I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1145: This face is quite useful

Chapter 1136 This Face Is Very Useful

For a girl like Leng Xi, she often fights outside and has experienced it. She is particularly familiar with some skills, such as identifying directions!

There may be no skill, because they don't know the time, but she will pay special attention to a target no matter what her direction is, or she doesn't have to go there, but that's where she distinguishes the direction!

Not to mention, Chen Mo really wants to be fortunate to bring them here. Chen Mo doesn't. Chen Mo feels that if he were himself, he might have lost his direction!


The three men embarked on the journey again.

After half a day, they came to a position!

"It's there!"

Leng Xi pointed to a high mountain ahead and said!

"There is no nine-color holy light either."

Chen Mo frowned and said.

"I saw it that day. It was on the top of the mountain. At that time, I was in danger and fell from this place with nowhere to go. There may be a silver lining when I fell. Then the Thirteenth Elders arrived in time and took me away."

Leng Xi pointed to the top of the mountain and then pointed to a cliff behind him.

"It's very likely that this time has already been taken by other people. No, it's the monster beast." Mu Yao said.

"Well, it's been a year or two after all!" Chen Mo said.

Mu Yao continued: "Normally, for the monster beast, it is normal to keep a strong heaven and earth spiritual creature. It is far more important to cultivate around this heaven and earth spiritual creature than to absorb and eat it. Long-term, the benefits are greater, and it is so dangerous here, but all the monsters you encounter must be at the lowest level of Super God or some monsters with special methods that can withstand the cold! But they must also be the lowest! You can get nine colors in such a place. Holy Lotus...that should be the strongest monster in this neighborhood!"

Leng Xi said; "The monster that attacked me was a flying monster, the Ice King."

The Ice King is what the world calls this monster beast. In fact, it is called the Ice King. It is a flying monster with a white ice attribute, and it belongs to a monster with a top bloodline!

"It may be because you are near here. It thought you were going to approach its Nine-Colored Holy Lotus, and then launched an attack on you." Mu Yao said.

Leng Xi nodded; "Well, but I didn’t know that there was a nine-color sacred lotus here. When I discovered it, it was already blooming with nine-color light, wait... Since for a monster beast, it’s around a top-level spirit After practicing for a longer time, the monster beasts also understand that the monster beasts here are extremely rare, basically each has its own large territory, then maybe it just...because I found this place, and later transplanted the nine-color holy lotus to it Other places?"

"It's possible!" Chen Mo nodded.

"The favorite place of flying monsters is the highest place! There!"

Mu Yao pointed to a place far away, although it was far, far away, but after all, the goal was big. A very large mountain appeared in the distance, but in their eyes it was only a small place, but it should be very high!

"Go and see!"

The three people then accelerated their speed and galloped toward that location!

Soon, they also came to the bottom of that mountain!

"It's Nine-Colored Holy Lotus!"

Looking up, the very high position was faintly shining with nine colors.

It's not that there are no monsters to grab, but this special place is very big, but there are very few monsters, top monsters don't need to hunt, they only need this extremely cold place to cultivate! After all, the monsters here must have ice attributes! Therefore, after basically obtaining a site, the monsters on that site may stay for several years, decades!

Therefore, few monsters will appear in the territory of other monsters!

However, it can be seen that this place seems to have just gone through a big battle! There are traces of battles in a large area around, and they are very exaggerated!

"This demon beast has just fought, I hope it's injured."

Chen Mo pondered.

"Let's go up!"

Leng Xi said.

"I'm going up, you guys are hiding here."

"Then...Master Chen Mo, be careful!"

Chen Mo nodded, then went into hiding, disappearing before their eyes.

They could only see Chen Mo's footprints in the snow.

This kind of concealment is a bit useless to be honest, but there is no way, who makes it all snow here, but if you can try to avoid being found, try it!

Soon, Chen Mo climbed to the highest place and stood motionless, because if he moved, the monster should have spotted it.

It was a big bird monster. At this moment, it was injured. It was lying there, wiping its bleeding place with its other wings, and beside it, a plant stood proudly in the cold wind. The nine-color sacred lotus in the middle exudes heaven and earth spiritual power and nine-color glory!

Chen Mo was overjoyed!

Nine-color sacred lotus, it can be considered easy to come by!

As for this monster...

Heaven forbidden level!

This makes Chen Mo jealous!

At the Forbidden Level, the power of her own Shura is gone, but there is still the power of a love saint, it should be no problem, and it can protect them!

Moreover, Chen Mo does not need to use the power of the love saint, don't forget that Chen Mo has recently got a top-level law, the law of killing!

All offensive and offensive skills have a 10% chance to trigger the instant death effect. Although this is only a sky-forbidden level, it should not be immune to death, right?

"Why don't you just try a trick!?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly!

A one-tenth chance, coupled with his proud luck, may be able to succeed, if it succeeds, then it is best, if not, for a top-level monster, this monster is a flying monster , The sky forbidden level, and may even have powers such as space jumping,

So, now is the time to look at the face!

"Nine days exploding three pedals!"


Chen Mo suddenly showed his body, the already close distance plus Chen Mo's speed, and the speed of three kicks exploding in nine days, Chen Mo kicked him in an instant.


The huge figure was kicked by Chen Mo. I don’t know if it flew by itself, but at this moment Chen Mo doesn’t care anymore. Whether it’s done or not, it’s just one move. After this move, he must take it directly. Take the nine-color sacred lotus!


Chen Mo came to Jiucai Shenglian from a space~www.readwn.com~ Ding... The collection failed, and the collection skill increased. "

"Ding... The collection failed, and the proficiency of the collection technique increased."

"Ding...Nine-day explosion of three pedals triggers a passive effect, clearing 50% of the target's health!"

"Ding...you successfully triggered the death effect of the law of killing!"

"Ding... your level has been raised to eighty-fourth."

Chen Mo; "..."

The action he collected suddenly stopped!

Well, this face is quite useful!


Just like that, the huge monster beast fell to death, and Mu Yao and Leng Xi were shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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