Chapter 231 Color

ps thanks today's brother "Dead-Solo Dance" for the reward. The recent update is really ashamed ...

But soon, Hanyue will be able to adjust the state in a few days. I owe everyone, Hanyue remembers ...


"Well, now that Commander Makino is okay, it's time for us to go back. It's been a whole day today ..." Thanks to Makino, Fang Chong nodded.

Thinking that Commander Makino is okay so far, and that their purpose of coming over today has been achieved, Fang Chong got up and left.

As for the pastoral songs to go with them, this is only an accident, but this accident, good and bad are temporarily distributed ...

"Well, I know you are busy these days, but as long as I can help you, although you say, I will definitely not postpone ..." Commander Makino is also an old churros, how can I not hear Fang Chong What does it mean?

Commander Makino also had a reason to offer such help.

From now on, the pastoral song will leave with them. Fang Chong promised to provide them with the medicine needed by the genetic warrior.

Although it is said that these things such as guns and ammunition in the last days are Fang Chong's precious, compared with the genetic medicine provided by Fang Chong, nothing is considered ...

Needless to say, guns and ammunition are all disposable consumables, but what about a genetic warrior?

As long as he can be equipped with a sharp cold weapon, what he can do is not comparable to guns and ammunition, and most importantly, the genetic warrior will grow, as long as his level is higher, The effect will be greater ...

Commander Makino is a clever man. Of course, he clearly understands that he alone would worship those thousands of people and would not need more weapons there. As long as he can help to make genetic warriors out, he will be able to ...

As for the power of genetic warriors? Commander Makino felt shocked after he successfully fused the genetic agent himself. The difference between the same level, genetic warrior and not genetic warrior, can be described as vastly different ...

That is to compare the genetic warrior with the evolver, both of which are between Pak Chung ...

As for his Makino now, he is both a genetic warrior and an evolutionary warrior. The combat power he can wield can be said to be even greater and terrible ...

"Yes… .." I heard Commander Makino say that, although Fang Chong knew that he had a purpose in it, he answered with a smile.

"Then let's go first ..." After Qin Lan saw Fang Chong stood up, she followed.

"When will Fangchuang leave the base city of Kyoto?" When Fang Chong and Qin Lan were about to leave, Muge quickly stood up and asked.

Now for her, leaving Kyoto base city is the most important thing ...

"About a few days later, before I go out, I will let someone inform you ..." Fang Chong saw the tension of the animal husbandry, but laughed, and the animal husbandry is the cutest now ...

"What if you forgot it?" Although Muge was promised by Fang Chong, he still asked a little more uneasily.

"It's absolutely impossible to forget, not to mention we're all here over the next few days ..." Qin Lan was also a little puzzled. For Muge, this battle is so interesting to her?

When Qin Lan said that, Muge didn't worry about anything anymore. Qin Lan's status in Muge's mind was quite high, he was strong, he was beautiful, and he treated him like his sister. She could say Besides his father, Commander Makino, Qin Lan is the one she believes in ...

As for such a situation, what Fang Chong can understand is the reason for the lack of maternal love from the pastoral song.

Qin Lan's mature, rational, generous ...

Such a woman is undoubtedly a beauty embryo killed by men, women, and children ...


"We went back to the blood killing and hunting corps' station ..." When they came out of the home of Commander Makino, Fang Chong and Qin Lan took the off-road vehicle directly, and the off-road vehicle had disappeared in front of the idyll that came out to send them.

Qin Lan asked after the car was running fast on the road, except for the city area.

"Let's go back to the blood kill hunting group's station directly. It's been a long time since today ..." Fang Chong thought about it and said directly after not thinking of any other messy things to do.

"Okay ..." After Qin Lan knew the destination, she was picked up by the whole car at once ...


"How about, did the sword build successfully?" After returning to the blood slaying and hunting corps station, everyone would like to know that it was Fang Chong who made the sword today ...

With the improvement of everyone's level, now the sword is more important ...

"Of course it was successful. Look, this is it ..." Fang Chong walked into the conference hall and took out the sword that was just created today and put it on the table ...

"This color is so pretty?" After seeing Fang Chong taking out the battle, Ling Ya and Xiao Lan were both attracted by the color of the sword ...

There is a purple sword in brown, this color adds a bit of weirdness to the sword, and at the same time it is a bit high ...

"Of course, there are dozens of special metal materials added inside, and we have also coated a layer of purple gold on the surface of the sword. Beautiful colors are inevitable ..." Fang Chong explained roughly. . . .

"Brother Fang Chong, what is the level of this sword ...". Different from Ling Ya and Xiao Lan, they are the men who are Xiaojun ...

Although they also feel good about the color of the sword, they are more concerned about the level of the sword ...

Only with a higher saber ~ ~ can they guarantee that they can survive better ...

"More than one hundred and eighty ..." Fang Chong had paid the most attention to this issue before, so the sword was successful and Fang Chong asked Maya the first time ...

"More than one hundred and eighty, if you add your instantaneous explosive power, wouldn't you be able to spawn about two hundred mutant creatures with just one swipe?" After Fang Chong reported such a number, the rest killed The high ranks of the hunting group are also very excited ...

"Almost ..." Fang Chong nodded. He said, but he didn't dare to be 100% sure.

"Brother Fang Chong, shall we also do it?" Xiaojun saw that Fang Chong also nodded, and the feeling of his heart could not be expressed in words ...

"Of course there is no problem. The saber is hand-held. Don't be nervous ..."

Chapter 231 Color

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