I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 694: Water attack

Latest website: Ten minutes later, Nangong Yu lost again!

The soldiers around showed shocked expressions.

Their general lost to Chen Mo twice in a row! This……

Their generals are undefeated myths. They are very accomplished in this formation, and even many of her own formations have been used by other empires. This is why they can often win more with less, because the formations superb! However, I lost! And lost twice!

"What kind of formation is this?"

"The Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation evolved from gossip."

Chen Mo said.

Nangong Yu: "..."

"Come again!"

In ten sets, Nangong Yu won five sets!

Chen Mo really didn't have any other tricks behind, so he lost a bit. Of course, Nangong Yu was really good!

Chen Mo does have some accomplishments in this respect. Of course, Chen Mo can only talk about soldiers on paper, because he has never really led soldiers in battle, but these formations can naturally be applied, because they are all Huaxia. He hadn't done the Niubi's method of arranging troops that he had summed up over the years, but his ancestors have confirmed that if it is not strong, how can he defeat Nangong Yu?

Although it was 5 to 5 in the end, in this regard, Nangong Yu really never lost once.

Of course, Nangong Yu was very surprised. She had never seen any of these methods of formation! Moreover, it's amazing! Although the latter are somewhat weak, the ones demonstrated in the previous section can definitely be applied to the battlefield.

If he was really the enemy, he could be caught off guard with these formations and easily captured Changfeng City! Absolutely! Therefore, he is not an enemy!

"Can you teach me how to deploy troops?"

Nangong Yu asked.

"of course can!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Then can I bring a team?"

Nangong Yu pondered slightly.

"Because in many cases it is not a battle formation. The formation is only suitable for fighting in front of the city gate. You are really good at this aspect, but..."

She has this power, but...

She was still not at ease.

"Then we come to terrain warfare again."

"it is good!"


After more than an hour, Chen Mo and Nangong Yu walked out.

Nangongyu had already seen Chen Mo's talents in this area, but she was not sure what Chen Mo would be like if he were to fight.

"Can you give me a team now?"

Chen Mo asked.

Nangong Yu was pondering and did not answer. After a while, she looked at Chen Mo and asked, "Why are you helping?"

Why help?

First, let me admire her more, and secondly, the task was triggered to let Nangong Yu fulfill her wish. Chen Mo didn’t know what her wish was, but it must be related to the empire, so she should guard the Great Wind City for her. And Linfeng Empire must have something to do with her wish.

Chen Mo thinks he has this ability!

Although the times are different, Chen Mo has a lot of survival of these things in his mind! It's also very practical, and it's all verified. Only the beef batch can be preserved.

"Because I want to help, everything you want to see is what I want to see. I hope to contribute to this. My own strength is not enough, but if I have an army, I think I should be able to Magnify several times."

Chen Mo said.

Nangong Yu pondered slightly, looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance, and said, "But this time it's useless."

"Is it because there are too many enemies?"

Nangong Yu nodded: "I thought that what Mo Weisheng from the Kamikaze Empire said last night was more of a ruthless remark, but now there are reports coming from the front line, Kamikaze Empire, Huoyun Empire, Daan Empire, etc. All the six empires have sent troops today, and the goal is the Linfeng Empire."

Chen Mo: "..."

This Linfeng Empire is not the most powerful empire, so why did the six empires team up? Chen Mo doesn't understand it!

Moreover, even if the six empires had captured the Linfeng Empire, who would they belong to? This is another problem, so it's really hard to happen normally.

Chen Mo asked his doubts.

"I don't know! I also want to know, but this is a fact at the moment. The next Linfeng Empire will be attacked by the six empires. As the most important fortress, Changfeng City will probably suffer no less than the strength of the Three Kingdoms. The offensive, based on the current situation, a lot of support and perfect battles, at best, our Changfeng City can block the forces of the two countries and the forces of the four countries. It is completely impossible. I am afraid that it will not take a day for Changfeng City to fall. !"

Nangong Yu sighed.

This situation really belongs to the kind of completely powerless thing.

No matter how good you are, you can stand out from the rest of your age and be invincible, but now let you beat an adult, how is this possible?

Even if she strategizes again, the enemy will send crushing troops at all costs. Six countries will fight against one country. How to fight?

It's purely a surplus but not enough energy.

"What is the difference in military strength?"

Chen Mo asked.

"On average, one country dispatched two million troops from the six countries. As the most important fortress, Changfeng City must not be defeated. However, after the Linfeng Empire increases its personnel, it will spend at most three million, three million to six million, to defend. For Fang, it is okay, but as long as one step is wrong, the consequences are unimaginable. This is only a conservative estimate. If the Four Kingdoms attack Changfeng City, the increase in the nearby cities must rush to..."

Three million to six million...

This is not monster spawning. Like before, with millions of monsters spawned, Chen Mo has no big tricks to steal.

"Give me 200,000, and I will help you block a country." Chen Mo said.


Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

How is this possible?

Although she did have a record of 200,000 and won 1.8 million, but the conditions were too harsh, and it was impossible to play normally. However, he hadn't even started to say such a thing?

"I have seen a topographic map, over there."

Chen Mo pointed in a direction and said: "There is a place that is very suitable for implementing my plan. With 200,000 troops, I will help you solve a country without a single soldier! How?"


Chen Mo then asked, "How many days will they be able to arrive?"

"The shortest is the Kamikaze Empire, which can be approached at any time, and then the Yunhai Empire, four days! The Northern Qin Empire is five days, and the longest is the Da'an Empire~www.readwn.com~7 days!"

"Two hundred thousand soldiers, lend me two days, I don't need them to participate in the battle, and I will return it to you in two days."

Nangong Yu: "..."

If she were to give him 200,000 yuan to participate in the battle, she would not dare, because she was irresponsible to the soldiers, but borrowing him for two days and not participating in the battle would help her block the strength of a country...

To be honest, this sounds impossible to you! In other words, you don't need anything, and you will ultimately block a country by yourself? What do they do?

"Then what do you want them to do?"

"Work in two days to help me build something similar to a dam."

"Dyke? Are you going to attack with water?"

Nangong Yu frowned.

Like I can release infinitely the big move, please collect it: () I can release the big move infinitely, the hottest update speed.

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