I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 240: Tiger woman

Chapter 240

Thanks for the ‘dead-solo’ brother ’s reward yesterday ...


In the end, Qin Lan finally said that Fang Chong could not breathe. He turned his head up, turned his head away, ignored Fang Chong, and fell asleep.

Seeing Qin Lan like this, Fang Chong just smiled and hid in the bed together.

"Really angry?" After a while, Fang Chong saw that Qin Lan really didn't respond and didn't speak, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange, gently reached out his hand, touched Qin Lan's head, and asked softly.

"No response?" Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan remained motionless.

"Qin Lan ..." Fang Chong was not sure if Qin Lan was really angry. He gently called for another sound, and his body got out of the bed. I wanted to see what the expression on Qin Lan's face was. .

After Fang Chong got up, he saw that Qin Lan's face was very calm, and his mouth was not angry at all. Seeing this scene, Fang Chong was dumbfounded. There is only one possibility for Qin Lan. Qin Lan Fell asleep…..

Qin Lan is actually such a situation, Fang Chong had to turn over and gently sleep again ...

"You'd better, after you've put my mind to sleep, I'll cover myself with a big sleep, and I'll take care of it, and it won't be solved by myself ..." Fang Chong was in the bed, as if he tried to get around.

Although it was said that Fang Chong always said that he was flying with Qin Lan, the 4p thing was funny to Qin Lan, but it is absolutely impossible to say that Fang Chong does not have a little idea in this regard, man? It's always like this ...

For this reason, Fang Chong's mind was almost stirred, and some part of her body also reacted ...

What was it? With Qin Lan around, it was easy to resolve, but in the end, Qin Lan was angry and fell asleep without waiting for him to coax. In this way, Fang Chong, who could not bear to wake up Qin Lan, only screamed in depression.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Mage, Ling Ya, are they really the same as Qin Lan ..." Fang Chong turned over again, knowing that he couldn't sleep, then sat up and started thinking about what Qin Lan had said tonight. Qin Lan wanted to talk to Fang Chong tonight. most important thing.

Qin Lan said that Muge and Ling Ya were both interesting to him. Fang Chong really didn't believe such a problem.

However, although Fang Chong didn't believe it, he turned his head to think that the two girls, Mu Ge and Ling Ya, treated him as if they behaved differently from other members ...

Of course, this is not to say that Ling Ya and Muge are not good at treating other members, but that they are just as good at the same time. They treat Fang Chong as if subconsciously, and the other is dependent on each other ...

"Do I like them?" Fang Chongyue thought more and more that the way Ling Ya and Muge treated him seemed to have something of love in it.

Feeling that there was love in it, Fang Chong had to seriously consider the deepest place in his heart, whether there was Ling Ya, or the position of pastoral song.

Considering this problem, Fang Chong's mind popped up a lot of pastoral songs, Ling Ya spent time with him.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's mouth could not help but slightly rise.

"It should be like it, right?" Fang Chong considered it for a long time and finally came to a general conclusion.

However, after Fang Chong reached such a result, he was also quite surprised.

However, I do n’t know what the two girls like Mu Ge and Ling Ya thought about him, but just smiled slightly, learned Qin Lan's appearance, and fell asleep with their heads covered.

After all, thinking wildly seems like he is too ...

………………………………………… ..

There was no speech overnight, when Fang Chong woke up, it was already the next morning.

Rarely in the base city, even if Fang Chong was sober, he didn't get up immediately. He knew that after a few days, for a long time in the future, if he wanted to sleep for a beautiful sleep, it might be a A luxury idea ...

Knowing this reason, he seemed to cherish it.

Qin Lan, who was around, probably had the same idea, and Fang Chong did not see her ready.

"Are you angry?" After Fang Chong didn't hear Qin Lanping's resounding breath, she knew that Qin Lan was actually awake, but she knew that Fang Chong looked at her at this time and didn't want to open her eyes. ....

Fang Chong thought that Qin Lan was still angry and could not help asking.

"Angry? I'm angry?" As soon as Fang Chong's words fell, Qin Lan really opened her eyes and looked at Fang Chong with a beak, her teeth biting and biting.

"I also want to know what kind of anger you look at, look at you now, like an angry little tiger, and also said that he is not angry ..." Fang Chong actually likes Qin Lan sometimes The girl has the same temperament, so that she looks even more beautiful.

Looking at Qin Lan's slightly red face, he couldn't help but tease her ...

"Do you look like an angry little tiger? How can I say it like a big tiger ..." Qin Lan, although knowing that Fang Chong was intentional, was always enraged by Fang Chong ...

"Is it a big tiger? Isn't that fierce?" Fang Chong pretended to be surprised ...

"Of course, I don't know if I'm afraid ..." Seeing Fang Chong pretending to be pitiful, although I knew Fang Chong was still pretending, he was still very happy and enjoyed ...

"Afraid, scared, Tiger Lao ..." Fang Chong made a terrified expression, and shouted at the same time.

"What, Lao Hu?" When Qin Lan was about to laugh, she actually heard the words "Fang Lao" actually spit out in Fang Chong's mouth.

She just thought that Fang Chong deliberately pretended to be a pitiful Baba look to please her ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't expect Fang Chong to keep a hand behind ...

"Yeah, didn't you say you were a big tiger yourself?" Fang Chong nodded pretentiously. "You are a tiger, and you are a girl. It is not possible to be a tiger lady or a tiger ..."

As Fang Chong said so, Qin Lan knew that he couldn't find anything to refute Fang Chong. In the end, she had no choice but to kill her.

Qin Lan's eyes looked a little depressing, staring at Fang Chong's eyes, moving his mouth a few times, and then slowly speaking.

"Did you deliberately **** me off, and then let me tell you apart, you can go and find the two of them, don't you ..." Qin Lan pretended to be particularly realistic.

"If this is the case, at the end, Lan sounds choked ....


When Chong saw such a realistic performance as Qin Lan, he didn't know it was the performance, and he was panicked and confused. Especially the scene where Qin Lan turned her head back. . ..

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