I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1018: Level 1

Chapter 1009

Xiao Ruhan continued:

"In there, there are monsters and monsters as low as very weak, as high as holy extinction, and the highest level of the sky forbidden. There are a total of 101 layers. Each layer is sealed with monsters. Gaofa, the stronger the sealed monster, after so many years, it is estimated that it has become stronger inside."

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly lit up!

Great place! That is definitely a good place!

The 101st floor, from small monsters to big bosses, this is simply a holy place for leveling. Chen Mo feels that he might be level 85 from level one to level 101, right? No place is more suitable for leveling than this kind of place! A stable map, no need to spend the world on finding it!

"where is it?"

Chen Mo asked.

"You really go."

"Of course I go."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Then you remember, there are all monster beasts that are either extremely vicious or have all kinds of strange abilities. Anyway, only you can't think of it. Without you, you can't see it. Since it was forcibly blocked into the lock demon tower, None of them are kind! And you can go to the 90th floor at most, and it's a bit scary to go up."

Xiao Ruhan reminded.

"Well, I got it!"

"Well, the location of the lock demon tower is in a place you have approached before, near the magic dome."

Chen Mo; "..."

"That is not bad!"

"Well, just use the empty magic stone to go over. You will be there by then. You should still be able to easily see a huge tower."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Let's go."

Xiao Ruhan then hugged Huang Huang and twisted and walked inside.

"Big brother, be careful, Xiaorou, be careful of water."

Xiao Yuan beckoned to them.

"Don't worry, it must be fine."

Shui Shui said.


At this time, Ye came over with Bai Xiaoxue.

"Where to?"

Ye looked at Chen Mo and asked.

Chen Mo glanced at Ye, then glanced at Bai Xiaoxue next to him.

Bai Xiaoxue said quickly: "I...I have already made breakfast, so I will take a break by the way."

Chen Mo smiled and nodded; "Don't be too tired, treat this as home, not a place to work."

"Yeah, thank you Master Chenmo."

Bai Xiaoxue respectfully saluted Chen Mo.

Chen Mo then looked at Ye and said, "I will improve my strength."

"I'm with you."

Ye said.

He didn't bother Bai Xiaoxue either, Bai Xiaoxue didn't bother him at all, but he didn't know how to get along with Bai Xiaoxue, and the two of them didn't necessarily say a few words in an hour. Bai Xiaoxue didn't speak, he would never speak.

No way, this is night!

He has experienced thousands of years of loneliness, so for him, something has become a habit!

That's why Chen Mo wanted him to find someone, because only in this way can he change him more effectively.

"No, I'll be fine with them."

"There is a strong person outside who wants to move you." Ye said lightly.

"That's fine, I have a free magic stone in my hand."

"The empty magic stone is not necessarily useful."

"That's fine, they are not necessarily my opponents."

"They have a lot of people."

"It's okay, Shuishi and Xiaorou are also very good."


Why can't he find a reason to go together.

Chen Mo then smiled and patted Ye's shoulder, and said, "You, there are more important things. The other girl has been following you, so she wants to learn some martial arts things from you. You always want Go out with me, who did she learn from? She knows you best."


"That's it, then let's go first."

Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan's little head.

After that, Chen Mo took Long Xiao's soft hand and released the power of the empty magic stone, and the three of them disappeared in place!

Bai Xiaoxue is really super grateful to Chen Mo, he is creating opportunities for himself and Brother Ye...

"Brother Ye, if you have something to do, go out. I can also learn from other seniors, and I still have a lot of things to do, and I don't necessarily have time to learn."

Bai Xiaoxue said softly.

Ye sighed, then looked at her: "What the **** are you doing here?"

Bai Xiaoxue looked up at Ye.

"I...I just want to come in...repay Brother Ye for saving his life, and see if there is a place to repay Brother Ye."

Bai Xiaoxue said softly.

"No care."

After speaking, he walked away.

Bai Xiaoxue bit her red lips...

After a while, Bai Xiaoxue went to help cut the fruit. She just walked away, looking at Ye Ye from a distance, not knowing what was thinking in her heart.


On the other side, Chen Mo brought two girls to the magic sky, of course, not directly above the magic sky, there is no need to go there anymore.

"Shui Shui, Xiao Rou, you also pay attention to see if you can see a tower."

"it is good."

The two girls nodded.

This place is relatively dim.

Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou are both at level sixty-three, and Chen Mo has already fallen a lot in level, so this time it is actually mainly to upgrade the two girls!

They don't have the requirement to double experience, so these levels must be upgraded relatively quickly!

"Big brother, look!"

Long Xiaorou stretched out her little finger and pointed at the distance.


A bolt of thunder fell from the distant sky, and the lightning flashed to illuminate the location. At the same time, in that short time, Chen Mo vaguely saw the shadow of a tower.

"Go! It's there!"

Afterwards, Shui Shui turned into the body, taking Chen Mo and Long Xiaorou, galloping past this rugged place!

Soon, the Demon Locking Tower appeared in front of Chen Mo.

"This has 101 floors?"

Chen Mo raised his head and glanced. Although it was very high, there was no 101 floors at all. However, this tower made him feel a kind of surging aura. The whole tower was full of chains and even black mist.

"Big brother, there is a lot of evil spirit in it."

Shui Shui said.

"That should be the lock demon tower!"

Then Chen Mo walked to the front of the tower and reached out to touch the door tentatively.


The moment Chen Mo touched the door, his figure was directly sucked in!

"Big brother!"

Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou rushed in!

"Ding...You are on the first floor of the Lock Demon Tower~www.readwn.com~ After Chen Mo entered this first floor, he finally understood that this tower is really not as simple as it looks outside. There may be a lot of places similar to the small world! This first floor, that is not what the tower should have at all, he has appeared in a dark wasteland!


Chen Mo directly sacrificed the sword of disaster and stood there.

Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou appeared behind Chen Mo, and then the two girls went directly into the fighting state!


At this moment, there was a grimly low growl from the dark.

The first layer should be easy.

(End of this chapter)

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