I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 241: Not too young

Chapter 241 is no small


"Heaven and earth conscience, is Fang Chong such a person?" Fang Chong said helplessly.

I have to say that Qin Lan's appearance is particularly realistic. Fang Chong did not think that Qin Lan would be installed. For a while, I didn't know what to say ...

"You said it wouldn't you?" Qin Lan saw an expression like Fang Chong, and she really wanted to laugh, but thinking that Fang Chong was so abominable just now, she held back and continued to pretend to be pathetic. Look like. "I think you are full of bad guys, **** ..."


Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan's gritted teeth, but he was speechless. When a woman was very unreasonable, what she said was wrong, not to mention that now Fang Chong remembered that his performance just seemed real A little bit overkill ...

But this is a joke, he doesn't believe Qin Lan can't see it ...

"How? Are the words poor?" Qin Lan saw Fang Chong's eyes keep turning, but did not speak, apparently thinking of countermeasures, thinking of Fang Chong thinking of countermeasures. She is no longer polite and continues to fight ...

"Not poor, I don't want to quarrel with you ..." Fang Chong never thought that Qin Lan's expression was still a pitiful expression before, how suddenly it became so fast, as if smiling proudly. Seeing this, I couldn't help doubting it, but I thought, of course, 3 wouldn't say it all at once ...

"Don't argue with me, so I'm quite unreasonable, isn't it?" Qin Lan had a change in Fang Chong's expression at this time. She was also somewhat skeptical of being clever. Is Fang Chong now? Something is wrong ...

However, thinking of a scene where she accidentally laughed in the past, what happened to her immediately, it must be that she had accidentally smiled, and that accidental smiley face was watched by Fang Chong Living.

"You're unreasonable? It won't happen. If it's unreasonable, it's me too ..." Of course, Fang Chong is Fang Chong, of course, afraid of Qin Lan crying, especially now that it's bright, if it is seen by others, he thinks that Chong Ba is hard On Bang Gong, what bad thing did you do to Qin Lan.

Thinking of this, although Fang Chong knew that he was reasonable, but in order to please Qin Lan as soon as possible, it was the most important ...

"It's almost the same. Well, I won't care too much about you today ..." Of course Qin Lan knew that he would give Fang Chong some dignity, so he accepted it when he saw it.

"Yes, yes ..." Fang Chongmian wiped himself with sweat, Qin Lan caught fire, and it was really hard to mess with it, Fang Chong was glad that he finally passed today.


"Fang Chong, haven't gotten up yet? Muge has come to find you ..." Just as Fang Chong was preparing to hug Qin Lan, when he contacted again, Song Ming's voice rang out downstairs.

"Ah ..." Qin Lan heard Song Ming's voice and suddenly got up, ready to find clothes to wear.

"What's the anxiety, it's not something outside that you can't see ..." Fang Chong is still lazy. While admiring Qin Lan can be considered a perfect figure, he slowly lifted the quilt and did it ...

"I just don't want to let them know about this?" Qin Lan froze for a while, remembering that now he doesn't need to find clothes at all, and just let the armor suit cover the whole body.

"You think they are both stupid, don't you know?" Fang Chong smiled disapprovingly. "If they don't know how happy we are, maybe we will let this two of us on the third floor, and they will go elsewhere?"

"This ..." Qin Lan heard Fang Chong say this, and her face became even redder. She was reminded by Fang Chong, and finally she had such a clear problem.

"Well, let's go out quickly? You like me, I love you, it's that simple. I'm afraid they know what I'm doing. I'm not a woman's husband. You're not a woman's husband. It's fair and bright ..." Fang Chong During the talk, his body was covered with a black suit.

"Okay ..." Qin Lan's expression still looked awkward, but Fang Chong didn't mean anything, she just nodded ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Fang Chong, and Sister Qin Lan, you are so sweet ..." Fang Chong and they just left the room and walked out of the conference hall.

"Hehe, you have come up ..." Fang Chongshun looked at him in the voice, sitting at the table, looking at him and Qin Lan with a smile.

"Don't blame me for coming too early?" Muge rarely saw Qin Lan when she was shy, and continued to laugh.

"You little girl, what do you know ..." Fang Chong didn't expect that the pastoral song was not too old, but he really knew a lot about it. When a little girl said that her old face was a little bit red ...

"Who said I was small, there was small ..." Fang Chong was said to be small by Fang Chong, and was immediately anxious. In order to prove that he was really not small, he talked a little bit and looked quite breasts.

Chong did not expect that there is such a side to the idyll, but he did not know what to say.

"I know, it's much younger than Sister Qin Lan, but it feels pretty good, otherwise you try it ..." Seeing Fang Chong's expression, Mu Ge smiled and pointed at Qin Lan, and then pointed to herself ... .

"Patriarch, be serious, can you try this out?" Fang Chong was completely defeated by the phrase of Patriarch from his heart. This girl can really say anything.

The thought of Qin Lan was still around, Fang Chong said after the pastoral song was not, he turned his face and glanced at Qin Lan secretly.

If Qin Lan is so sad again ...

"Don't look at me, if you really want to try it, just try it, don't mind the pastoral songs ..." Qin Lan waved his hands indifferently ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chong looked at Qin Lan without any change in expression on his face, and again live.

He really wondered, what happened to the two women today?

In the end, Fang Chong wisely chose not to speak, walked aside and poured a glass of water over them all ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Muguge, is there something wrong with you coming this early?" Fang Chong asked casually, putting water in front of Muguge.

"Can't you come if you're fine?" Muge took over with a smile, but didn't directly answer Fang Chong's question.

"It's okay that you will come here ..." Fang Chong will no longer accept her words, otherwise, she will ...

"Well, you see through it ..." Mu Ge said directly when he saw Fang Chong like this. "My dad has all the guns and ammunition we need. I brought them all over today and won't go back ..." ..

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