I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1013: Night love

Chapter 1004 Night's Love

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Ye's whole person looked a bit like... panicked, anyway, this is the first time you really saw this look on a cold-faced Ye!


Then the night is very calm.

"Oh? No? Then why did I hear that you were walking close to a girl recently? It's not a shame, it's a good thing. When I first met you, I asked you to find a girl. Friends, enjoy the life and life of an ordinary person, you now have to live more for yourself!"

Chen Mo said with a smile.


Ye shook his head again.

"Then why are you sitting here? You can see the foot of the mountain from this place."

Chen Mo said with a smile.


"Just... sit down."

Ye said.

Chen Mo sat beside Ye.

"Not to mention, the view from this location is really good, just to be able to see the entire Fengshenzong mountain." Chen Mo said with a smile.


He did not speak.

"Ah? What is the girl's name?"

"It's nothing."

"Hey, hey, before leaving, Senior Ye asked you to listen to me. You are not as good as you in terms of strength. I have to ask you for advice, but in terms of chasing girls, you have to learn from me. ."


Behind Tang Panpan, Ye Qingqing and the others staggered suddenly.

This...why does this person dare to say such things? Chasing girls? Just tell me, which girl around you was the one you took the initiative to chase after?

"Cough cough cough-Mr. Chen Mo, Brother Ye, this is tea for you."

Tang Panpan and Ye Qingqing handed them tea.

"Oh...thank you."

Chen Mo said.

"Brother Ye, Miss White should be coming, right?"

Tang Panpan asked in a low voice.

"Oh, my last name is Bai."

Chen Mo grinned.


Ye quickly said.

"Um... Mr. Chenmo, then Qingqing and I should go to work."

"Well, go, yes, what is her name Bai?"

"I don't know, I only know that it's the white girl. She is very nice and always gives us food." Tang Panpan spit out her powdery tongue and ran away with Ye Qingqing.

"What is white?"

Chen Mo asked with a smile.

"Cough—" Ye coughed dryly.

"Xiao Mo Mo Xiao Mo Mo."

Xiao Ruhan's voice came from behind, and then Chen Mo was hugged from behind.

"You have changed. You don't even look for this fairy when you come. You have changed."

Xiao Ruhan hugged Chen Mo and dangled.

Chen Mo; "..."

"No... I just said a few words to Ye Xian."

Chen Mo said.

"I... go to rest first."

Ye then wanted to run away.

"Ah? Xiao Ye Ye, are you going to see Miss White?"

Xiao Ruhan asked.


Ye's figure suddenly staggered.

Are these people poisonous?

"That seems to be true, at this point, the white girl is almost coming."

Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.


After Ye finished speaking, he quickly left.

"Don't say it, he looks a bit like you."

Xiao Ruhan took out a drink and gave it to Chen Mo: "Here."

Chen Mo took a look.

"What? Do you dislike me?"

Chen Mo: "..."

"No, no, I'm not afraid that you dislike me?"

"Yes, quite self-aware." Xiao Ruhan then took out another can and threw it to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo: "..."

"How many laws have you found?"

Then Xiao Ruhan asked.

"Time, strength, growth, death, soul, wither, life, seven are, there are known fairy masters, your creation, and the space for the emperor Saint Yao, there are nine in total, that is to say, there are three It's unknown!"

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

This Nima! It's too exaggerated! One person holds seven laws in his hand! This person is really going against the sky! Shouldn't he, really want to collect the twelve laws of the entire continent, right?

It is possible to see this posture!

"It's coming, it's three short."

Xiao Ruhan sighed.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Master fairy, when the twelve rules are gathered, can Yuhan really be resurrected?" Chen Mo asked.

Xiao Ruhan nodded; "It is theoretically possible, but no one has ever practiced it, because no one has ever collected the twelve rules. When the time comes, if you really own the twelve rules, you will be in control of the twelve rules. Then you can know for yourself if you can! It should be possible."

Xiao Ruhan groaned.

Chen Mo also nodded: "It shouldn't be long."

"Last time you asked me about Tianyu, is there a rule there?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, I have the ability to Dictate, and Dictate has a law in the universe."

"It's a pity, I have asked a lot of masters for you about this universe, none of them knows where this place is."

Chen Mo shook his head: "It's okay, I will know later."

"Well, you can find other ones first, it's already very fast."

Then Xiao Ruhan saw a figure at the foot of the mountain.

"Ai wai wai, she is her."

Xiao Ruhan pointed to the figure under the mountain and said.

"White girl?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Yeah, I don't know exactly how she and Xiao Ye Ye are related, how they met, but she came for Xiao Ye Ye, she should like him, as for whether the two people are partners, it's unclear. "

Xiao Ruhan said.

"I went to see!"

Chen Mo then walked over with Xiao Ruhan.

"Elder Xiao."

The girl hurriedly bowed after seeing Xiao Ruhan. She looked a little soft and weak. She looked a little bit like Lin Qingqing, but she was pretty, not at the level of Ye Yuhan or Han Jiangxue, but she was not much different. ! She was about twenty-two years old, and Chen Mo didn't know her anyway. Just a look at this voice, Chen Mo felt pretty good.

"Miss White is here again to bring food."

Bai Xiaoxue nodded gently; "Well, I'll give Brother Ye some food, and by the way, I brought some for everyone."

She handed the small carrying cabinet in her hand to Xiao Ruhan.

"Don't worry, we will help you catch Xiao Yeye."

Xiao Ruhan's eyes flashed with cunning light.

Bai Xiaoxue's pretty face flushed suddenly.

"No...no, no, I...I'll go back first."

Bai Xiaoxue glanced at the Fengshen Sect behind them, obviously looking for the location of the night ~www.readwn.com~ After not seeing it, her eyes flashed with a trace of loss, and then bowed to them and walked away. .

"I'll go see it."

Chen Mo said, then followed.

"White girl."


Bai Xiaoxue looked back at Chen Mo.

"The son?"

"Oh, I'm Ye's friend, just call me Chenmo."

Chen Mo smiled.

"Xiaoxue has seen Young Master Chenmo."

Bai Xiaoxue bowed slightly.

"Miss Bai, do you like night?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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