I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 695: Call the wind and call the rain

Latest website: 200,000 people, no need to participate in the battle, to solve the strength of a country, plus Chen Mo said to build a dam, she can only imagine the power of nature!

Although the strong can destroy the strength of a country by one person, the enemy must have the strong, so it is useless! So he has to use the power of nature?

Nangong Yu has been here for so many years, knowing the surrounding terrain for hundreds of kilometers, where is suitable for ambushes, where is suitable for battle, where is the advantage of the terrain and can win more with less... Where is the valley, where is the lake, where? It was Plain, she knew very well.

However, no one has ever dared to say this before starting a war.

But he said again, there is no need for the soldiers to fight. The 200,000 troops only need to build a dam. Even if it fails, there is no loss to her and the soldiers.

"I can lend it to you, but I need to know what you think."

Chen Mo nodded: "It just so happens that I have to ask you a little question, go to the sand table."


The sand table covered the topographic map of the Linfeng Empire including the surrounding empires, which Chen Mo also noticed at the time, so he dared to say that.

"Is this position the only way for the Da'an Empire?"

Chen Mo pointed to a place and said.

"Yes! This place must be their only way. It is close, and there are few monsters, avoiding losses on the road! They will definitely come from this place. The place you are referring to is also a suitable place for ambushes. I planned to be here, here and here, to plant a small number of troops in an ambush..."

Chen Mo nodded; "Yes! Just reduce their number on the road! No need to hit hard."

"Of course I understand. The head-to-head on the road and the large amount of early losses are only not good for us. It is better to keep such a large number to defend the city. What do you mean?"

Chen Mo said, "This place!"

Nangong Yu took a look.


"Yes, I will build a dam around here, and when they enter this valley, the turbulent flood will instantly engulf them a million army."

"But there is no lake here for ten kilometers."

Nangong Yu said puzzledly.

If there was a lot of lake water, she would have thought about it.

To be precise, there is no opportunity for water attack in any position, and even if there is, it is not the route of these imperial troops.

"Nothing now doesn't mean there won't be in three days."

Nangong Yu was confused again.

To be honest, she led soldiers in the war for so many years, and she understood everything Chen Mo said, but she couldn't realize it at all.

Chen Mo looked at Nangong Yu and said, "What if it rains?"

"If it rains..."

Nangong Yu groaned, her beautiful eyes brightened.

"If it rains, quickly build a diversion canal and use a dam to block it." Then her beautiful eyes dimmed slightly.

"But it's sunny and sunny now. Such beautiful things can only be done by luck, and if you want to swallow two million troops, the amount of water must not be low. Even if it rains, it is only for a short period of time, unless it is two days and two nights. The downpour can engulf two million troops."

Chen Mo nodded: "I know."


"I said yes, then yes."

Nangong Yu: "..."

She looked at Chen Mo's confident eyes. She didn't understand why, something she knew was impossible, but she would choose to believe him inexplicably.

"Hurry up. If it is late, it may be too late if it is not built, and it may be more likely to be discovered by enemy spies."

"Okay! I choose to believe you!"

Anyway, there is no loss of personnel, no need to fight! Try it! See where his confidence comes from!

"Also, when the Da'an Empire passed by, you carried out several ambushes. It is estimated that you could weaken more than one hundred and two hundred thousand troops. This is the only way for the Northern Qin Empire, right?"

Chen Mo pointed to another place.

Nangong Yu nodded: "Yes, this is a very large lake, stretching dozens of kilometers, and a few kilometers wide. They can only go by ferry. If you make a detour, it will take more than three days! It is absolutely impossible! Choose a detour."

"You can also ambush here. If it is done, their millions of army may also be annihilated instantly!"


Nangong Yu frowned.

I don't understand, I don't understand!

"It’s not possible here. It’s three hundred kilometers away from Changfeng City. It’s too far. Even the cavalry will take more than a day to arrive. Although the six empires dispatch troops at the same time, the time to reach Changfeng City may be short or long, but back and forth. A large number of army transfers in three days will bring about a great chain reaction and will have a great impact on the subsequent battles."

"Two hundred thousand troops is enough."

Nangong Yu: "..."

"You tell me what you think."

"They need boats to cross the river. Do you think they want to destroy millions with the least force. Under such circumstances, what method can be used?"

Chen Mo asked back.

Nangong Yu almost said without hesitation: "Two, first, the river surface is surging, the boat capsizes and people die, but the river surface is not the sea surface. This is very difficult to achieve. Unless there is a hurricane, if there is a hurricane, they cannot pass it. Jiang, and crossing the river takes less than half a time, so this is not true. The second is to use rockets, with 200,000 troops. With the help of rockets, half of the enemies can be destroyed in a short time without pressure. Army, but..."

Nangong Yu pointed and said, "This location is surrounded by plains on both sides. We cannot lie in ambush. The 200,000 army has no hiding place. Even without spies, their fleet can see people 200 meters from the shore. The maximum distance of the rocket is only two hundred meters."

"What if you can send a windward arrow?"

"Windward Arrow? Three hundred meters! The manpower can reach three hundred meters, and the rocket puller can reach five hundred meters! But now it is close to winter, and the wind direction cannot be upwind, and a certain amount of wind is needed, which is too harsh. Well, it’s not for war."

Nangong Yu shook his head.

"I can promise you that that day, no, there will be east wind on the way they cross the river, and I can guarantee that the wind is strong enough."

In fact, Chen Mo wants to make the lake surge, but it is difficult to achieve a hurricane!

Including Chen Mo dared to ensure that the rain for two days and two nights came from one thing!

The jade of heaven and earth!

Heaven and Earth Jade Heavenly Jade [Sky Phenomenon] can rewrite the weather~www.readwn.com~ Earth Jade [Earth Phenomenon] can change the terrain, there is no merger, because Ye Yuhan said never merge, Chen Mo did not do it, otherwise the hurricane What kind of easy use, so many days of energy storage, two days and two nights of heavy rain in Tianyu is definitely enough!

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo.

"I know you are puzzled, there is a kind of ability called call the wind and call the rain, come, come out."

Chen Mo then took Nangong Yu out.

"Look, is it clear and cloudless now?"

Nangong Yu nodded.

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