I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1516: The follow-up conspiracy of the Qin family and the Tian family

Chapter 1007 The Qin Family And The Tian Family's Follow-up Conspiracy

Tian Jianguo, the Patriarch of the Heavenly Family, the Patriarch of the Qin Family, Qin Long, and of course the former Patriarch, including some very important existence of the older generation!

Many of the two collaterals directly separate the relationship after the accident, such as uncles, cousins ​​and other collaterals, they are living quite comfortably now.

Of course, Tian Feiheng, Qin Heyu, Qin Tianyun, including the "king", that is, Tian Haikuo, the eldest son of the Tian family, they are all here!

The Tian Family and the Qin Family were greeted with smiles on the surface, and the opponents who secretly moved hands and feet and secretly competed were the fiercest competition between these two, but now they are different. Now the two are facing the same situation. They have also become hard brothers!

The lean camel is bigger than the horse, and the two are not very weak. The core people stayed with them! If there is a comeback, it is actually possible!

But who has done so much, who wants to make a comeback? They can't withstand this toss, what they want is to return to the post-liberation once! Once back to the former peak Qin Family and Heavenly Family, no, they gathered here to plan these things.

"Patriarch, the ending of our two families is more than that!"

Qin Long took some people from the Qin family to sit in the huge living room of the Tian family, took a sip of tea and said.

"Huh! I think so? If it weren't for your Qin family, would this matter end up like this?"

Tian Jianguo snorted coldly.

"Hehehe, you can't say that for the Lord of Heaven. It really hurts feelings to say that. This matter can only be said that our two families are not rigorous enough!"

Qin Long said with a smile.

Tian Jianguo also sighed helplessly!

"I knew that this is the case today, so I shouldn't just ruin Chen Mo's eyes at the beginning, and just do others directly. There is no such mess as today!"

"Who can think of this?"

Qin Long took a puff of cigarette.

Yes, no one would have thought that in the past, he became a rat crossing the street overnight!

How can I put it, they actually made Chen Mo, right? Why?

The son of Mo became a god, and then disappeared for a few years. It is precisely because of the disappearance of the past few years, that the sudden disappearance aroused the cohesion and thoughts in the hearts of fans.

"But now, doesn't the Heavenly Patriarch just want this?"

Qin Long asked.

"Naturally not, what can Patriarch Qin do?"

Tian Jianguo looked at Qin Long.

Something to do!

The Qin family suddenly came here to discuss this matter with him. It seems that they have any plans!

I'm not sure if he will do it or not. He needs to see if the plan is feasible and feasible. Anyway, given their current situation, even if they try again, what is there? There is nothing to lose, but if it is done, it may be overturned.

Qin Long's eyes flashed with killing intent.

"The bottom line of everything is Chen Mo!"

"Of course I know! But how are you going to deal with it? The Qin family's master-level masters are all dead? Then Chen Mo must have a terrible existence around him. His eyes seem to have recovered. What is the condition of his eyes? I think You know very well, at least in our cognition, there is no ability to make him recover. I am afraid that I met a certain hidden master, how to move?"

Qin Long then smiled and said, "I mean, there is no need to kill him in reality for the time being, so that he can never go offline, is that all right?"


Those in the Heavenly Family looked at Qin Long curiously, and Qin Heyu was also a little unclear.

He lost! The defeat was complete!

"Gongzi Mo" is gone, and his Tianmo Palace is gone. He can only pin his hopes on the Qin family now. Only when the Qin family rises can he have a chance to rise! But what does this father mean? He didn't understand either.

"My mother, what does this mean?"

Qin Long looked at Tian Haikuo, and asked: "Haikuo, you are the top existence in the game, do you have any special views on this day?"

Tianhaikuo is the "king", once it was just an existence under Gongzimo and Qingcheng! The top players!

"What does Uncle Qin mean?"

Tian Hai asked indifferently.

"As for the virtual online games that Tianlin and other you play, haven't you found anything special? As a top player, you should have discovered something!"

Tian Hai's brows frowned and he glanced at Tian Jianguo.

"Hehehe, brother Jianguo, our two families are already like this now. There are some things that you don’t need to hide from me, right? Since you can discover some things, since I told you, then naturally my Qin family also discovered Up!"

Qin Long looked at them and then glanced at Qin Tianyun.

Qin Heyu frowned.

What did they find?

"Kuo'er, come on."

Then Tian Haikuo stretched out his hand, and a black mark appeared on the palm of his hand, just like the black half of the Taiji diagram.

"this is??"

The sky said broadly: "This is a kind of power that I gained from the days before Tianlinzhong. When I went offline, I found that this mark also appeared in reality. At the same time, in reality, I can stimulate this power!"

Qin Long looked at Qin Tianyun, then Qin Tianyun spread out his hand, and a sword appeared in his palm!

"This is also what I got some time ago. It is different from the equipment in other games. This equipment can't be stored in the backpack. I can only recognize the master. After I recognize the master, it enters my body. Later, it accidentally appeared in reality. Appeared!"

Qin Heyu's eyes widened!

There is such a thing?

Chen Mo's guess is indeed correct! Not only him, but only the few people he knows, other people, as long as they can get in touch with the more advanced players in Tianlin, they may all meet!

No, whether it is Tian Haikuo or Qin Tianyun, they are the top players among the players. As long as they come into contact with ~www.readwn.com~, they will have a chance to discover the real secret of Tianlin!

"It seems that Jianguo brother indeed knows!"

Qin Long smiled.

"What if I know it? What's the use?"

"Then Chen Mo, as a top-level existence, must also know about this. You said, if there is no hidden power around him, if he used some kind of power in the heaven to kill my Qin family's grandmaster. , Is there such a possibility?"

Qin Long asked.

Tian Haikuo nodded: "Basically this is possible!"

"My son, Tian Yun, encountered an incident when he was on a mission a few days ago. The system forcibly prohibited him from going offline. That's right! He can't go offline anymore, and what does it mean that he can't go offline from the game? Being trapped somewhere forever, in reality, becoming a vegetative! Since killing Chen Mo is risky, if in reality, he becomes a hungry vegetative, wouldn’t it be the same as killing him? Moreover, it’s in the game, The risk is zero!"

(End of this chapter)

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