I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1214: Are you crazy?

Chapter 1205 Are You Crazy?

At this moment, the Emperor and the others showed shocked expressions!

"Your Majesty, we must do it! No matter what kind of monster this is, it can't be dragged anymore. This monster is still getting bigger. I suspect that he can keep getting bigger if he keeps devouring it. If this situation is infinite, then ..."

The emperor frowned that day!

Of course he knows!

"Do it, send out all the troops and blast it away!"

"Then around..."

"The surrounding area is about to be swallowed up by him, and it is estimated that people who can't escape have already fallen into his belly. Don't worry, just bomb! Send troops!"


the other side……

"Then what is that?"

An Yixi and the others were taken by Zi Qingcheng, and when they saw the huge thing above the sky in the distance, they showed shocked expressions!

Especially when they saw countless things flying into that blood basin without knowing anything, they were stupid.

Is this making a science fiction movie?

No, this is reality.

Zi Qingcheng also showed a surprised expression when he looked at this side!

Why did it become like this?

"It's okay! Stay away first!"

Zi Qingcheng said!

"Retreat, all retreat, don't come near here!"

In the rear, tanks, police cars, special forces and so on drove over here!

"Oh my God!"

Zhao Yingmeng opened her small mouth.

Zi Qingcheng looked up at that thing.

I don't know if there is a way to solve it!

Now, he can become a person like this, so he should be able to become a person again from this appearance, right? If it is not completely solved, the outcome is unimaginable!

"What kind of monster is this? Am I not offline?" Zhao Yingluo's mouth opened wide.

Everyone wants to know what kind of monster this is.

Overhead, a helicopter flies over...

"Look, over there, the fighters are here?"

Everyone is stupid.

On the other side, those special forces from Dongying came nearby!


Da da da da -

The rifle and the machine gun fired frantically at the huge monster in the sky, but...

It's really like many science fiction movies. The so-called guns are not useful! Sweep a lonely!

"Report! Guns are useless!"

"Slap him in the eyes! Eyes!"


Da da da--



Everyone:? ? ?


At this time, the tank was ready to aim, and then the shells blasted over!


The cannonball exploded in the huge body, and some flew into the huge mouth and exploded, but...

Is it useful for farts!

"Report, it's useless! It's useless at all!"

Those people are stupid, they have beaten everything, but they haven't beaten such things?


"Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"


"Become my delicacy! Wow ha ha ha —"

Then, those people were sucked in one after another, their figures struggling in the air desperately, and finally, together with the cars, trees, small houses, and stones flew into the huge mouth!

His mouth is like a bottomless pit!

Da da da--

In the air, dozens of helicopters shot frantically at the monster, but... it was useless.

And that huge monster changed its direction slightly, and the helicopter instantly lost its control ability and was absorbed in!

Everyone:? ? ?

At this moment, the world is watching here!

"What kind of monster is this?"

"This Dongying is terrible. It has just been wiped out in the game, and this monster has appeared in reality. It is really a tragedy!"

"Tragedy, you're so big, don't you see this monster keep getting bigger? If there is no upper limit to it getting bigger, Dongying is at stake now, maybe we will be in the future!"

"Impossible? How can it be infinitely larger? This conservation of power must also be observed?"

"Conservation of strength? Didn't you see what he swallowed? The thing it swallowed is estimated to be many times larger than his body, so why didn't it observe the conservation of space?"

"I don't believe it anymore. Missiles can't break this thing?"


On the other side, the fighter missile was slowly preparing.

"Report, the G2 missile is ready! Do you want to fire!?"




Whoosh whoosh——

Dozens of missiles blasted towards the huge figure, and then...

The ones that were swallowed were swallowed, the ones that were not swallowed... directly exploded on that huge monster, and then...

That's all!


Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded!

"No missiles? Ah? No missiles? What the **** is this body made of?"

"He's getting bigger, he's still getting bigger!"

Everyone swallowed!

"His Majesty, what should I do? It's useless!"

The emperor frowned that day!


How could such a thing happen! ? How did Kenjiro Kodaira develop this genetic medicine?

"Find a way! Find a way!"

About ten minutes have passed...

The huge monster that was originally a hundred meters away has become a few kilometers away, and the light on this side has been blocked...

And now, that high-rise building has been... swallowed in its stomach by the entire building.

This TM is already stupid!

"Use Skywalk missiles!"

That day the emperor finally made this decision!

"What? Skywalk missile, this... Your Majesty, once the skywalk missile falls, half of the Northeast city will be destroyed!"

"Otherwise? You can give me a solution! Don't use Skywalk missiles, it will destroy the entire Dongying! Send my order, use Skywalk missiles!"

"Your Majesty, that monster has begun to move!"

Someone shouted!

"Quick, use! Now that more places around are emptied, people are running away! Less sacrifice is always good, once the monster runs to a crowded place, then the loss of using the Skywalk missile I can’t imagine! Hurry!"


In a certain base, a missile that may be twenty meters long is slowly being lifted...

"The Skywalk missile has locked the target, and it will happen in ten seconds!

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... one, launch!"


A huge missile was launched!

At this moment, Chen Mo raised his head and looked far away, his pupils shrank!

"Qingcheng, where are everyone?"

Chen Mo quickly called Zi Qingcheng!

"It's already far away~www.readwn.com~ I can't see that monster!"

Zi Qingcheng replied!

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go! Go!"

Chen Mo took Na Ying and galloped away, so fast that it might be faster than a sports car! And the journey is unimpeded!


The missile exploded!

Chen Mo should be more than ten kilometers away from the missile, but...

Chen Mo saw the huge mushroom cloud and felt the terrible power!

Are these people crazy? Are these missiles used?

(End of this chapter)

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