with an empty magic stone!

Nangong Yu took Tianyu and went to the front line to ambush the Poison God Empire, and he was building a huge reservoir! According to Chen Mo's statement, Pluto is inviting people to make a large number of lightning talisman.

"Master, are you back so soon?"

Lin Xiaoyu ran over happily after seeing Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded; "Where are they?"

"Sister Nangong has gone to the Great Rift Valley, and my father has gone to lead the thunder talisman!"

"Well, I'm almost done here too! Just wait for the army to come!"


Two days later...

That's right, two days have passed, and Chen Mo hasn't been back to Tianlin outside in the past few days, Linglong has been completely reluctant to play? what? go back?

No, no, no, I won’t go back to death! Humph!

In two days, the Poison God Empire, Fengshen Empire, and Celestial God Empire have all sent troops. Because of the different routes, the Poison God Empire will pass through the Rift Valley first! And there, Nangong Yu, Chen Mo, and Ming Zhan were already standing on the top of the Great Rift Valley. Next to them was the reservoir with unimaginable water storage!

"They are here!"

Ming Zhan glanced at the distance, then said.

"About two million troops!"

"Two million, almost as expected!" Chen Mo nodded and said.

"It's just... two million here, hundreds of thousands, one million on the lightning talisman, but how can we kill the other party's 30 million?"

Ming Zhan felt very confused.

Nangong Yu said, "Senior Underworld, it's fine to watch it in two days!"

"You two, always sell this pass!" Ming Zhan was also helpless, but he was inexplicably relaxed!


"Stop everyone!"

Then the army stopped ~www.readwn.com~General, there is the Great Rift Valley of Venom! That place is suitable for ambushes. "

The military division said beside the general of the Poison God Empire.

The general took a look: "lieutenant, you fly up to see if there is an ambush!"


He flew back in a minute!

"Return to the general, there is no clue!"

The huge reservoir has been released with illusion, so he can't see it at all! This was proposed by Nangong Yu. After all, this is the only way to ensure foolproofness. As expected, if this illusion is not released, the consequence is that a huge reservoir is discovered, they must doubt it! Then the plan here failed!

"Okay! The whole army is on the way! Through the Great Rift Valley, we will rest again!"

(End of this chapter)

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