I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1147: Chen Mo was shocked

Chapter 1038 Chen Mo is shocked

The beautiful eyes of the princess glanced at the crowd.

"Well, I happened to pass by here. This is the banquet held by the Empire, so I just come and have a look."

The princess said lightly, and then her eyes fell on Leng Xi's body.

They are old rivals.

"Then... it's getting dark now, we don't waste time anymore, just start the first round of competition."

The princess said.

"I don't know what the first round of competition is?"

Qi Chao gave a fist and asked Princess Xiang!

He likes Leng Xi, but if it is this princess, it is not bad either. In terms of status, this princess should be higher than Leng Xi? Leng Xi is the great sister of the god-level forces, and she is the god-sister of the demon **** of the demon empire. She is an imperial princess, so she must have a higher status.

"The content of the first round of competition is... guessing the riddles!"

Chen Mo; "..."

Others are shocked!

Hey hey, are you so sloppy?

Really, Chen Mo may have been accustomed to all kinds of bells and whistles, and the difficulty is extremely difficult, requiring battles and other tests, and then suddenly he tried a riddle, and Chen Mo was shocked!

Others seem to be... commonplace.

Just imagine, if you are more talented than others, Leng Xi and the others come to participate, who do you think is the reward? It must be hers. Then others know it is hers. Who will participate?

Therefore, the competition may try to avoid this aspect of the competition, so that anyone has a chance to get a reward, at least they feel that they have a chance, so that they will come enthusiastically every time.

"The reward this time is the weapon of holy destruction!"

The princess said!

Everyone showed excitement!

Guess the riddle! Everyone has a chance!

Then the princess said: "This is the answering bell. After hearing the content, whoever presses the answering bell first can answer, but he must reply within three seconds. If it exceeds three seconds or the answer is wrong, he will be eliminated in this round. If someone answers three questions correctly for the first time, he will be the winner of this round and will be rewarded with the Sacred Slayer!"

Feng Xueling rushed to Chen Mo's side.

"Ai-ai-ai, you are smart and witty, it's hard to get you this round, right?"

"Then why don't you say that Senior Sister Leng Xi is smart and witty?"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"She? She is good at practicing martial arts, but in this respect, she is totally unreliable."

Leng Xi opened her mouth.

It seems... so.

Everything she has dedicated to martial arts, how could she have spare time to understand this? So this round, her eyes were blackened, she admitted.

"Then please be prepared."

"Etc., etc!"

Feng Xueling shouted, and everyone looked at her.


Then Feng Xueling moved a table!

"Everyone, place a bet. On the left is this girl’s disciple who can get this whole round of the final reward of the Sacred Artifact, and on the right is he can’t. This girl will directly get one million amethyst coins. On the left, bet that my disciple can win this round of rewards, so hurry up and place your bets. It takes three minutes!"

Feng Xueling shouted very skillfully.

Chen Mo: "..."

Wow! Dog thief!

But... Does she believe in herself so much?

She didn't believe it, but she simply felt that if she could suppress him, it would be big money if she made money!

Seeing this scene, everyone gathered.

"I can't press a hundred amethyst coins!"

"I pressed three hundred amethyst coins!"

"One hundred thousand amethyst coins!"

"Five Thousand Amethyst Coins!"


Then bet one after another! You will find that Feng Xueling is the only one who can get the reward by pressing Chen Mo on the left, and everyone else is pressing on the right! he can not! And there are a lot of people playing! Therefore, on the left is Feng Xueling with a principal of one million, and on the right, the total amount is about 1.1 million. If she wins, all of the 1.1 million will be Feng Xueling’s, and if she loses, the others will share Feng Xueling's one million!

It's very simple. Everyone is a person with a face and a face, maybe not too strong, but there is still some money, so why can't Chen Mo be overwhelmed by Mao?

Think about it, with so many people, even if it is a hundred people, the probability that he can win is 1%, and the probability that he can't is 99%, which one do you suppress? It must be impossible to suppress Chen Mo!

The princess thought it was quite interesting, and then took out a purple gold card: "Two hundred thousand, no."

Seeing that the princess can't be suppressed, everyone is even more excited! Sure enough, Feng Xueling is still that Feng Xueling! Here comes the money!

Leng Xi looked at her own money, as if it were just ten amethyst coins, then threw it to the left and crushed Chen Muneng.

Qi Chao thought about it for a while, and then directly took out a million.

"Thirteen elders, you may not be able to get this million!" Qi Chao smiled and looked at Feng Xueling.

"Hey hey, Xiao Chenmo, you have to cheer for this girl!"

Feng Xueling ignored him, but looked at Chen Mo excitedly.

Chen Mo shrugged: "I don't blame me if I lose anyway, I didn't let you bet."

"Anyway, come on, this girl's hope is you! After winning, this girl will take you to eat meat!"

The corner of the princess's mouth ticked slightly, and then said: Start the first question. "

The princess took out a card in her hand, and then said faintly: "After the rain, the sun will clear and the sun will disappear. Type a word and start!"

Because everyone must answer within three seconds even if they grab the answering bell, so whoever wants to grab the answering bell basically means that he already knows the answer.

As for this simple typed one word, Chen Mo walked over and clicked.

"Don't mess around, this girl's money is all there, and the rest is in the Snow Palace!"

Feng Xueling panicked when she saw this scene!

Brother! Are you so fast?

Chen Mo said lightly: "Qing."

Everyone was stunned.

The princess was also taken aback for a moment.



Qi Chao frowned.

Feng Xueling's eyes lit up.

Oh, something!

"Then let's just start the second question, which is also one word. The title is: Clouds and sky, foot on the ground, start!"

Everyone was meditating, and Chen Mo walked over.



Everyone:? ? ?

"Damn me? What the hell? Doesn't this person need to think?"

"Really? We have a lot of talents here, right? This person... is so powerful? Or ~www.readwn.com~ they have already colluded?"

"Shhh, how could it be possible to collude? You see, the thirteen elders are all surprised and incredible. This round, shouldn't, he really won? No, no, it's not that easy!"


The princess was also taken aback.

Brother, are there more than a hundred people on your side that can’t match the brain of one person? Her two hundred thousand amethyst coins! So panic!

And Qi Chao is even more panic, he has a million!

Liu Chuanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he was poor.

"Then directly start the third question, this one is a bit more difficult." The princess glanced at the outline, and then said: "There is no way to eliminate this situation, so she raised her brows, but her heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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