I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1148: I can't recite, but I can copy

Chapter 1039 I Don't Know Me, But I Can Copy

Yes, it is really difficult!

Chen Mo understands this for Mao?

Actually, I don’t understand. It’s just that I have a lot of contact. When I was a child, I followed the master regularly to practice this. Some time ago I watched lanterns with Lin Kexin and others. I also had word puzzles. Because Chen Mo is a very powerful warrior, he also has memory. Very strong, mainly because of the flexibility of the brain.

But this question...

There is no way to get rid of this feeling, so I lower my brows, but my heart...

Feng Xueling looked at Chen Mo nervously.

To win this round again, Feng Xueling's more than two million, close to three million amethyst coins over there! Come on!

I rely on! Inexplicably exciting!

After all, gambling used to be one's own gambling, but now it is regarded as someone else betting for oneself, it feels different.

Qi Chao clenched his fists.

One million amethyst coins is really not a small amount, and it is not a small amount to his family! Originally, he felt that he was winning, but now, he is panicked!

No one went forward, they were thinking, but after a while, Chen Mo moved forward again.

Everyone:? ? ?

Isn't he going to get the answer right again?

The princess is also quite nervous, two hundred thousand amethyst coins is not a small amount.


As Chen Mo's voice fell, everyone thought carefully.

Rely on Nima!

The princess took a deep breath: "You are right."

"Wa hahaha!!"

Feng Xueling's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and then crazily put those amethyst coins into her bag.

"Sent it out!!"

Then she rushed over and snatched the artifact of the holy destruction into her own hands, and couldn't help but kiss the artifact of the holy destruction!

Qi Chao staggered back.

One million amethyst coins, just lost?

The princess was stunned.

After three consecutive questions, this person answered correctly! More than a hundred people can't beat him alone? Or is it just that the content of this competition is in his arms? It can only be so.

loss! Lost 200,000 Amethyst Coins!

Thinking that Leng Xi had invested ten amethyst coins and won, she lost 200,000 amethyst coins, she became a little uncomfortable inexplicably, after all, she and Leng Xi were competitors.

"Elder Thirteen, I also cast ten amethyst coins."

Leng Xi glanced at Chen Mo, then looked at Feng Xueling.

"Only ten amethyst coins, this girl invested a million, you are not counted as money."

Leng Xi: "..."

"It really doesn't work, you won't give it to me if you win, but I have to give me the principal of my ten amethyst coins?" Leng Xi said helplessly.

All this money is left on him.

"Give it."

Then Feng Xueling really just gave her ten amethyst coin principals.

"Master, this sacred weapon."

Chen Mo took a look.

"This girl will keep it for you first."

"No." Chen Mo shook his head.

She keeps it? Damn, can it be your own?

Feng Xueling then glanced aggrievedly at Xiaozui, and was reluctant to throw the Sacred Device to Chen Mo.

"The master's knowledge in word-guessing puzzles is really not low."

The princess looked at Chen Mo and said.

"It's just a guess, no difficulty." Chen Mo said lightly.

Everyone:? ? ?

Nima? Human words?

No difficulty?

The princess also smiled awkwardly.

"Shao Qi, he has given the limelight."

Liu Chuanzhi whispered Qi Chao.

"Little Ben knows!"

But what can he do? This kind of content of the test, he also wants to be able to compare to him, but it is really not. What can he do?

"Then let's conduct the second round of competition. The reward for this second round is the two seventh-order pill Dagui Yuandan. As for the content of the competition, it is also very simple. Write a poem."

Said the princess.

"Writing poems? The princess meant to improvise poems?"

Asked Yanagawa.

"Not improvising poems, but silent writing."


Everyone was stunned.

The princess then took out a piece of paper and took a look.

"Everyone, silently write the 546-character poem "Jiangshan Ci". Everyone has a quarter of an hour to silently write. During the period, they must not speak or read the content of others. In the end, whoever wrote the most complete is this. For the winners of the round, if there are several people with the same level of integrity, then it's up to whoever finishes it sooner! Next, everyone has a minute to prepare."

Everyone: "..."

Really, Chen Mo is stupid!


Are you sure it’s not the primary school teacher’s classroom inspection?

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The content of this competition is really peculiar.

But "Jiangshan Ci", this is a very popular poem, but few people will recite the poem, and the full text is extremely long, even if it is memorized, it may not have been reviewed for many years, maybe a few or a dozen sentences are nothing. Question, but the whole poem...

Qi Chao's mouth tick slightly!

He might be good at word guessing, but he is good at improvising, or dictating poetry! Because he is a relatively famous talent, although he hasn't reviewed this song "Jiangshan Ci" for several years, and there is no guarantee that he can come up with all of it, but he should be the most complete.

Leng Xi frowned slightly.

This round, Chen Mo has no chance!

"This Xiongtai, this round of comparison between the two of us, how about it?" Qi Chao looked at Chen Mo's mouth and hooked.

Chen Mo just nodded slightly.

"Come and come, I bet! Whether this girl's apprentice can win or other people can win this round, this girl can win again, one million amethyst coins!"

Feng Xueling said happily.

Then everyone bet that they couldn't, because they knew Qi Chao! This person is still very famous!

"Thirteen Elders."

Leng Xi glanced at Feng Xueling, then whispered in her ear.


Feng Xueling was silly when she heard the news!

He will not? Because he is from Tianlin Continent?


It's over! Lost!

Feng Xueling closed her head, then glanced at Chen Mo.

"If you lose, you will lose. Anyway, you have won close to two million. Fortunately, this girl didn't have all the pressure." Feng Xueling let out a long sigh of relief.

The princess took a look, and then squeezed one hundred thousand amethyst coins and others could win.

And Qi Chao was very confident that Chen Mo couldn't win with one of his own heavenly weapons, because he was sure to win!

And what is Chen Mo doing?

Baidu search for "Jiangshan Ci~www.readwn.com~" Yes, he doesn't, but he has a player system, he can use the player system, only the system he can see for searching! It's just some news from the mainland, this one is still easy to search.

Then, more than 500 words of poem came out!

He can't recite, but he can still copy!

"let's start!"

Said the princess.

Then most of the people gave up directly, they wouldn't.

Qi Chao glanced at Chen Mo who was not far away, still struggling to write? real or fake?

After the copy was intact, Chen Mo directly handed the poem to the princess! The princess probably took a look, and she knew... she had no more than one hundred thousand!

Ahhhhh! ! Toxic! Is she so bad today?

(End of this chapter)

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