I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1212: Become the delicacy in my stomach

Chen Mo was shocked!

Can this happen?

No wonder he has eight heads, eight feet, and eight arms!

"He may have injected himself with more than one genetic medicine!"

Sakura said!

"This is a bit troublesome!"

Chen Mo looked up at the void.

This base is made of the same kind of iron as the door just now. The thickness of the upper part is estimated to be not bad. He just rushed out? To be honest, it's a bit exaggerated!


At this time, Kenjiro Kodaira who had become an unhuman person rushed out!

"Fuck! What!"

The eyes of those people saw Kenjiro Kodaira!

"Isn't this Kenjiro Kodaira? No, this is a monster! How come there are eight heads? Eight arms!? What kind of monster is this!"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it! What's this thing about?

"Dead! Die to me!"

That Kodaira Kenjiro rushed directly towards one of them!

"Don't come, don't come!"


A punch slammed at that person, and that person also slammed his own punch in despair, and then...

He was directly shattered.


Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Run! Run! Run! Run away!"

Zi Qingcheng suddenly shrank when she saw this scene!


It may be Kenjiro Kodaira, and this person knows their location and must be transferred!

Fortunately, there were other people attracting his attention, and Zi Qingcheng led the girls to a certain room.

"Shhh, don't go out!"

She then glanced outside!

Where is Chen Mo?

Why didn't he come out?


Outside, those people screamed one after another, and were slaughtered by Kodaira Kenjiro one by one!


At this moment, Chen Mo and Ying rushed out. Chen Mo frowned as he watched the scene in front of him!

This has definitely surpassed the power of the martial arts master in the impression, this genetic medicine...If more people use this genetic medicine, then...unimaginable!


Zi Qingcheng came to Chen Mo's side!

"What's going on?" Zi Qingcheng asked!

"He was injected with a potion that may have the genes of an ancient beast!"

Chen Mo said.

Purple Qingcheng; "..."

"How come! That would also have to get the genes of the ancient fierce beast, did any of them have discovered some kind of ancient fierce beast?"

"It should be the big snake in reality, and there may even be ancient beasts from China."

"It's not easy to solve!"

Zi Qingcheng frowned!

"Let me try!"

A powerful force is entwined with Chen Mo!


Then Chen Mo rushed over!

"be careful."

Zi Qingcheng looked at Chen Mo worriedly.


Chen Mo hit the back of Kodaira Kenjiro with a punch, but...

That Kodaira Kenjiro didn't even move his body.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Dead! Die to me!"

Kodaira Kenjiro turned around, and several fists slammed at Chen Mo at the same time.


The two fists collided, and then Chen Mo flew out directly.

"Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo stood up: "It's okay!"

Then he shook his hand!

"Is that all? Are you the only strength? Then, die for me!"

Kodaira Kenjiro roared and leaped towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo leaned sideways, his punch hit the ground, and then directly blasted a crater more than ten meters long!

It is conceivable that if this kind of power falls on people, how terrifying it is.

Chen Mo frowned!

This person's strength and defense have reached an unimaginable level, and he can't fight it for the time being, unless...

Unless he can inspire the sword of disaster!

In reality, he did it once!

"It's over! It's over! How can this become a monster! It's terrifying! It's so strong!"

"What should I do? Can't get out yet! Can't get out now! What should I do!"


Everyone is desperate.

"come out!"

Chen Mo clenched his right fist, a black stream of light wrapped around the chain of disaster.

"Give me... to die! Uh-"

His terrifying power blasted Chen Mo.


In the next instant, the disaster sword appeared in Chen Mo's hand!

When the Sword of Calamity appeared, Chen Mo's power rose to an unknown level!


Chen Mo suddenly waved out!



Kenjiro Kodaira, who had become a monster, screamed directly, and...exploded!

Everyone:? ? ?

After the sword was swung out, the sword of calamity disappeared in Chen Mo's hands, turning into a chain of calamity again!

Everyone showed surprise expressions!

"This... is dead? Is it dead?"

"Great! Great! Hahaha—dead!"

"Wait, look!"

Just when everyone thought it was over, the change happened again.

The flesh and blood of Kenjiro Kodaira who had exploded on the ground was...regrouping!

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Everyone:? ? ?


Chen Mo was shocked!

What's happening here? Can it be reorganized if this is the case? This is no longer logical! Even if you are the strongest gene of the beast, you are dead, it is already like this, how can you...

Then, the Kodaira Kenjiro was once again fully presented in front of everyone!

Everyone:? ? ?

"Okay! Wait for me...wait for my return!"

He shouted angrily ~www.readwn.com~ and rushed out!


The powerful barrier was directly shattered by him and flew out!

"The barrier is broken! Run!"

"Quick, run quickly!"

Seeing this scene, everyone is too late or can't say that they can't think about these things. Since the barrier is broken, it is important for them to save their lives and leave first.

Chen Mo glanced at Zi Qingcheng, and said, "You take everyone back first! I will leave the rest to me!"

"be careful."

Chen Mo nodded; "Don't worry!"

"I'm with you!"

Sakura said!

Chen Mo nodded, and then the two galloped towards the direction where Kodaira Kenjiro ran away!

With the departure of the top people from these top families, things here swept across the world in an instant, and Dongying became the target of public criticism!

On the other side, what did Kenjiro Kodaira do?

He directly rushed to a certain city in Dongying, and then stood on the void! Attracted the attention of countless people!

"Look, what is that? How come there are eight heads?"

"This seems to be a human, this head looks like a human!"

"Is this a person? What nonsense, how could this be a person? Is there such a person? Did I have hallucinations? Or, where is this projected from?"


Everyone pointed at the Kodaira Kenjiro above the void.

"All...become the delicacy in my stomach!"

That Kodaira Kenjiro laughed wildly, and then...

His body is getting bigger, deformed, and gradually turning into a huge ball...

Everyone:? ? ?

Then, the ball that may have been hundreds of meters open opened its mouth...()

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