I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1125: The ending, already known

Chapter 1016 The End, Already Known

Everyone showed a surprised expression!

It's normal to have a little friction with each other here, but it's a bit cruel to kill people directly!

Killing is actually nothing, it's too normal, but now it’s the appraisal of disciples in the Wind and Snow Palace, in front of the strong people in the Wind and Snow Palace, you just killed people like this, although you are not from the Wind and Snow Palace. , But it seems that you don’t put the Wind and Snow Palace in your eyes?

And what you killed was the son of the city lord of the Blood Demon City next to him. You said, would the Snowstorm Palace accept you under normal circumstances? Doesn't accepting you mean introducing a wolf into the house and causing trouble to the Palace of Snow and Wind?

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo with bright eyes.

This kid is kind of funny, he killed people if he didn't agree with him, it was amazing.

But... the two flying spirit weapons he just held seemed to be a bit powerful, if he could get them...should be able to sell a lot of money, so she would have money for gambling!

Thinking of this, Feng Xueling's eyes lit up!

"The disciple over there, go and take a look. He killed the son of the Lord of the Blood Demon City. He will not be accepted by our Snow Wind Palace."

Elder Nine looked at Feng Xueling and then said.

"no, sorry."

Feng Xueling said.


"Think about it, if he is not recruited as a disciple just because he has conflicts with others, how can the outside world say that our Fengxue Palace, dignified god-level forces are afraid of things? Then the Evil King Palace will look down on us Fengxue even more. It’s the palace, and they added a little bit more oil and vinegar to spread the news on the mainland. By then, the whole continent will be the negative news of our Fengxue Palace. Instead, we still accept him as a disciple. In the eyes of outsiders, our Fengxue Palace has everything. Not afraid, there is nothing to say about us, right?"

Feng Xueling said with a smile.

The Ninth Elder thought slightly.

There seems to be some truth...but...

"Did you see the two spirit weapons he just released?"

Elder Nine then asked lightly.

"Ale...cough cough cough, how is it possible?"

Feng Xueling hurriedly hesitated.

"That seems to be it!"

"This girl neither steals nor robs, I will let him lose to me willingly."

Feng Xueling then gave a smirk.

"Can he enter the Snow Wind Palace?

"Just because he killed those three people in an instant, he will definitely be able to enter the Snow Wind Palace."

On the other side, the eyes of many people around were all focused on Chen Mo. On the contrary, Chen Mo kicked the corpses to the side with a casual kick, and then stood there quietly as if he had done something trivial.

"Sure enough, the people who came to this Snow Wind Palace were all capable people and strangers from all over the world. They just killed these three people directly, and can stand here calmly. He should have also heard that they are the Lord of the Blood Demon City. Son, on the contrary, it can be so calm, not easy!"

"Also, he is so handsome..."

There are a few girls who are idiots there.

At this time, a man came over, looked at Chen Mo, and then said: "You leave, you will be murdered grandiosely in front of the Fengxue Palace, the Fengxue Palace will not recruit you!"

The man's eyes fixed on Chen Mo tightly.

He was not very old, and he was very handsome, and he could see that he should have a certain status among the disciples of the Snow Palace.

Chen Mo glanced at him.

When he saw Chen Mo's eyes, his brows frowned!

This person cannot come to the Snow Palace!


He felt a threat in this person. From the fact that he just killed the three people without saying a word, and he didn't worry at all, he could see that he was still standing here calmly. It was definitely not simple!

And his eyes also showed that his is not easy!

He can't come to the Snow Palace!

If he joins the Snow Palace, Yanagawa feels that he might threaten his status!

That's right, Chen Mo felt that way for him!

He is the second brother of the Fengxue Palace, and the great sister of the Fengxue Palace is the strongest disciple here. The great sister mentioned here, the second brother is a foreign disciple, not a direct bloodline of the Fengxue Palace, you said, you were originally You are not from the Fengxue Palace. If you join the Fengxue Palace, how many resources can the Fengxue Palace give you? That master sister is also the one who can obtain the highest resources!

And now, in this fiercely competitive snow-wind palace, if there is another person who makes him feel that he may threaten his status, what will be the consequence if he is better than himself? Fengxuegong saw that his potential was stronger than himself, and naturally some of the resources that originally belonged to him would be given to this person! So Yana Chuanzhi did not want Chen Mo to join! Because Chen Mo gave him this feeling.


Chen Mo asked.

"You ignore the Wind and Snow Palace and kill people unscrupulously in front of the Wind and Snow Palace. You are still the son of the Lord of the Blood Demon City. When the time comes, the Lord of the Blood Demon City will inevitably come to pick things. Do you say the Wind and Snow Palace wants you?"

Yanagawa said coldly.

"Then, does the Wind Snow Palace have this rule?"

Chen Mo asked.

"What rules?"

"I'm killing people in front of the Snow Wind Palace. If there is such a rule in the Snow Wind Palace, will I not give the disciple an assessment? If not, please go away and I will be assessed immediately!"

Chen Mo said lightly!


Yanagawa clenched his fist, it really doesn't have this rule!

At this time, Feng Xueling came over.

"What are you doing?"

Feng Xueling dangled a bunch of her hair!

Chen Mo glanced at her.

This person looks like a girl, but he has some Xiao Ruhan's sense of sight.

"Thirteen elders, this man killed people in front of the Snow Wind Palace, for one to contempt the majesty of the Snow Wind Palace, and secondly I was afraid of causing trouble to the Snow Wind Palace, so I let him leave here!"

Feng Xueling then said: "Don't worry about it, he should continue the assessment, even if the Lord of the Blood Demon City comes to ask for trouble, he will be the only one who is looking for him, it's fine with us!"

"okay, I get it!"

Then Yana Chuanzhi glanced at Chen Mo and walked away.

"Thank you!"

Chen Mo gave a fist.

"Thank me? What's the reward?"

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Modao.

"No, just a verbal thank you~www.readwn.com~ Feng Xueling: "..."

"Okay, you go to the assessment."

Chen Mo nodded and walked over.

Because of such an incident, Chen Mo received special attention.

The main person is too cruel! Even some people in Fengxue Palace paid attention.

"Just put your hand on the appraisal stone!"

Liu Chuanzhi looked at Chen Mo and said coldly!

He wants to see what level of talent this person can have. The lowest level should be blue, and there is a possibility that purple is full of talent! If he is purple and talented, he will definitely receive the attention of Fengxue Palace. As for what kind of attention he can receive, it depends on how powerful he is!

Then Chen Mo put his hand on the appraisal stone! Chen Mo probably has the final result.

(End of this chapter)

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