I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1133: Rely on Mongolia?

Chapter 1024

The old man was stunned when he heard Chen Mo's words.

It's so shameless? Then just tell him to leave? Damn it.

"Hahaha, really don't play? The old man still wants to play against this girl."

The old man said with a smile.

Feng Xueling's beautiful eyes lit up!

She is really amazing, and her gambling skills have been recognized by an old man! Although she may be older than this old man, she is a young and beautiful girl, who dares not admit it?

Therefore, she still feels that her gambling technique is still very powerful.

"How about a few, it's early, what are you doing in a hurry?"

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

Chen Mo: "..."

No wonder this woman loses, she is just a girl who has nothing to do, but she is very nervous when she is praised! And she doesn't understand the sinister world at all.

"You want to play?"

"Of course!"

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo.

"Then have fun."

"Good! Go!"

Then the two of them walked to the third floor, the old man's mouth slightly hooked.

Afterwards, Feng Xueling and the old man sat at the gaming table, and a beautiful croupier dealt them cards.

"Miss Feng, you must be very clear about these three-tier rules, right? Then I won't say much, let's start!"

There are a lot of people around. Feng Xueling is a famous person around. Who else in the Fengxue Palace is not more mysterious than her, she, the elder of the dignified Fengxue Palace, is the same as an ordinary person. Yes, I can see her all day long.

Chen Mo glanced at him. This old man is not as powerful as Feng Xueling. It is definitely impossible for them to use some kind of spiritual power to release their hands and feet, let alone use spiritual power to explore the content of this card! Investigate the content of other people's cards. Once she does this, Feng Xueling has a higher realm, and she can detect it!

So how can they ensure control of the outcome? Lose if you want to lose, win if you want how did you do that? Out of the old thousand? Who would dare to stand out in front of Feng Xueling?

Quite strange.

After the three cards were dealt, Feng Xueling sat there with a demeanor, then took a look at the cards.

Chen Mo probably also understood how to play this card.

The single A is the largest, the pair is greater than the single, the pair of A is the largest, then the flush, then the straight, and finally the straight flush. Of course, the leopard is the biggest.

More is to play a psychology.

"Eight million, all pressure."

Feng Xueling then threw the eight million Amethyst Coin card into the gaming table without hesitation.

Chen Mo; "..."

Wow! No wonder this woman loses! She is too sturdy!

The old man on the opposite side was frightened by Feng Xueling.

Big sister! Did you play like this?

"Hehehe, Miss Feng seems to have a good hand, then I will fold."

The old man smiled and threw the card in his hand, and then Feng Xueling earned 10,000 Amethyst Coins.

"It's boring."

Feng Xueling shook her head secretly.

Chen Mo was looking at the old man.

One after another...

Feng Xueling finally lost one million Amethyst Coins!

Yes, Feng Xueling did win more and lose less, but in the end it was she who was losing money.

Chen Mo still didn't find any clues. He could see the opponent's cards silently by killing the pupil with Shura. Many times he should have lost, but because Chen Mo opened the perspective of God, Chen Mo could see that some of the old man's The behavior and manners, some practices that would not be obvious if you don't look at God's perspective, all make Chen Mo feel that he seems to know Feng Xueling's card!

Then, how could he know Feng Xueling's cards silently? He is a player. Of course the Shura Killing Pupils he released will not be discovered. It is more like a detection technique, but NPC...

Chen Mo didn't see it, and Feng Xueling didn't see it. There was something wrong.

"One million amethyst coins!"

The old man confidently pushed one million amethyst coins past.

"Follow this girl!"

Feng Xueling then followed a million.

She was not a small card, but Chen Mo took a look, the old man was even bigger!

"Five million, is the wind girl still following?"

Feng Xueling squatted on the chair and pondered slightly.

"This one won't follow." Chen Mo said.

"Huh?" Feng Xueling glanced at Chen Mo in surprise.

Chen Mo looked at the old man and said, "Why don't I come and play with this senior."

"You come?"

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo in surprise.



Then Feng Xueling stood up and Chen Mo sat in her place: "This one won't follow."

"Okay!! If you don't follow it, you don't follow it. This million belongs to the old man!"

The old man's mouth tick!

The people around secretly regret!

One million amethyst coins! This is really a huge sum of money! Just lose!

This kid looks so young, surely not as good as Feng Xueling, why did he let him come?

The old man on the other side glanced at Chen Mo, his breath is not strong, he shouldn't be a strong one, and bet against Feng Xueling that he still has some pressure, but it is really no pressure to change to this kid.

"carry on!"

Then the beautiful croupier dealt the cards to both of them, and Chen Mo just buckled it there without looking.

He could see that this old man would watch Feng Xueling every time. Although he was watching Feng Xueling, Chen Mo discovered one thing later. His eyes were watching Feng Xueling very delicately, but the color was very different. Behind her!

Chen Mo didn't see it, but he should have guessed it!

This can be watched by someone, and there must be a casino man standing behind Feng Xueling every time. He seems to be watching a play, but in fact, behind Feng Xueling is looking at Feng Xueling’s cards, and then In a way that is absolutely impossible to be discovered by Feng Xueling, it can also be transmitted to the opposite old man through a gesture that only their internal talents understand. Therefore, the opposite old man knows Feng Xueling's card!

Then, Chen Mo just pressed the card without opening it or showing them to them, but Chen Mo knew his and the opponent's cards, how do you win?

"Five million, press!"

Chen Mo then pushed five million Amethyst Coins directly onto the stage.

"Hahaha, little friend, you don't look at the cards? Just dare to press five million?"

The old man froze for a moment~www.readwn.com~ This kid doesn't look at the cards, then he doesn't know the kid's cards, and he doesn't know how to play.

However, he didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations, so it meant that this kid didn't use spiritual power to explore the cards, so he was purely relying on Meng?

grass! A person who doesn't even know the size of his own card, after taking a look at his own card, even if it is not big, why dare not to follow it?

However, I was a little bit jealous for some reason! But he took a look at his own card, and he was against the Aces, but the other party didn't look at his cards and didn't probe!

"Ai-ai-ai, you are calm."

Feng Xueling was also shocked when she saw Chen Mo.

"Okay! I followed!"

When the old man heard Feng Xueling's words and saw her worried expression, he didn't give Chen Mo a chance to go back, so he followed without hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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