I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1213: I want to eat the whole world

Chapter 1204 I Want To Eat The Whole World

Everyone was stunned!

What the **** is this?

At the beginning, the people of Dongying thought that this was a holographic projection that was irradiated from somewhere, and they were preparing to promote advertisements. After all, this situation is something that no one has seen in reality...


When the terrible sound came, when the monster became bigger and bigger, when the monster gradually blocked the sun in this place, many people realized that this TM seems to be real! What is this?

Chen Mo and Ying have already come here, looking up at the thing!

The thing at this moment has become a huge sphere of about one or two hundred meters, just above the void, the head is gone, that is, there is something like eyes on the sphere?

"Is this potion a bit too exaggerated? This has already turned people into monsters. Forget it, it can change form? A person who is a few meters away has turned into a monster of hundreds of meters?"

Chen Mo was shocked.

Ying said: "These Dongying people are simply a group of perverts. God knows how they changed their genetic medicine over the years, and they turned a living person into this look!"

This is not what Chen Mo was surprised by. Chen Mo was surprised that the size of a person who was a few meters away was now hundreds or thousands of times larger. This is really incomprehensible.

"What is he going to do now? He doesn't run or kill or kill. What does he want to do when he becomes a ball in the air?"

Ying's whole person is also confused.

"Didn't he say it? He wants to eat everyone."

"Eat it?"

"Don't forget, he was injected with gluttonous genes."


"Then now... attack?"

Sakura asked.

Chen Mo shook his head: "I think ordinary attacks should be difficult to use. He should have a good understanding of his own situation. If some ordinary attacks can cause harm to him, I guess he would not dare to be here so openly."

"It seems so."

At this moment, Dongying has become a mess of porridge!

Some of the people under this huge monster feel that it’s not very good, so they sprint away and run far away, while some people think that there are no monsters in this world. I guess it’s impossible to tell. What's more, they are still watching the show here, pointing them!


At the high-level of Dongying, there was a mess of porridge!

"What's going on! What's going on? Why does that kind of monster appear on Northeast City? What is it? Who can tell me, what is it?"

"I don't know, what appeared inexplicably, it is not a projection, it is a real thing, but... I don't know what that thing is going to do or where it comes from."

"Minister, that thing has vital signs, he has vital signs!"

"What? You mean, that's a life? That's a monster?"


They are all shocked!

Have vital signs? This TM is the most terrifying news.

"Where is His Majesty? Where is His Majesty!"

At this time, the emperor of Dongying came over, and he saw this scene through the video!

"Your Majesty, a monster appeared on this northeast city, but I don't know what to do. We don't know what to do with Xianzai, in your opinion??"

"Yeah, Your Majesty, that thing is still making a human voice and clamoring to eat everyone. Is this a product made by someone? But... that's alive!"

That day, the emperor's eyes looked at that scene in the picture, frowning!

This voice...

Kodaira Kenjiro!

How did he become such a ghost! ?

Could it be...

What did he think of!

Did he secretly develop the genetic medicine into another look?


To what extent has he improved the genetic medicine, how could it become like this?

No way!

He must die!

"According to my order, the people below will be evacuated as quickly as possible, and then troops will be sent out to wipe them out."

The emperor said that day!

At this moment, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank!

what happened?

I saw that huge body in the sky opened its mouth!

And its mouth occupies almost all of its body...

Through his mouth, nothing can be seen inside, a piece of black hole! What's going on?

Everyone is stupid.

and then?


There seemed to be a very large gravitational force in the huge mouth of the black hole, and then...


Many people around who were still taking pictures and watching the theater were directly sucked up, and then entered into that huge mouth!

Except people, the cars on the ground, even buses, garbage, billboards, wooden chairs, big trees, dust, and everything you can see in the city are flying into its stomach!

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Everyone:? ? ?

"Run! Run!"

Many people started to flee panicked at this time, but...

This terrifying suction force gave them nowhere to escape, unless they were a little farther away, otherwise, they were all absorbed into the monster's body without the ability to resist.


It looks as if it has only one mouth open, but actually...

Look at the back of it, there is a mouth that is exactly the same, also absorbing it!

What the **** is this TM! ?

"Hahaha—all become my delicacy! Hahaha—"

The crazy voice of Kodaira Kenjiro came out!


Around, many high-rise buildings were forcibly broken down, turned into pieces and flew into that huge belly!

"Delicious, so delicious!"

Chen Mo:? ? ?

"What kind of monster is this...? Does he eat stones and mud?"

Sakura was really stunned in place!

Is she in reality or forgot to go offline?

At this moment, there are countless people who have the same ideas as Sakura!

Are they not offline in the game? How can there be such a thing in reality?

And the things here instantly swept the world, shocked the whole world!

"Not good! Isn't that where Chen Mo is?"

Long Yang received the news and saw this scene!

"Is this the result of R&D over there? How did R&D become like this?"

Everyone was stunned!

"Withdraw first!"

Chen Mo quickly ran away with Ying!

"Run? You run?"

That Xiaoping Kenjiro saw Chen Mo and Ying in the city~www.readwn.com~ He seemed to recognize them, and his suction suddenly increased!


Chen Mo grabbed Ying's hand, and then his power burst out and rushed out!

"I...want...to eat up the whole world!"

And the most frightening thing is that as it continues to eat, its body is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

(End of this chapter)

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