I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1146: 9 color holy lotus

Chapter 1137

Leng Xi and Mu Yao are really dumbfounded!

Leng Xi had seen this monster beast, and it was this monster beast that severely injured her, and she finally had no choice but to jump off the cliff, so she also knew that this monster beast was a Heaven Forbidden existence!

and then?

Then Master Chen Mo went up, and then she seemed to vaguely heard a voice from above, and there was no sound of fierce fighting, just one, and then...

This Heavenly Forbidden level monster fell down and turned into a corpse.


They swallowed.

"That is to say... Young Master Chen Mo killed this Forbidden Level Monster Beast with a single blow?"

Mu Yao asked tentatively.

"But... maybe."

Leng Xi said in disbelief!

Sky Forbidden Level, you have to hit the sky in the dark anyway, why did you die with one move?

The law of death?

However, his realm is limited, and the power of the law of death cannot spur too much power...

But... is the realm limited? Can it really kill the existence of the Forbidden Grade?

Chen Mo kept collecting on it, and kept failing!

That can't be helped, his collection technique is not of high grade.

"Leng Xi."

Chen Mo couldn't help but yelled at the bottom.



The figures of Leng Xi and Mu Yao jumped up.

It's colder above, but there is no wind and snow now, their spiritual power has almost recovered before, and it is fine for the time being.

"Nine-colored holy lotus!"

They saw the sacred lotus with nine colors of light!

"Well, help me pick it."

Chen Mo said.

"it is good."

Then Leng Xi walked over, stretched out her hand, wrapped with spiritual power, picked the Nine-Colored Saint Lotus and handed it to Chen Mo.

The super **** level picking is still not difficult, and the nine-color sacred lotus is a kind of heaven and earth spiritual creature that is relatively gentle.

Chen Mo took it and let out a long sigh of relief!

Now that the Nine-Colored Sacred Lotus is in hand, Fengya should be able to reshape the body, but...this Chen Mo should be kept first. You may need a lot of Nine-Colored Sacred Lotus at that time, because people from the underworld Probably a lot, Lin Xiaoyu, Nangong Yu should come out if she wants to, and Lin Xiaoyu's parents, so... if you can find the more Jiucai Saint Lotus, you can find it!

It would be great if the Flower Saint could find the Nine-Colored Saint Lotus.

"Now Jiucai Saint Lotus has been found, shall we go back?"

Leng Xi asked.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Mu Yao pointed to a small snow **** not far away.

The two looked over at the same time, and at that moment, it seemed as if they saw a head quickly retracted, and then they couldn't see it.

"It seems to be a human?"

Leng Xi frowned.

"Is it a phantom fox?"

Mu Yao doubted.

"Isn't it? We probably didn't encounter the illusion fox on the road, and the illusion fox also needs to see clearly before we can transform into a human form, right? Besides us, who else will appear in this central area? And...how am I Seeing white hair faintly?"

Leng Xi questioned.

Chen Mo didn't see it clearly, but he did seem to be a man, and he seemed to have white hair.

"You down the mountain, I'll go take a look." Chen Mo said.

"Let's go together."

Leng Xi said.

Chen Mo pondered slightly; "That's OK, together! Your spiritual power..."

Mu Yao said: "We have basically recovered to a state of heyday, no problem!"


Then the three people galloped forward.

"Look, footprints."

When they arrived at that location, they saw the footprints on the snow.

Very shallow and shallow, it proves that the person has strength, but the strength is not too strong, if the strength is very strong, you can even leave your own footprints on the snow.

"These are human footprints!?"

Their eyebrows frowned.

This should be human footprints, right?

"Is it really a phantom fox?"

"So small." Mu Yao said in surprise.

That's right, this footprint is so small, it looks like a child's foot.

Chen Mo stretched his feet over and compared them. He is a size 43 shoe, and this footprint seems to be half his own!

Is it a kid?

"It shouldn't be the illusion fox. It is impossible for such a small child here to have set foot and be transformed by the illusion fox?"

Mu Yao Road.

"Is it a monster that transforms into a human form? That's very possible!"

Chen Mo nodded: "It's possible."

But why are you running? Is it afraid because he destroyed that monster beast?


Leng Xi raised her head and glanced, her footprints disappeared in front, but it couldn't be because she was flying, right? If it was flying, they would have seen it just now.

It was a small snow slope. Chen Mo originally planned to leave, because it should be in the form of a monster, so Chen Mo didn't care too much. There are agencies in front of the hillside!

This aroused Chen Mo's curiosity!

Chen Mo walked over, and the two beautiful women also followed Chen Mo.

Chen Mo stretched out his hand and pressed it on the snow slope.

Sure enough, there is a mechanism under the snow!


When Chen Mo pressed it, a small portal appeared directly in front of him, and when Chen Mo's hand was pulled out, the snow words on it fell, covering the place where he pressed the mark!


Leng Xi and Mu Yao showed surprised expressions!

There is a teleportation array in this place?

Chen Mo likes this kind of place, as long as there are agencies or portals, Chen Mo likes it very much.

"I'll go in and see, how about you?"

Chen Mo looked at the second girl.

"Let's go too!"

They nodded.

Chen Mo nodded, and walked directly in!

It's actually the best for them to go, because Chen Mo doesn't worry about being outside!

Chen Mo doesn't know what is in this portal, but it shouldn't be a bad place after all? It's so cold outside, but it may not be so cold inside this portal! Otherwise, why create a portal here?

"Sister, sister, it's not good, it's not good..."

A pretty little Xuefa girl anxiously ran to a woman ahead.

"what happened?"

The girl turned her head to look at the pretty girl who ran over.

"I... I am I was discovered."


The white-haired girl looked at that little loli suspiciously~www.readwn.com~oooooo..."

Little Lori seemed to feel that she had done something wrong, wiping tears aggrievedly.

"Don't cry, what's the matter?" She rubbed her little head.

"Just...just outside, it seems that three people have seen Ling'er."

Little Lori wiped her tears and said.

"Did you see clearly?"

"Um... I don't know, Linger ran back soon."

The girl shook her head: "It's okay, in such a secret place, it must be okay!"

At the same time, Chen Mo and the three of them appeared here.

(End of this chapter)

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