I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1009: Come on!

Chapter 1000 Thunder!

The millions of troops in the Poison God Empire had the same sense of sight they had in the Seventh Heaven before, entering this huge Rift Valley.

Above, Chen Mo, Nangong Yu and Ming Zhan suddenly appeared!

"General, there are people up there!"

Suddenly someone spotted three figures standing above.

It was night now, and only three figures could be seen, but they couldn't see clearly!

"Who! Less garlic!"

The general of the Poison God Empire frowned, directly offering his spiritual weapon, and then pointed at the three above.

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly and said, "Reaper!"




Then there was a loud noise, followed by floods flooding the sky!

The pupils of those people shrank suddenly!

"Ambush!! It's an ambush! Get out! Get out!"

Then the next moment, the army was swept in by the terrifying flood!

Ming Zhan secretly admired the scene before him!

This kind of battle, this kind of effortless battle, is really cool!

This Chen Mo, this Nangong Yu, is really capable! I can think of such a method!

"Let's go!"

"You go first, I'll stay a while." Chen Mo said.

"Huh? Mr. Chen Mo..."

Chen Mo smiled and said: "There is something wrong, don't worry!"

"it is good!"

Why is Chen Mo staying?

He has a corpse army order in his hand. This corpse army order can absorb the undead. As long as these people die, one death is equivalent to one more dead soul in the corpse army order. How can Chen Mo stay here for a while, millions of undead can get it? It must be useful!

After dozens of minutes, the general of the Poison God Empire watched the scene before him. The corpses were everywhere. Most people lay there. They were washed away by the flood. Some people were lucky and might have survived, but absolutely It was a minority, some people drowned directly, and some people rolled along the flood, hit... and were smashed to death.


The general clenched his fists to watch this scene!

"Vice-General, didn't you say there was no ambush!"

He stared angrily at his lieutenant!

"General, there really is no ambush! I really didn't find out just now! I didn't even find out when such a large reservoir was built on it, I..."

Kaka Kaka-

The general clenched his fists!

"Damn the Underworld Empire! Damn it! Damn it!!"

He roared angrily!

It’s okay for the army of two million to spend more than one million. After all, there are still tens of millions in the Poison God Empire, but... he is the first one in the first batch. It’s wrong, and he didn’t do anything. If no one is killed, then his army of millions is gone!

His face is completely gone!

"General, who is all responsible for this matter?"

The general said!

The national division quickly said: "It's the lieutenant, if it wasn't for the lieutenant that he didn't see the enemy clearly, I would not enter rashly!"

The lieutenant was confused.

Then the general looked at the lieutenant and said coldly: "This general, as well as the two million army, everyone trusts you incomparably, but you are not responsible for us at all, let you explore, this Is it the result of your investigation? Sin should be blamed!"

"General, general...I..."


The sword light flashed, and a blood stain appeared on the lieutenant's neck, and then his figure fell straight down.

"Report to the empire that the deputy general who is responsible for this matter has been beheaded by this general!"


This matter must have a backer, and how could the backer be his general? It can only be the poor lieutenant!

"Damn the Underworld Empire, I want to see, what else can you do?!"


The next day, the news spread!

"Report to the general, there is news from the Poison God Empire that the two million advance team of the Poison God Empire has been ambushed and almost completely destroyed!"


The advance team of the Celestial Empire is now under the jurisdiction of the Poison Empire and the Celestial Empire, and this advance team is led by a general from the Celestial Empire!

"How did they ambush? They were able to destroy nearly two million Poison God Empire advance team? How much did the Pluto Empire lose?"



The general frowned!

"I heard that the Underworld Empire uses water attack, and the huge flood instantly engulfed the army! Avoidance is inevitable! So His Majesty the Heavenly God specially asked me to tell the general that the Underworld Empire is likely to have some small tricks, so be careful. !"

The general of the Celestial Empire laughed and said: "There is an endless prairie in front of you. What is the danger of the endless prairie? Go and tell your majesty to let him not worry!"


Then the man galloped away!

"General, we still have to be careful."

The military division said by the side.

"Of course this general knows, but the military division, look ahead!"

They looked at the empty prairie ahead, and said: "How does this imperial military division look like an ambush?"

"That's right! Think about it, the Underworld Empire can successfully ambush the Poison God Empire is already very impressive, how can there be any way to ambush us?"

The general nodded: "The whole army has it, go forward at full speed."


Not far away, Nangong Yu, Ming Zhan and Lin Xiaoyu stood there.

"it should be no problem?"

Ming Zhan looked worriedly at the dust in the distance ahead! That was caused by the army rushing.

"Master Chen Mo must be fine!"

"Hey... I am a dignified god, I have to rely on two juniors to fight a battle, I am really ashamed."

Ming Zhan sighed.

"Father, Master Chen Mo and Sister Nangong are super amazing in this respect! Don't worry if you have them."

"Of course rest assured, that is, what method did Chen Mo, the main force of the Heavenly God Empire, think of?" Ming Zhan asked Nan Gongyu curiously.

"Fire attack."

"Fire attack? What kind of fire attack can cost them tens of millions?"

Ming Zhan really couldn't understand it!

"Senior Underworld, it will be fine to see it!" Nangong Yu bought a pass!

She deserves to be someone she admires, and the rest depends on the effect.

"Okay! Seeing you guys are so confident, I want to see what the method is!"

On the other side, the general of the God Empire suddenly saw a person standing on the grassland in front of him that day.


It is quite inexplicable for a person to face them in such a place.

"Who is ahead?"

The general said ~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo stood there, looking at them, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"The person that the Poison God Empire advance team encountered."

Chen Mo said.


In other words, their reaction may not be so intense, but he said this...

"You made the two million troops of the Poison God Empire?"

Hearing this news, they panicked inexplicably!

"Well, I did it right here too!"

Chen Mo finished speaking and raised his hand!



(End of this chapter)

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