I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1132: Start off

Chapter 1023

One person after another put all their gold coins into a small area!


If they win, they can win Amethyst Coins, and then divide them according to the proportion of their bets. If they lose, they still lose these, but if they press Feng Xueling together, how much can they win even if they win? Not much to win! So they would rather suppress the opposing side.

This is the psychology of some ordinary gamblers. As for the barbs released by the dealer, there is no, at least there is no at this level. Is it Mao?

No need!

How could a big person like Feng Xueling be limited to gambling on the first floor? So it's not necessary at all, but there are on the second and third floors.

Feng Xueling has already practiced. Except for some very powerful people, she can basically tell the size of these croupiers by shaking the sieve. After all, after so many years of gambling, isn't it good?

The sieve tube is open, big!

"Make money!"

Then Feng Xueling put a lot of gold coins into her space ring, and then took a look at Chen Mo: "How?"


"You must have been convinced by this girl, come again!"

Then Feng Xueling won five in a row, winning more than a thousand gold coins!

"Hey, it's boring, so many wins will only win a little more than amethyst coin."

She cupped her head.

Chen Mo glanced at her.

Sure enough, this is the psychology of the dealer, knowing that she will definitely bet on a higher floor. This floor may not have the dealer's barb, but there must be one on it!

She also said that she wins more and loses less, even at the top, but the dealer cooperates a little bit by acting to let you win more, and then encourages you, and then loses all. That's why The reason she always loses, and she always feels that she is great, winning more and losing less.

"Let's go upstairs. The upstairs is a big game. I will take you to a banquet in two days. The banquet is even more powerful!"

Feng Xueling said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo shrugged helplessly.

Yes, her family has a big business, what does Chen Mo worry about?


Then they went directly to the second floor.

The second floor is really different from the first floor. There are a lot fewer people and a lot of quieter. All of them are very luxurious. Everyone looks different. The lowest place on the table is also amethyst coins, and there are even Bronze card, silver card and gold card!

These three types of cards are almost equivalent to bank cards in reality, except that the card cannot withdraw money. A bronze card is equal to one thousand amethyst coins, a silver card is 10,000, and a gold card is 100,000.

"Walk around!!"


"Then Feng Xueling is here again?"

In a room on the third floor of the casino, a handsome man was sitting there. Behind him stood a beautiful woman to help him press his shoulders, and a squat in front of him to help him rub his legs.

"Yes, young master, this time I brought a teenager, but he is not very old, so there should be nothing wrong."

"Well, what gambling money did Feng Xueling bring this time?"

Ye Qianqiu took a sip of wine and asked.

"I don't know exactly. The Fengxue Palace has restricted the resources and financial support for Feng Xueling a long time ago. She has no big treasures during this period, but the man around her seems to have some money. Feng Xueling just It's the money you want from him."

The old man said respectfully.

"Huh? Could it be that Feng Xueling's fisherman? No, it could only be a fool who was fooled by her." Ye Qianqiu muttered.

This Feng Xueling is simply not too beautiful, he really likes it, but she is too powerful, and she is still the elder of the Fengxue Palace, he is not good enough, but he is trying to take her down, if he gets her, he will go straight to the top. Fengxue Palace is his patron.

It's a pity that every time she comes here just for gambling and she doesn't like to do anything else, he can't do anything else, but there is one thing to say, the total value of the things she won from her in the past two years...It is estimated that he can buy him Ten casinos.

There are several heavenly weapons, and there are even more top-level spars... He thinks, as long as Feng Xueling continues to bet like this, he will one day let her lose himself to him!

"Master, now..."

Ye Qianqiu took a sip of wine and said: "Explore the man's bottom first. If the disciple is thick, the old plan is to let them win first, and then lead them to the third floor to let them all vomit!"

"Yes, master!"


"Wow! This girl has an explosion of her luck today!"

Feng Xueling looked at the card in her hand.

The gameplay of this card is a bit similar to Sky Blue Star’s Golden Flower, with three cards per person.

"Girl Wind, don't think that this will confuse me! I guess this hand is just the most common card, all follow!"

Then a man directly followed Feng Xueling with the silver card of ten thousand amethyst coins.

A lot of people have gathered around, and there are already 80,000 Amethyst Coins beside Feng Xueling!

Chen Mo secretly stunned, these 80,000 Amethyst Coins are really not a small amount of money, equivalent to RMB, that is 80 million! That's right, this is 80,000 Amethyst Coins that seem ordinary, 80 million RMB!

Chen Mo said, how can money be so easy?

This is gambling!

But Feng Xueling's luck is too good, right? Really not tricky?

Chen Mo doesn't believe it! Otherwise, why did she win more and lose less in the end or all lose?

"Hahaha, true and false, false and true, this is the highest meaning of gambling, so you can't figure out what this girl thinks! You lost!"

Then Feng Xueling spread the cards!


The opposite person sat there with a butt, looking unlovable.

"Look at you poor, give it to you! Don't bet anymore."

Feng Xueling then gave him a bronze card of one thousand amethyst coins.

Chen Mo: "..."

Wow! Feng Xueling is poisonous!

Chen Mo glanced at Feng Xueling, and then said, "It's almost there, right? You can take me to familiarize yourself with other interesting places."

Chen Mo felt that she was having fun, and she should go to other places to have fun, cultivate and cultivate feelings, by the way, Chen Mo explored his tone.

"Huh? Are you leaving?"

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo, then returned one hundred amethyst coins to him, and then gave another one hundred amethyst coins: "If you say that you will double it back, you will double it back to you!"

He won tens of thousands of Amethyst Coins with his principal ~www.readwn.com~ and then you gave an extra 100 Amethyst Coins, which is really embarrassing!

"let's go!"

Feng Xueling then happily put away the amethyst coins.

At this time, the old man walked out.

"Girl, the old man came from a distant Devil City. I originally planned to leave, but I just saw that the girl is very good at gambling. Would you like to go to the third floor together for fun?"

The old man smiled and looked at Feng Xueling.

How could she let her go like this?

"Stop playing, you can leave!"

Chen Mo said at this time.

Of course he knows that this casino has begun to set off.

(End of this chapter)

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