I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 670: Upset, upset

Latest website: After a glance at his attributes and newly acquired skills, Chen Mo was very excited.

Now his own combat power has increased more than ten times, because of this Shura bone! This trip to the underworld is right.


Why does Chen Mo always have a strange feeling?

The feeling that you can't say at all is that you feel flustered, as if an evil thought in your body is slowly coming up.

It can't be said that the various emotions and desires seem to be particularly stronger than before.

For example, before, the Wang family and Chen Mo had a grudge, but Chen Mo killed a few of them. Chen Mo really felt that there was nothing left, and he might not go to the Wang family anymore. But now, thinking of Lin Xiaoyu’s experience, he is inexplicable. Want to destroy the Wang Family.

Another example is that Lin Xiaoyu suddenly thought of Lin Xiaoyu, this delicate and fragile girl, and her identity as her maid, and an idea of ​​playing with her came out inexplicably, just like a dude!

Chen Mo shook his head quickly.

How could this be?

He doesn't know if it is his own illusion, but Chen Mo is very sensitive to this aspect, he thinks it is not an illusion!

"Is it the bone of Shura?"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

Shura is evil, evil is not evil, not good, do whatever you want, the evil thoughts in your heart will be even worse! Chen Mo thinks that maybe because of the integration of the bones of Shura, the bones of Shura are related to Shura, making him closer to Shura, then will he really become Shura in the future?

Because of the fusion of a piece of Shura's bone, Chen Mo has deeply felt that his whole person's heart has changed a lot!

Really, Chen Mo didn't feel much before, but now he is even more panicked!

If there is really anything that can improve Shura in the future, Chen Mo may really have to consider whether to accept it or not! He naturally did not want to be Shura.

Chen Mo then got up and looked out the window, trying to calm himself down.

It also became quiet outside, and it was getting late and everyone basically went home to rest.

At this moment, Chen Mo heard outside, that is, there was a noise at his door.

It's very small, it seems to be walking slightly there, I don't know what it is doing.

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

Could it be that the black wind is coming? What conspiracy is brewing at the door?


After about thirty seconds, Chen Mo's door was knocked gently.

"Young...Master, are you asleep?"

Lin Xiaoyu's soft voice came from outside.

Chen Mo stretched his brows.

It turned out to be Lin Xiaoyu, what is she wandering outside?

Not sleeping at this time.

Chen Mo then walked over and opened the door.

Lin Xiaoyu at the door was startled and took a step back.

She was wearing a pajamas, and she smelled fragrant, and she had obviously taken a shower.

Lin Xiaoyu blushed and lowered her head, rubbing the corners of her clothes with her hands at a loss.

"Isn't it cold? Come in first."

Chen Mo didn't know what was wrong with her, but it was always bad to stand outside in pajamas.

Lin Xiaoyu followed Chen Mo into the room and then closed the door gently.

"Is there a problem?"

Chen Mo asked.

Lin Xiaoyu lowered her head in front of Chen Mo and said softly.

"Xiao...Xiaoyu...come to wait for the young master to sleep."

Chen Mo; "..."

Chen Mo thought about the possibility of her coming, but really didn't expect Lin Xiaoyu to come to attend the bed.


Not so good?

Lin Xiaoyu's idea is actually very simple.

Do you say she likes Chen Mo?

She doesn't know, but she must have a good impression of Chen Mo, which is beyond doubt, even if she doesn't even know Chen Mo's appearance.

But Chen Mo helped her a lot. Originally, she thought her future would be dim, but she didn’t expect that following Chen Mo, Chen Mo would treat her so well, so take care of her and even help her bury her family. She didn’t know herself. How to repay Chen Mo, she really doesn't know how to repay, because she doesn't have any capital and qualifications to repay Chen Mo.

The only thing she can think of is her body.

Although she is very inferior, she is still more confident about her appearance, after all, she can see clearly the eyes of those people.

I just don't know if Chen Mo will dislike her.

"Go back and rest."

Chen Mo looked at her and said lightly.

But Chen Mo didn't know what was going on!

He was sure, he must be sure that if it was his previous self, he would not be moved. It was not that he was not interested in women, or that Lin Xiaoyu was not beautiful, but Chen Mo did not put his mind on the love of his children! But now, Lin Xiaoyu is standing in front of him, wearing pajamas, fair skin, and a fragrant smell...

Chen Mo's heart is longing! Very eager! The feeling that emerged that made him not believe it! He knew it was the problem of Shura's bones!

But Chen Mo is too traditional and too traditional.

To be honest, a man who is too traditional to say it seems shameful and ridiculous, but if Chen Mo is not traditional, can he even talk about a girlfriend until now?

I don't know what it's like to be a parent girl.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Lin Xiaoyu bit her red lips slightly, and then knelt in front of Chen Mo.

"Master, let Xiao Yu do something for you... Master saved Xiao Yu, helped Xiao Yu so much, and was so good to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu really didn't know how to give back to Master..."

Then Lin Xiaoyu raised her head and looked at Chen Mo, her eyes flushed slightly.

"You are just to repay."

Chen Mo said.


Lin Xiaoyu shook her head, then said softly, "Xiaoyu is willing."

"Get up first."

Chen Mo then stretched out his hand and held her wrist to help her up.

After helping him up, Chen Mo found Lin Xiaoyu's face flushed, panting slightly, breathing heat, his eyes blurred slightly.

Chen Mo; "..."


Lin Xiaoyu hugged Chen Mo's waist, her red lips were printed on Chen Mo's mouth.

Chen Mo: "..."

Sorry! He forgot!

He forgot that his left hand is Chunxin Dangling Hand!

His hand holding her is his left hand!

Upset! Upset!

This **** Shura bone!

Forget it, it won't work...

The boss is not too young... at least you have to feel the feeling of a woman, right?

It's a bit cold~www.readwn.com~ but it's soft, is this the girl's lips?

Then Chen Mo carried Lin Xiaoyu onto the bed.

Released her left hand, Lin Xiaoyu returned to normal. She didn't know what happened to her just now, but she did not regret it.


Lin Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo with blurred eyes, and then reached out to take off Chen Mo's mask.

Chen Mo then took off his mask.

In the underworld, it really doesn't matter whether this mask is worn or not.


Lin Xiaoyu's whole body stiffened slightly, holding Chen Mo's waist with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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