I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1019: Lock Demon Tower 30th Floor

Chapter 1010

The two girls leaned against Chen Mo. They hadn't fought with Chen Mo for a long time, let alone, they were very excited!

The voice continued to come, but it was a little bit unclear, it was too dark here!

"Xiao Rou, set the fire!"

"it is good!"

Long Xiaorou nodded her head, and then a sea of ​​fire appeared in front of them, illuminating the surroundings!

At the same time, some dark shadows appeared in front of Chen Mo!

"this is…"

Chen Mo looked at the nearest monster! This is a kind of monster that looks a little disgusting. It has all lumps and depressions on its body, just like the surface of the moon. As for its appearance, it looks a bit like an anteater, but it looks a bit like a long mouth. Soft, but after seeing Chen Mo, he suddenly became hard!

[Heart Eater]: Grade: Gold, Level: 50, HP: 60000, a kind of monster that does not act fast, its favorite food is the heart of monsters and humans, so it is called the heart eater. Once endangered the mainland, once infested, it might even appear that the hearts of the people in a small village were all eaten by the heart-eaters! It belongs to a monster that is extremely aggressive towards humans!

Skills: [Cardiac Arrest]: Choose a target, you can make it suffer cardiac arrest for three seconds, cooling time: five minutes.

[Bite]: Pounce on a target to bite, causing damage, cooling time: one minute.

Weaknesses: None

Chen Mo: "..."

Come up, level one, level fifty golden monster?

Although it is not a boss, the first level is level 50 golden monsters. Chen Mo even wonders if he can reach level ninety? Xiao Ruhan asked him not to go to the 90th floor, Chen Mo felt that he couldn't make it!

"Shui Shui, Xiao Rou, be careful and leave it to you!"

"it is good!"

Then the two girls flickered and the battle began!


"Where is Chen Mo?"

During the game, Qin Tianyun was there, and his people discovered that Chen Mo was not in Fengshen Sect!

What should I do if I can't find Chen Mo?

"It's okay, I have this!"

Tian Haikuo took out a scroll.

"this is?"

"A scroll that can deduce the secret of heaven, but it can only deduce a few small things. I don't know where it can be used. Since I can't find Chen Mo now, then use this to find it!"

Tian Haikuo said!

What is the use of a scroll that I don’t know where to use in the future?

But now it is most important to find Chen Mo.

"it is good!"

Then Tian Haikuo released the power of the scroll.

"how is it?"

"Lock the demon tower!"

"Lock Demon Tower? What is that place?"

Qin Tianyun frowned!

The name of this place is not simple, this Chen Mo, as expected, there is no simple place where he goes!

"I've heard that it was the place where a group of strong men on this continent sealed so many monsters, evil spirits, and resentful spirits that harmed the continent many years ago, called the Locked Demon Tower!"

The sky is wide.

"That should be a good place to level up, Chen Mo may have leveled up there!"

Tian Hai nodded broadly.

"where is it?"

Qin Tianyun asked.

"far away."

"It doesn't matter, I have a whole continent teleportation scroll here!"

Qin Tianyun also took out a scroll!

There are so many great treasures in this continent, and they, as the top players, have some great things on them, that is normal!

"Okay, let me check the location!"

Tian Haikuo then glanced at the map, and pointed to the place of Demon Qiong.

"It's near here, the lock demon tower is near the magic dome, the highest place in the whole continent! I don't know exactly where it is, but it's right next to it. Just let your flying mount go and find it!"


"Then go!"

Then the two disappeared in place.

When they arrived near the magic dome, the two of them began to look for Chen Mo.

"At that time, your power can be released directly to him?"

Tian Haikuo asked uneasy.

"That is a Demon God Continent teleportation scroll. As long as it is crushed, a force will burst out. This force will bring us all to the Demon God Continent! Including Chen Mo! But don’t worry, the teleportation location is fixed. Knowing how to leave the Demon God Continent, it may take us a few days to leave by then!"

"That's okay, but are you sure you can leave?"

Qin Tianyun said: "Of course, I have left, it took a while, even Chen Mo can find a way out, but it must be behind us, we can do it in reality!"

"What if you hang up?"

"If you hang up, you will be resurrected in the Demon God continent!"

Tian Hai nodded broadly: "Okay! Then directly find Chen Mo, and let him not react, and use the scroll directly. If something special happens, we can just say that we are here to lock the demon tower and brush the level!"


Then the flying demon beast was looking for the lock demon tower, and as a thunder light flashed, they saw the figure of a tower.

"That is the lock demon tower!"


Then they flew over and stood in front of the Demon Locking Tower!

Tian Haikuo stretched out his hand and touched it, and the figure was directly sucked in!

"I hope this lock demon tower is a private map!"

Qin Tianyun groaned!

What are the consequences if this is a private map?

For example, they enter together, but they will not appear together. Everyone will experience the same things, such as cleaning the first layer of monsters, and then another person enters, he still has to refresh! This is the map for private players! It is controlled by the system, not the mainland!

Only public maps are of that kind. They will appear in one place. For example, Chen Mo cleans up the monsters on the first layer, and then there will be no monsters after the follow-up people enter, so go directly to the second floor!

If it's a private map, they won't be able to meet Chen Mo here!

When Qin Tianyun went in and saw the sky and sea, he let out a long sigh of relief! This is a public map!

There are still some monster bodies there! Of course, the exploded equipment disappears within ten minutes!

"It seems that he just came in not long!"

Tian Haikuo kicked the body of a heart-eating beast and said!

"It's better not long~www.readwn.com~ But what does it matter even if he comes in here early? We don’t need to spawn monsters, can we go all the way without hindrance, and he needs a little bit of spawning to change One floor higher!"

"This place even has a Sky Forbidden boss, but it's at the top! It's a pity, you can't get in a lot. Is Chen Mo strong enough to single out a Sky Forbidden boss?"

Tianhai frowned and frowned!

"Because he is Young Master Mo!"

Qin Tianyun said, then stepped directly into the teleporting light array in front of him.


"Ding...You are on the 30th floor of the Lock Demon Tower."

Chen Mo looked at the darkness in front of him!

Yes, there is really no difficulty ahead! Just hit the 30th floor!

(End of this chapter)

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