I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 669: Tian Ni Zhan, the invincible heart

The latest website: 5480 attack power, 100% of Chen Mo's crit, the damage of a single blow is now 10,000!

What is the concept if the current attack power is increased by the intention of Shura?


That's right!

Now Chen Mo's attack power is simply an increase of Shura's intention, and his attack power reaches 27,400! 500% of the critical strike damage, and the casual strike damage from the critical strike is...137000!

One hundred and thirty thousand seven!

This is just an increase of pure Shura intentions! Then add seven emotions-anger?

Two hundred and seventy thousand four!

What about the [Dark Kai] skill equipped with [Hell Armor]?

Double it again!

Five hundred and four hundred and eighty!

Plus ten times the damage in the name of Shura?

Five million four hundred and eighty thousand!

That's right!

Under Chen Mo's full firepower, his casual blow was 5.48 million damage! Two ordinary attacks can kill the ordinary Tianjue beast in seconds! What if skills are added?

That's right, now Chen Mo is a father!

And this full firepower is not too limited!

Shura's meaning, ten minutes to cool down!

Dark Kai, one hour!

Seven emotions-anger, a total of one hour every day!

The name of Shura only needs less than 10% or 50% blood volume to be a passive skill!

In the ten seconds with full firepower, if Chen Mo attacked three times a second, a simple normal attack could cause nearly 200 million damage!

I rely on!

This means that the current Chen Mo may not need the help of Shui Shui and the others. He already has the ability to kill the beasts of Shenhuang that are not too strong, and does not need to release certain heaven-defying skills!

It used to be possible, but Chen Mo had to release skills such as Shura's Magic Transformation to do it, and now he doesn't need it!

This bone of Shura completely sublimated Chen Mo!

No, it is the horror of Shura itself!

The horror of Shura may not be the skill, but the basic strength of itself.

Any combat occupation that uses skills is not top-notch.

Shura, the use of skills is against the sky, and other combat professions are also thrown away without skills.

Let’s not talk about anything else, just how terrifying is the name of a passive skill Shura? And Shura also has the most exaggerated BUFF. All attack types have a 1% chance of 10 times damage, 0.1% chance for 100 times damage, 0.01% for 1000 times damage, 0.001% for 10000 times damage, 0.0001% for 100000 times. hurt.

You said, if you accidentally trigger one hundred thousand times damage, Chen Mo's critical strike is 5.48 million, multiplied by one hundred thousand times...

Nima? Does the sky forbidden level take seconds?

This may be why everyone is afraid of Shura! so horrible.

After the second turn? After the third revolution? What about after the whole body costume? Even Chen Mo didn't bother to change himself into a **** outfit now, and he even had a golden weapon. He didn't think it was necessary. He was waiting for a outfit, otherwise he didn't bother to change it. That's right, this was the sense of swelling that Shura brought him.

And there is a good news, this Shura Bone directly resets Chen Mo's phantom change and Shura's penalty times!

Before the phantom **** change, there were no more times. Shura's natural punishment had one more time. Now the phantom **** has once again, and Shura's natural punishment twice! Under this circumstance, Chen Mo has reversed the power of the world in desperate situations several times! Especially Shura's phantom change, this power is shocked in the world!

Then came the place Chen Mo cares most about!

Two newly acquired skills!

Tian Nizhan and the invincible heart.

[Tian Ni Zhan]: Shura's exclusive skill, belongs to Shura's most basic and most commonly used combat skills, Shura's Sword, One Sword Lingyun. Effect: The weapon in the hand condenses the power of Shura, slashing forward, causing double attack damage to all units within ten meters in front, and it can be a critical strike. If a target is killed by Tianni Slash, then Tian Ni Zhan will directly cool down, and the damage of the next Tian Ni Zhan within ten seconds will be doubled again, which can be superimposed infinitely. Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: 15 seconds.

Nizhan this day is simply one of Chen Mo's most needed and favorite skills!

There is not much flashy ability to kill people, but this will definitely become Chen Mo's most used skill in the future, not one of them!

Tian Ni Zhan, a ten-meter range slash, causes double damage, and can be critically hit. If Chen Mo slashes Tian Ni Zhan without any increase, the damage will reach 20,000! The coolest thing is that such a skill cooldown is only fifteen seconds! This will definitely become Chen Mo’s main skill for spawning monsters in the future. Chen Mo has always wanted such a skill. Although the wind and waves are also, the damage is not high, but the wind and waves can be controlled for a short period of time. Slash, wind and waves, and star-falling style, there is absolutely no need to worry about killing monsters.

Another effect of Heavenly Slash. If a unit in the range dies under the Heavenly Slash, the Celestial Slash will cool down, and the damage of the Heavenly Slash will be doubled again in the next ten seconds. This effect can stack infinitely. ! For example, Chen Mo 10’s attack power, Tianni Critical Strike causes 40 damage, and the slash kills a unit. After cooling down, Tianni Slash is released within ten seconds, and the damage will reach 80. If it can kill 1 Famous unit, after cooling down again, the damage can reach one hundred and sixty!

This effect will be very exaggerated when spawning monsters.

The Bone of Shura brought Chen Mo a skill he wanted!

[Invincible Heart]: Shura is invincible, and Shura will not be defeated. Shura must uphold the heart of invincibility. He must be more and more courageous. After active opening, if the level of the attacker is higher than Shura, The damage caused by Shura will be increased by ten times, and each attack is accompanied by an additional 1,000,000 mandatory damage, but the damage suffered by itself will be increased by ten times, and it will be automatically cancelled after one minute out of combat. Mana consumption: 10000, cooling time: seven days~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo; "..."

This Shura is really a vicious existence!

Even in the face of someone stronger than himself, Shura's obsession is still war, war! Keep fighting!

Invincible Heart interprets this. After opening, if the target level of your attack, or the level of your attack, is higher than you, the damage caused will be increased by ten times, and each attack comes with an additional mandatory one million damage! It will be cancelled one minute after the end of the battle! In other words, when the warhead is over, the invincibility will always exist!

But at the same time, there is a drawback. Shura should be a profession that has completely abandoned its defense. All of Shura's boosts or skills have nothing to do with defense, such as immunity to damage, reduction of damage, and increase of defense. Power, no one! One is immune to death! But that is immune to death, and has nothing to do with defense.

Opening the heart of invincibility means that you have to fight to the death with the opponent! Either you die or I die! This is Shura!

(End of this chapter)

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