I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1155: Give money

Chapter 1146

A group of them sat in the corner, eating and chatting for a long time!

Because of this corner problem, what other people want to see is the back view, and there are some parts that are blocked by the screen, so I only know that there are a group of beautiful women here, but they can't see clearly.

"It's getting late, I should go back."

Mu Hanyu said.

"Is the Great God Qingcheng going to us?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked.

Mu Hanyu:? ? ?


"Huh? Let's go have fun together."

"Yes, yes, if the Great God of Qingcheng has nothing to do, he will go back and play with us together."


They nodded repeatedly.

Zi Qingcheng smiled and said, "They like you so much. If there is nothing important, it is not impossible to have fun together."

Mu Hanyu has things too, but it's not important, nor is it anxious!

Mainly, these people are simply too enthusiastic.

"That... also works, what to play?"

She just went back to find a hotel to stay for one night before deciding whether to leave or not. In fact, it would do.

"Play cards."

Chen Mo: "..."

"play cards?"

"Oh, let's talk about it when I go back, let's go!"

Then they put on hats for those who should wear hats, and sunglasses for those who should wear sunglasses, and then they walked out of the hotel.

"What are these people doing?"

Chen Mo glanced at Zi Qingcheng who was following him.

"They are not only fans of you, but also fans of Qingcheng. In reality, they can see Qingcheng, and they are as excited as meeting you. Moreover, Zhao Yingmeng and Zhao Yingluo are both assassin professions. Basically, she is the ancestor of the assassin profession. There is no assassin who does not worship Allure."

Zi Qingcheng smiled.

Chen Mo scratched his head.

"no other meanings?"

"What else do you mean?"

Chen Mo shook his head.

He was worried that these people would not be "kind".

Soon, they came to the house and all gathered in Chen Mo's house.

"This is your residence?"

Mu Hanyu glanced at the house and asked Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Quite clean."

She said.

"That's because Kexin and the others cleaned it. Brother Chen Mo never cleaned it." Zhao Yingmeng said.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Wow! Did this girl turn her elbow out?

"So his room should be dirty?"

Mu Hanyu said lightly.

"There is there."

Zhao Yingmeng pointed to Chen Mo's room.

Chen Mo; "..."


Chen Mo said afterwards.

Their eyes turned to Chen Mo.

"What are you doing? Drill into someone's room as soon as you come."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"As a comrade-in-arms for so many years, can't you take a look?"

Mu Hanyu's words were light and emotionless, and then he walked to Chen Mo's room like this.

Chen Mo; "..."

"I want to see too."

An Yixi and the others rushed over.

Chen Mo;? ? ?

"I don't know if there is toilet paper."

Zi Qingcheng smiled and said beside Chen Mo, and then walked in together!

"Why are you going in?"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"Have a look."

"Then I will check it out."

Lin Qinghan then followed.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Chen Mo's small room was suddenly crowded with beautiful girls.

Chen Mo didn't go in, he sat on the sofa silently.

Of course An Yixi and the others are also curious, what should the idol's bedroom look like?

"It's ok, very clean."

Lin Qinghan said.

"Did Kexin clean it?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked.

Lin Kexin shook her head quickly: "I haven't cleaned it for several days."

Mu Hanyu glanced at Lin Kexin with beautiful eyes, and Lin Kexin quickly lowered her head.

It seems that this girl may be his girlfriend.

"I thought it might taste like."

Zhao Yingluo said with a smile.

"Huh? What does it taste like?"

"Um... masculine, but it doesn't seem to be."

"Do you mean the smell?"

Lin Qinghan smiled.


Chen Mo is convinced!

Xiao Meng sat beside Chen Mo quite obediently.

What are they doing laughing and laughing in their room? What can make them laugh in their own room?

"Brother, why are the sisters going to your room?"

Xiao Meng asked, blinking her big eyes.

"Their stomach hurts idle."


Then they came out.

"finish watching?"

Chen Mo glanced.


Mu Hanyu said lightly.

Chen Mo shrugged.

"Great God Allure, do we have a chance to team up with you to clean monsters?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked expectantly.

"Isn't there a stronger one here?"

Mu Hanyu looked at Chen Mo and said.

"Big Brother Chen Mo is so busy every day."


They nodded.

"Okay, I haven't had a lot of things recently. Let's go online with you to clean monsters." She said lightly!


They exclaimed.

Since you met, you should be regarded as friends, right? This is not a problem.

"Play cards and play cards!"

Then they sat together!

Although it feels that the Great God of Allure in reality is also that kind of personality, it feels that the words are not too few! They are extremely happy anyway!

After a few hours of fighting, Chen Mo lost several thousand yuan, and everyone else won a little.

Chen Mo is helpless, why is his luck so bad?

"The last hand, let's play a big one, how about one hundred dollars in one hand?"

Zi Qingcheng smiled.


Their beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

Isn't this pitting yourself? Forget it.

"bring it on!"

After the cards were dealt, after walking around, Chen Mo still had 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, and a single 3.

This kind of card basically means that he is determined to lose. It is possible to lose eight hundred, or one hundred. It depends on whether he has just the 2 and whether anyone is the king.


"Neither do I!"

A group of their girls shook their heads.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up!

At this time, Zi Qingcheng and Zhao Yingmeng exchanged glances.

"Ah, Brother Chen Mo, see what's behind you."

Chen Mo turned his head and took a look. At this moment, Zhao Yingmeng stole a card that Chen Mo was holding in front of him.

Several girls suffocated and laughed.

This card may have disrupted his cards! Lost! Humph!

Chen Mo turned his head.


"Wrong read wrong."

Chen Mo shook his head secretly, then took his own card and took a look.

Foggy grass? What about his 3?

Chen Mo smiled in his heart~www.readwn.com~ No one, right? "


Chen Mo then threw it out.

Everyone glanced.

Wow! !

"Give me the money."

Chen Mo said with a hook.


The whole night passed, Mu Hanyu slept in the last room of Zi Qingcheng, and she also left the next morning! But everyone is very happy, because she left a contact information, even after playing the game, you can add friends! !

God! Gongzimo and Qingcheng’s friends...

(End of this chapter)

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