I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1126: Holy Sword Monument

Chapter 1017 Holy Sword Monument

Red, orange, red, green, blue and purple, all in one go.

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, even the powerful people in the Snow Palace showed shocked expressions!

It's not that they have never seen a disciple with a full talent level in Purple, but it's really the first time they have seen someone like him!

The seven colors of others are completed in a relatively gradual manner. The red color slowly rises to orange, then to red and then to green. Most of them are worthy of entering purple, close to full talent, but as long as it is purple, it is also purple. Full of talent! This process normally lasts about ten seconds, but what about him?

In one second, it was purple in an instant, and other colors flashed by.

And the brightness of this purple light is stronger than any purple talented warrior! The brighter the purple, the higher his potential!


Seeing this scene, Yanagawa clenched his fist!

Sure enough, this person is very talented! You can tell at a glance that he is definitely not simple, but is it too exaggerated?

"Palace Master, this young man's talent may be comparable to Qian Yu."

Next to the palace lord of the Snow Palace, a woman said slightly surprised.

"Maybe stronger than Qian Yu, Qian Yu also directly reached the purple talent in about a second, but this person seems to be even worse!"

The Palace Master of the Snowstorm Palace stared at Chen Mo in the mirror image and said slightly.

"If the Lord of the Blood Demon City comes, shall we protect him?"

Asked another woman.

"Look at it."

They are definitely not afraid of the Blood Demon City. What counts for a thousand Blood Demon City? It's just that he killed the son of the city lord of the Gorefiend City, and if they were just a new disciple, would they be criticized by the world!

After all, this is the enemy of murder! It was reasonable for the Lord of the Blood Demon City to come to him.

"If he becomes our disciple of the Fengxue Palace, we protect him, and it is reasonable to protect the disciple of the Fengxue Palace."

The Great Elder said lightly.

"Not so good, he is a new disciple after all."

"Then if we become a disciple of the elders, we will not do anything in the Snow Palace, and let the elder, that is, his master, personal protection, is this okay?"

Upon hearing this, their beautiful eyes brightened!

"this is a good idea!"

However, in the next instant, all of their pupils suddenly shrank!


The identification stone outside was blown up directly.

Everyone: "..."

"This... what's going on? The identification stone exploded?"

"Couldn't...could it be that his talent has surpassed the limit that the appraisal stone can bear, so it exploded?"

"His—is it really like this? This..."


The group of strong men showed shocked expressions.

The palace lord's beautiful eyes suddenly brightened, and he also showed a surprised expression.

No, it should be shocked!

"I've never heard of it. A person's talent can be strong enough to burst the appraisal stone! It is absolutely impossible! This person... Palace Master! This person must stay!"

The Lord of the Snow Palace also nodded: "Guarantee!"

A faint word has already explained her meaning!

Such a person, his future is unimaginable! The benefits he can bring to the Snow Palace in the future are unimaginable! If this person is not guaranteed, if he goes to the Evil King Palace, the threat to the Snow Wind Palace in the future will be extremely great.

And the outside world directly exploded the pot!

"This...what's going on? The appraisal stone exploded? Could it be...is his talent already so strong? Has the appraisal stone unbearable?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! I have never heard of such a thing in this world. Even the top powerhouse in the mainland has never heard of anyone who let the appraisal stone explode! Is it broken?"


This scene suddenly caused a commotion!

Chen Mo didn't care anymore. He knew that this identification stone would explode. After all, it was not the first time. He didn't want to keep a low profile. He killed that person just to attract attention!

Feng Xueling's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'm going! This person who just got rid of is so powerful?"

She opened her mouth.

"So powerful, there must be a lot of treasures on your body!"

"Has it passed?"

Chen Mo asked the Liu Chuanzhi next to him.

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing. I need the elder of the sect to explain it."

At this time, Elder Nine came over and said faintly: "Pass, the follow-up assessment is unnecessary."

Everyone: "..."

"This... does this really mean that his talent is high?"

"Nonsense! The follow-up assessment is not necessary, it must show that the entire Snow Wind Palace has taken a fancy to him! His talent has made Wind Snow Palace completely careless about his follow-up assessment."

"His—then he is really too talented to cause the appraisal stone to explode? What kind of evil is this?"


A group of female disciples in Fengxue Palace also looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

In this world, handsome guys are never the most important thing, being strong is the most important, and if strong and handsome coexist, the attraction to girls is simply unimaginable.

"Thank you."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Ai, ai, ai, wait!"

Another beautiful woman came over and said, "The palace lord means that this son will have to conduct the next assessment, because the appraisal stone exploded for the first time, and we are not sure why. ."

Obviously this is just a rhetoric, everyone can see, this is because the talent is too bad! The reason for the next assessment is simple. They still want to know Chen Mo again.


The Ninth Elder then looked at Chen Mo and said: "Go to the next assessment. There are four rounds in total. If you pass, the next two rounds are unnecessary."

Chen Mo nodded and walked straight ahead!

The wind under Feng Xueling's feet hurriedly followed.

Yanagawa shook his fist!


He has been completely taken by Fengxue Palace! I'm afraid the resources he can obtain in the future...

No~www.readwn.com~No way! Then he also hurriedly followed, wanting to see what ability this person has!

Following that, Chen Mo came to the front of a huge stone monument, where hundreds of disciples who passed the first round of assessment have gathered here!

"This round of assessment is very simple. My Fengxue Palace is a sect that only uses swords. All the disciples' spiritual weapons are swords, and a warrior’s understanding of swords is particularly important. This is the Holy Sword Monument. Individuals face the holy sword monument and cut down the seven swords with their own sword intent. If you can leave a sword mark on the holy sword monument, you will pass this round of assessment. Don't think it is so simple."

"The test of the Holy Sword Monument is only the intent of the sword, the understanding of the sword, if you do not understand the sword, even if you are a strong Heaven Forbidden level, you cannot leave a sword mark on the Holy Sword Monument! Then, please be prepared. !"

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

The understanding of the sword... Is he deep? He is not so sure.

(End of this chapter)

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