I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1015: Sisters met 1

Chapter 1006 The Sisters Met Together

No matter how simple Lin Kexin was, she could understand what Zi Qingcheng meant.

Chen Mo was in a daze!

Big sister! He really just wants to help cook a meal when he has nothing to do, nothing more!

Why are you so dirty?

Lin Kexin's pretty face was red.

"Ahem-don't talk nonsense."

Chen Mo coughed dryly.

"Oh, then do you want to?"

Zi Qingcheng's slender fingers ran along Chen Mo's cheeks, causing Chen Mo to get goose bumps all over.

"I don't want to."

Chen Mo shook his head.

"Cut, hypocritical man."

Zi Qingcheng "cut".

Chen Mo: "..."

At this time their door was knocked, and Lin Kexin hurried over.

"A friend is here, so don't talk nonsense."

Chen Mo is going to be scared to death.

"Then you reward people tonight, they won't talk nonsense." Zi Qingcheng licked his red lips.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Aren't you the strange girl of the Imperial Capital? Why are you doing this!"

Chen Mo was not well.

"They only treat you like this, because you are my man, and women are to be played with by men."

What Zi Qingcheng said seemed very reasonable.

Chen Mo; "..."

Isn't this woman inherently servile? Isn't it right, it should be said that it is shaking M? No way?

This woman is very noble, but Chen Mo can't feel noble. Of course, her temperament is still noble, but she said so, what do you make Chen Mo think?

"Uh-ha ha ha."

Chen Mo smiled awkwardly.

"Really, it's not the first time that a big man is shyer than a woman."

Zi Qingcheng shook his head.

"Kexin, I brought pork head meat with green onions, hehe."

Zhao Yingmeng jumped in, then gave Lin Kexin a hug, Zhao Yingluo followed closely, and Lin Qinghan also carried some vegetables in his hand.

They were not far away, and when they had nothing to do, they would like to come and eat together when they saw Chen Mo and Lin Kexin go offline. After all, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin are one of their best friends here.

"Sister Zi, why are you here?"

Seeing Zi Qingcheng, Zhao Yingmeng was really shocked! Zhao Yingluo also showed a surprised expression next to him.

Lin Qinghan looked at this woman. She had seen it on TV, but she had never met him. She also knew who this woman was, a business prodigy, and even a lot of her ideas were learned from Zi Qingcheng.

"Oh... I'm here as a guest."

Zi Qingcheng smiled and walked over, then rubbed the hair of Zhao Yingmeng and Zhao Yingluo like her eldest sister, and then smiled at Lin Qinghan and nodded.

The Zhao family and the Zi family were both top families in the imperial capital, and it was normal for them to know that. It was just a question of whether the relationship was good.

Chen Mo; "..."

This group of people know him, he... always feels a little flustered.

Zi Qingcheng glanced at Chen Mo.

This person is simply a cloaked beast, a gentle scum! Yes, it is like that.

It seems to be neat and innocent, but what?

It's Lin Kexin again, there are a pair of twins, and a beautiful royal sister!

Gee tee.

She got it, huh, man! Men really are men!

"Sister Zi and Brother Chen Mo still know Kexin?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked curiously.

Because she had heard that they had never been to the imperial capital. Chen Mo had been there. He used to be there. He just said that it was a past that made him very angry. He didn't want to recall it. Although it was basically settled now, he and her Said that I have never been!

So Zhao Yingmeng is strange, and he has never been, so how did you meet Sister Zi? Isn’t it the same in the game?

It seems possible.

Sister Zi is so good that she even showed up here. She came to Chen Mo and them personally. So, Sister Zi should appreciate Brother Chen Mo very much. Therefore, her guess is that she knows that Chen Mo is Chen Mo. Of course it is also Gongzimo.

I have to say, this chick is quite smart.

"Yes, especially now that I am a neighbor."

Zi Qingcheng said with a smile.


"I live on the opposite side."

Zhao Yingmeng: "..."

When she heard Zi Qingcheng's words, the meaning was different!

She... moved here?

Why did you move here?

Isn't she... She likes Chen Mo, right?

To be reasonable, Gongzimo and even Chenmo are the idols and spiritual pillars of how many people. For Zi Qingcheng, an idol may not be regarded as an idol, but it must be a person who admires it extremely.

No, right... So they shouldn't be... that relationship?

Wow! !

Suddenly, Zhao Yingmeng's whole person was bad.

If you don't know what it feels like, you feel lost.

"Then everyone is here, let's eat together, and Kexin and I also made some food."

Zi Qingcheng smiled.

"Wow! Sister Zi has time to visit us as a guest?"

Zi Qingcheng smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

"Then... When will Sister Zi return to the Imperial Capital? Are you planning to stay here temporarily? Um... Sister Zi is so talented, and Sister Zi cannot live without Sister Zi. Sister Zi must go back to preside over the overall situation."

Zhao Yingmeng said.

"Hmm... I should live here? The Zi family has returned to a stable period. I don’t need me anymore. I just don’t have many friends. It’s quiet here. It’s not as cluttered as the Imperial Capital. There are many friends who I know every day. Together, isn't it very comfortable?"



On the other side, in the imperial capital, both the Tian Family and the Qin Family are already a bit horrible!

Only after experiencing that incident did they understand what a fiasco is.

Nothing else ~www.readwn.com~ just revealed what they had done to Gongzimo. With this one piece of news, with almost no push from any forces, these two top Big Macs completely fell. Down!

The company is closed and no physical store can be opened anymore. The fans of Gongzi Mo are simply too exaggerated. If they are yin on others, it really may not cause much consequence, but it is the ID of Gongzi Mo. Exposure, those countless fans are enough to kill them!

The two went bankrupt and brought the only money. Of course, the money may be a lot. They abandoned their original residences, mainly because they were sealed up. Then they hid in Tibet. The two went to the suburbs of the imperial capital and bought them. Two villas.

Although bankrupt, such a big family still has a lot of water, enough for many people to worry about in a few lifetimes!

Fortunately, I don't die from starvation, and people who live more than ninety percent are nourished. There are various ways to make money in the game, but in reality, it is really a mouse on the street, and everyone shouts and beats.

I usually buy something from some people in the family I'm looking for, but now, a dozen people from the top of the two families have gathered together and are discussing some methods.

(End of this chapter)

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