I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 230: different

Chapter 230


In five minutes, long is long, short is short, and it passes from one to three hundred.

But for five minutes now, for Commander Makino, every second is undoubtedly a torture.

Unconsciously, the sheets had been soaked with sweat and his face was pale and bloodless. This kind of change was clear to the three of them, and the magnitude of the suffering suffered by the commander of Makino, although Fang Chong and Qin Lan themselves I have experienced it even more than once, but every time I see such a scene, I am very scared ...

As for the pastoral song, Fang Chong and the two of them have experienced such a lot of life and death, let alone her, and before they know it, the eyes of the pastoral red ...

"It's okay, it's over soon ..." Qin Lan's eyes are changing. Qin Lan, as a woman, can better understand the feelings in her heart at this moment. The sacred king made by the Qiangkun sacred king will kill the **** at night. God of the Seal of Throne Seeking Demon Pride of the Ninth Heaven The Strongest Abandoned Shao Zhou Emperor Will Kill The God of the Thousand Seals of the King Seeking Demons Pride of the Nine Kings of the King Will Kill The God of the Week Greatest Abandonment of the Dao Zhou Emperor Martial Universe Will Kill the God of the Dark Seals of the Night God Demon Pride of the Nine Heavens Force the abandonment of the Shaozhou Zhou royal family to make the gods and kill the God of the Night. Can't help but comfort.

As a child, is it strange to see your father suffering like this, not to worry, not to be sad?

Song nodded. In addition to believing that his father would not be hit by such a pain, he also believed that Fang Chong and Qin Lan would not lie to her ...

"Five minutes, it will soon pass ..." Seeing Muge's response, Qin Lan nodded.

Like Qin Lan said, five minutes really passed quickly. With the passage of time, the expression of Commander Makino also gradually changed. From the beginning of pain, slowly relaxed, and started with this change. , Muge, Qin Lan, and Fang Chong also relieved at the same time ...

Although up to now, they have not encountered the failure of genetic fusion, which caused the death of the transformer, but this cannot directly explain that the success rate is 100% ...

Fang Chong what they fear most is not ten thousand, but in case ...

Now, the change of Makino Commander can finally let them breathe a sigh of relief. After this step, it indicates that Makino Commander has succeeded ...

And from the perspective of Makino Commander's struggle, the degree of fusion of Commander Makino and the genetic agent should be good. After all, the greater the suffering, the higher the degree of gene fusion ...

From the performance of Commander Makino just now, Fang Chong knows that the condition of Makino Commander's fusion gene medicine is much better than they believe ...


"Dad, how are you feeling?" Finally, Commander Makino slowly opened his eyes and saw that Commander Makino really recovered completely, and Makiko hurried forward, with flashing tears in his eyes ...

"Now, it feels good ..." After a rest, Commander Makino had almost forgotten the severe pain just now, and now it feels really good.

"Really ...." Hearing the commander of Makino said, of course, the expression of Makiko was a joy, and at this moment, Makiko's heart was completely relaxed ...

"Commander Makino, it is best to take a bath first, then you can better feel the martial arts. The Holy King made the holy king to kill the gods at night and seal the throne. The throne of the Indian Seal of Inquisition and Pride of the Ninth Heaven is the strongest to abandon the Shao Zhou Emperor ’s martial arts, and the King of Kings is the strongest. The strongest abandonment of the Royal Family of Shaozhou Zhou to the physical changes ... "Fang Chong was very surprised that Commander Makino was able to sit up straight as soon as he woke up. Comparing what he had experienced, including Qin Lan and Song Ming, they were merging. When genetic medicine, there was no pop-up novel network. Although they were successful, many people were unconscious and did not wake up until they knew the next day. They were as relaxed as Commander Makino.

"Well, dad take a bath first ..." Muge heard Fang Chong say this, and also noticed the change in the commander of Makino. I do n’t know when the pop-up novel net has become tan, and it ’s still There was an unpleasant question on it ...

Seeing such a scene, Pastoral Song probably understood Fang Chong's meaning.

"Fortunately, the expression of Makiko's face has changed. After a few seconds of commanding the commander, Makino understood what the problem was. Even after saying two good words, he quickly stood up and went to the bathroom ...

"Commander Makino is much stronger than before." Commander Makino stood up and left, Qin Lan said.

She and Fang Chong apparently have the same problem.

"Well, I was thinking about this problem just now, this is the first time ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Why is that so?" Qin Lan asked, after all, except Fang Chong, everyone else did not understand.

"Will it have something to do with different levels?" Fang Chong didn't know much. After all, he was not a researcher. He knew that the role of genetic medicine was told by the Maya system. As for the machine for extracting genetic medicine, it was even more It has nothing to do with him ...

So Qin Lan asked this question, and he could only guess about it ...

"Maybe that?" Qin Lan heard Fang Chong said this, but felt quite possible.

After all, when they used genetic medicine at that time, their body levels had just passed the 50th level, and they wanted to know that Commander Makino's strength had almost reached 80, and there was no difference between more than 30 levels. Is it strange?

Thinking of this, the pastoral song feels more reasonable ...

"Yes, the higher the level of strength, the better your physical fitness, of course. This question is for sure ..." Fang Chong also came to his senses ...

"You say so, my dad will not have a lot of words," Muge said in a dim voice, worried, and finally asked.

"It's okay, it was okay just now, let alone say now. After today, the strength of Makino Commander will definitely increase greatly. I dare not say beyond the hundredth level, but there is a great possibility of approaching the hundredth level ..." Fang Chong Assured, patted his chest and said.

………………………………………… ..

Soon ~ www.readwn.com ~ The commander of Makino came out of the bath. After taking a hot bath, the current commander of Makino seems to have completely recovered to the previous state, and he swept away the decadence after being tortured by the pain. Feelings, it can be said that the spirit is so good, even the complexion is much better ...

Seeing such a change, the corner of Muguge's mouth rose slightly, his expression was completely relaxed, and he was not worried at all ...

"It feels really amazing, now my power has increased greatly ..." The commander of Makino came to Fang Chong, and the first sentence was excited.

"It is not possible to determine how much to increase for now, but you will be clear after tomorrow ..." Fang Chong nodded with a smile, it is natural for Commander Makino to change, otherwise, who will do what gene warrior Yeah ...

‘Well, today ’s matter, in the end, I really thank you’ Commander Makino now fully believes in Fang Chong, after all, his body is his own, and what the change looks like, no one knows it better than him ...

Chapter 230

Chapter 230 is different, to the URL

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