I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1127: Everyone:? ? ?

Chapter 1018 Everyone:? ? ?

This holy sword monument ignores the grade. Simply put, no matter what your rank is, even if you are the weakest, as long as you have a certain understanding of the sword, then you can leave a sword mark on this holy sword monument, but , If your realm is very high and very powerful, but you don’t have any understanding of the sword, even if your realm is high, you can’t leave a sword mark on the Holy Sword Monument!

It's just that Chen Mo really didn't understand how he understood the sword.

Since he was a child, he has studied with his master. Sword is of course the most important learning content, but he didn't think his sword can be so powerful!

However, think about it, since this sect valued himself so much, wouldn't he not want him because he couldn't make a sword mark?

"Okay! You come first!"

A tutor looks at an appraising disciple!

"it is good!"


Then he stretched out his hand, holding a sword in his hand, and then surged!


He shouted, and a sword slashed towards the huge holy sword monument in front of him!


Chen Mo felt it for a while, it seemed quite powerful, but...

With such a powerful appearance, the holy sword monument is intact, without any sword marks!

"Come again! Ha!"

Then he followed up with six consecutive swords all at the same position! The Holy Sword Monument is intact!

"Unfortunately, you failed this round of assessment!"

The disciple who participated in the examination clenched his fists!

"Why! Why, I feel that I am confident in my swordsmanship, but why I don't have any understanding!"

The disciple muttered to himself.

"Using the sword does not mean knowing the sword, knowing the sword does not mean knowing the sword, knowing the sword does not mean being able to understand the sword, next!"

Then the second person was a pretty girl who looked pretty good. She stretched out her hand, holding a blue sword in her palm, and then slashed the flag against the holy sword monument!

A shallow sword mark appeared on the holy sword monument, with a trace of ice.

"Good! Passed!"

The girl showed an expression of excitement, and then hurried to the third round.

one by one!

Chen Mo probably could see that ten out of a hundred people could pass this assessment. The difficulty is not high, or low is not low.

It is estimated that twenty to thirty thousand disciples, and only five to six hundred can eventually become Fengxue Palace.

From behind, Liu Chuanzhi hugged his arms and stared at Chen Mo closely.

Since he can have that level of talent, it is impossible to fail in this round of assessment, right? hateful!

When he enters the Snow Palace, he must find an opportunity to abolish him! Otherwise, the resources that Yanagawa Zhi can obtain in the Fengxue Palace in the future will be limited. Even if he is the second senior brother, the Fengxue Palace must make every effort to cultivate and build this person!

Feng Xueling sat aside, shaking her feet, looking at Chen Mo with interest.

Her big eyes were looking at every place on Chen Mo's body, to see what valuable things were, and then she probably saw that the ring on Chen Mo's finger should be very valuable, as well as a bracelet on his wrist. It's even more extraordinary, um... then all will be won back, nice!

"it's your turn."

Then the tutor looked at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo nodded and walked over!

People before Chen Mo didn't know him, didn't know him, but those disciples who came here after passing the first round of assessment must all know it!


Chen Mo thought for a while, what he sacrificed was a Supreme Edge.

What should I say?

The Supreme Front, the world is extremely tough, even if you don’t have much understanding of the sword, but with the tenacity of the Supreme Front, you should be able to make some sword marks out of this holy sword monument?

Then Chen Mo directly opened Shura's meaning!

Everyone's eyes are on Chen Mo, including those who are not here, but who are looking at the mirror image of the Snow Palace!

Why should Chen Mo try this round of assessment? It’s really simple. It’s to test his swordsmanship. Anyone in their Fengxue Palace is someone who is knowledgeable about swords, and if he has no knowledge of swords and has such a great talent, they will teach that again. How can I teach?

Although they really want Chen Mo to stay in the Snow Palace, he should find a place that is more suitable for him and suitable for his top cultivation talent.

This is for his good!

Chen Mo held the Zhi Zhen Feng, all eyes were on Chen Mo's body.

Brush and brush——

In the next instant, Chen Mo cut out seven swords in succession!

It can be seen that Chen Mo is not confident at all, if he is confident, he will only cut a sword!

Everyone then looked at the location of Chen Mozhan, where... there were no sword marks.

That's right, everyone was taken aback!

Those who knew how good Chen Mo was before were even more stunned.


Because I knew how exaggerated Chen Mo was in the first round of assessment, and seeing this scene, some people really couldn't help laughing.

"Isn't this person's talents against the sky? How can I not even leave a scratch on the Holy Sword Monument!"

"Hahaha, then he didn't pass this round of assessment, and Fengxue Palace won't want him anymore. It's really impermanent."

"That's it? Huh? That's it?"


Many people discussed there.

The eyes of Yana Chuanzhi from behind suddenly lit up!

There is really no way out of doubt, and there is another village in the dark!

The words of the Fengxue Palace are put here, anyone who can’t complete the assessment can’t enter the Fengxue Palace, and if he has not succeeded in this round, even if the Fengxue Palace still wants him, he must not be required, because once If you want him, there is no principle, you will be criticized by the world! At the same time, those who were eliminated in the second round of assessment must be upset!

Feng Xueling's eyebrows are also frowned!

He doesn't seem to be weak, why doesn't he have any understanding of swords?

The people of the Palace Master of the Snow Wind Palace also sighed.

"It's a pity! He is not suitable for our Snow Palace, even if we want to accept him, but..."

"But, logically it shouldn't be. With such a high talent, logically speaking, his understanding of the sword can't be just like this! Unless ~www.readwn.com~ he doesn't use a sword? But his spiritual weapon is not correct. Is it a sword? I don't know why this is the case!"


"Boy, you failed this round of assessment! If you fail, you can only be eliminated!"

Liu Chuanzhi's mood suddenly became beautiful, staring at Chen Mo and then said lightly.

Chen Mo also sighed helplessly in his heart!

Sure enough, he didn't have any understanding of swords!

What can I do? If you can't go here, you can only go to the imperial family of the Demon Empire to find the demon gods of this empire.

It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to hurry, and the speed of Shui Shui is not very fast.

However, at this moment, the mutation happened!

Everyone's eyes widened and their faces were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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