I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1156: Holy Angel 1 Family

Chapter 1147

After Mu Hanyu left, everyone returned to a normal life!

After Chen Mo went online, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Where is the next rule, Chen Mo didn't know, the cooling of the Heavenly Secret Pan hadn't finished yet.

I sorted it out a bit.

The laws that have been obtained include power, time, soul, withering, growth, killing, life and death, and the known space and creation are in the hands of the emperor and the Holy Yao, and then there is another in the heaven, where is this heaven , Chen Mo doesn't know for now!

So, there is only one last rule left, but I don’t know where it is! After finding this last law, Chen Mo can go all out to find the so-called Tianyu.

But for now, Chen Mo can't do it!

Tianyu couldn't find it, and the last rule was the end of the cooling of the secret disk, so Chen Mo could only do other things!

What else is there?

Of course it's leveling!

"Go up the level first, and you won't have to think about these things in the future."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

"Shui Shui, Xiao Rou!"

Chen Mo looked at a few beautiful girls.

"Big brother."

They ran over happily.

"Have you played enough? I should take you to improve your strength after playing enough!"

Chen Mo smiled.

"it is good!"

"Let's go too."

Huang Huang said!

"You stay here to play, Linglong, Huanghuang, Xiaomeng, Yingying and Xiaoyuan play. I will take Xiaorou and Shui Shui to improve my strength first!"

"Well, big brother pay attention to safety."

Xiao Yuan hugged Chen Mo and said softly.

Chen Mo smiled and rubbed her little head.

"Be mad."



In the next instant, Chen Mo took the two girls directly to the Demon Locking Tower!

This lock demon tower is a good place to spawn monsters. As the number of layers gets higher and higher, the monster level and rank will get higher and higher, and more and more experience!

On this day, Chen Mo took them to level up!

This is fast, why? Because of Chen Mo's law of killing!

What kind of gods and super god-level bosses you encounter have a 10% chance of death directly, so don't be too fast!

Chen Mo's level is eighty-seven, and the two girls have also reached eighty-seven!

One day, they hit the 90th floor of the Demon Locking Tower!

Ninety-tier BOSS, five sacred-level BOSS!

But Chen Mo lost it in a few minutes!

"Unless you are immune to death, otherwise, this law of killing is simply too invincible."

Chen Mo groaned slightly.

"Go, go back and rest."

Chen Mo rubbed the little heads of the two girls.



After offline, Lin Kexin, Zi Qingcheng, Xiao Meng and An Yixi were preparing hot pot ingredients.

"I'm coming!"

Zhao Yingmeng heard a voice, and then three beautiful girls came to them again!

They are accustomed to cooking, mainly Lin Kexin and the others invited Zhao Yingmeng and the others! It's lively, everyone likes it with lots of people.

Chen Mo also opened the door and walked out!

"Brother Chen Mo." They shouted.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Eat, the ingredients are ready."

Zi Qingcheng clapped his hands and smiled.

They then gathered in a circle, chatting happily and eating.

"Brother Chen Mo, Kexin has a task tomorrow. Will Brother Chen Mo have time?"

Lin Kexin asked.

Chen Mo nodded; "Yes."


They showed surprise expressions.

"What task?"

Chen Mo asked.

"It's just that Kexin's hidden career is not a sacred angel, and then Kexin triggered a hidden mission. It seems that there is a crisis in the sacred angel family. Kexin doesn't know the specifics. I will check it out tomorrow, but it may be dangerous!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

"Holy angels, according to them, should be a very top race in this continent, but they have disappeared for many years. The crisis of their race is really not too simple!"

"But Brother Chen Mo is here."

An Yixi said admiringly.


Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

In their eyes, Chen Mo is the most powerful, the son Mo Ai.

"Let's take a look tomorrow!" Chen Mo said.

"it is good!"


Early the next morning, everyone went online, and then, Zhao Yingmeng, Zhao Yingluo, Lin Kexin, An Yixi, and Chen Mo were all ready to go!

Originally, Chen Mo wanted to bring Shui Shui them, but when I thought about it, they had been fighting for a day yesterday, so let them rest and rest. They have the law of killing. This brainless power makes Chen Mo feel that he is also enough!

As for Zhao Yingmeng, Zhao Yingluo and An Yixi, they just want to go on an adventure with Chen Mo!

That is simply what they dream of!

Although they can take risks together without Chen Mo, there are two feelings with and without!

Lin Qinghan has something to do, and Zi Qingcheng is also developing the Zi family industry in the game.

"Wow! I can finally take an adventure with Brother Chen Mo!"

Zhao Yingluo and Zhao Yingmeng were very excited.

"Yeah, I haven't ventured with Brother Chen Mo yet, and I haven't even seen Brother Chen Mo fight a few times. What I've seen are some online clips. I look forward to it."

An Yixi's big eyes shone with little stars.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "There is nothing to look forward to."


"Then Chen Mo doesn't understand the mood of our fans." Zhao Yingmeng said.


Chen Mo shrugged.

"Kexin, how come there?"

Chen Mo asked.

"There is a portal."

Lin Kexin then released a force, then rushed forward, and then opened a flame portal.

"Go in and you should be able to reach the mission site."

Lin Kexin said.

"Then go!"

Then they walked in together, and at the same time, the portal disappeared.

"Ding...you came to the sacred place."

The system prompt came, and then Chen Mo opened his eyes!

In front of me is a place of extreme beauty, the blue sea, the beautiful woods behind the beach, and there are even many beautiful flowers in the distance.

Above the sky, some figures were dancing hurriedly.

"Is this the residence of the holy angels?"

Chen Mo glanced above the sea!

There are several big sky islands~www.readwn.com~ This sky island is entwined with beautiful golden or white light, and each sky island has a pair of huge white wings phantom, which is very beautiful .

"Wow! I haven't been to this kind of place yet. It's amazing and amazing."

An Yixi exclaimed, then couldn't help taking pictures.


Suddenly an angry shout came, and then a few figures fell around them, surrounding them all!

There are five people, four beautiful women, and a handsome man, who looks like a human being.

They were looking at Chen Mo and them with a vigilant and hostile look.

(End of this chapter)

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