I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1012: I heard that you are in love?

Chapter 1003 I heard that you are in love?

Chen Mo looked at them, then nodded, and said, "The other empires will attack the Underworld Empire, right?"

Mingzhan nodded; "Well, it will certainly be. Although the difficulty of defense is still very high, it is far from being as difficult as before. There was no chance before, but now the opportunity is very big!"

Chen Mo nodded; "At that time, I hope that Uncle Ming can give General Nangong power. With her, the Mingshen Empire will be fine!"

Ming Zhan looked at Chen Mo, and then at Nangong Yu.

During this time, Nangong Yu hadn't shown anything, but Chen Mo kept saying that she led the soldiers to fight very well. Ming Zhan knew that Chen Mo was very powerful. Since he said so, Ming Zhan certainly chose to believe it!

"rest assured!"

Chen Mo then looked at Nangong Yu, and said: "General Nangong, thank you for your perfection. These two perfectionists have helped me a lot during this time!"

Nangong Yu shook his head; "I want to thank you so much for allowing me to find another life."

Chen Mo smiled, and then reached out to her.

Nangong Yu was taken aback for a moment, then stretched out his hand and shook Chen Mo.

"See you next time!"

"Okay! Wait next time, I want to fight you!"

Nangong Yudao.

"I can't beat you!" Chen Mo smiled.

"No, maybe Young Master Chenmo isn't very strong yet, but it won't be long before Young Master Chenmo is no weaker than anyone!"

Nangong Yu is extremely confident of Chen Mo!

Such a person, she felt that he was destined to be extraordinary.

"Hahaha, let's go."

Chen Mo said.

"Go slow!"

Then Chen Mo's figure disappeared in place!

"You admire him."

Ming Zhan faced Nangong Yu Road.


Nangong Yu said without taboo.

"He also appreciates you, which is quite interesting."

Ming Zhan said with a smile.

"It seems...but I should appreciate him more."

Ming Zhan smiled and said: "Then I will hand over the military power of the Mingshen Empire to Girl Nangong in a moment!"

Nangong Yu glanced at Ming Zhan.

"Senior Underworld will not be disappointed!"


On the other side, Chen Mo returned to Fengshen Sect.

Fengshenzong has begun to build the city, and tens of thousands of people are working in full swing!

The Empress Saint Yao gave a lot of funds, anyway, the Fengshen Sect does not need to pay a penny, and the ultimate benefit is from the Fengshen Sect. It is just that the Saint Yao Empire will definitely get a lot of potential because of the move in of the Dwarves and Elves. benefit!

Xiao Ruhan and the others are basically working! To be reasonable, you can't find any other sects on this continent. The ancestors in the sects all work with ordinary workers!

But the work of these strong people can save too much energy!

The simplest point is that a huge slab of more than ten meters may have to be transported to a certain place. If it is an ordinary person, more than ten or twenty people are required to carry it, tie it up, and untie it. It will take a lot of time. , The thing is solved with a wave of hands! This is the advantage of having the strong working together!

"Huanghuang, there are some bricks over there, please help move them!"

Xiao Ruhan pointed to the distance and shouted.

"it is good!"

Huanghuang then rushed over in a flash, and then stepped on her foot. A large number of bricks, which may exceed dozens of tons, all flew up. Then Huanghuang turned into a real body, and those turning heads fell on her. She instantly Transported to a place a few kilometers away, put all the bricks down, turned them into people, and patted the dust on the body.


Several girls clapped their little hands there.


Huang Huang scratched her hair and spit out her tongue.

Chen Mo came to the distance to watch this scene.

He also likes the atmosphere here, and his friends are very nice.

"Young Master Chenmo..."

A voice came from behind, and Ji Lingluo came over with tea.

Chen Mo nodded: "Are you still used to here?"

"I like it very much, I have a lot of friends, and my friends are also very nice!"

This is Ji Lingluo's true thoughts.

"Stay here after that."

"Yeah!" Ji Lingluo nodded.

"I'll bring you some tea." Then Ji Lingluo walked away.

"Big brother……"

The sharp-eyed girls saw Chen Mo standing in the distance and ran over happily.

Yingying's relationship with Chen Mo was not so good, but she was more and more able to accept Chen Mo.

Several girls hugged Chen Mo, making Chen Mo feel like he was committing a crime, especially after other eyes noticed him...

"Are you having fun these days?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

"Happy...but I want to hang out with my big brother."

Long Xiao said weakly.

"Well... after I finish this time, we will be together!"

Chen Mo still has to take them to level up! Moreover, if faced with a powerful monster, Chen Mo would not have that great strength, unless the firepower was full or the magic change, but if there were these girls, even Chen Mo could not release the magic change.

"it is good!"

"let's go play!"

"No, be with Big Brother."

Several girls said gruffly.

Chen Mo smiled, and then looked at the night sitting in a daze in the distance. His arrival logically said that Ye should be the first to find him. However, until now, Ye didn’t seem to find him coming. Mindful!

His only concern should be Shura, but Shura and Lin Xian'er have a perfect ending at least now. They are together, although they have all left...

So now he should be inexplicably having individual concerns, which made Chen Mo quite curious.

"Xiao Yuan, what happened to him?"

Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan's little head and asked.


Xiao Yuan then shook her head in confusion.

"I do not know."

Xiao Meng leaned over and said, "I know I know!"


Chen Mo looked at Xiao Meng with interest.

Xiao Meng then leaned close to Chen Mo's ear. Chen Mo squatted halfway, and then Xiao Meng said quietly and quietly: "That brother seems to be in love."


Chen Mo frowned.

Night, fell in love? No way?

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah~www.readwn.com~ Really, Xiaomeng has seen a beautiful sister these days, she will come to the foot of Fengshenzong every day to wait for that brother, and then she will give him some delicious food. of."

"Hmm... Come to think of it, that brother will give us all the delicious food, hehe." Yingying blinked her big eyes.

"I'll take a look, you guys go and play."

Chen Mo then smiled and walked over.


Behind Ye, Chen Mo coughed dryly, and Ye quickly turned his head, looking at Chen Mo with indifferent eyes.

"What's wrong? I'm in a daze."

"No." Ye said lightly.

"I heard that you are in love?"

night:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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