I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 253: massacre

Charge chapter (8 o'clock)

Chapter 253 The Massacre [Subscribe For Support]


"Have you noticed that? The white alloy knife?" Fang Chong returned to hear Qin Lan's voice. Taking a look at Qin Lan's puzzled look, he pointed to the fact that the alloy knife was still dancing fast in the zombies.

"Huang Qianchuan's sword?" Of course Qin Lan knew who the figure in the white suit was, but Fang Chong didn't understand it. After all, they now had far more swords in his hands than Huang Qianchuan.

She saw now from now that she was surprised by Huang Qianchuan's strength rather than being attracted by the sword in his hands.

Huang Qianchuan's level of strength is a little worse than those of their old players, but the combat effectiveness shown now is vaguely more than they feel.

"I didn't tell you before, hoping to build a base city and produce some weapons and equipment that are not now on the earth?" For Qin Lan's doubts, Fang Chong was not surprised.

"I know ..." Qin Lan nodded, and Fang Chong mentioned these things. She knew it, but did it matter? Like those energy guns, energy cannons, and other small energy vehicles, they need powerful technology as their backing.

It's just that powerful technology can be related to the alloy knife in Huang Qianchuan's hand?

"Don't you worry that the current technology on the earth cannot support the development and manufacture of weapons and equipment?" Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan had always been involved in the synthesis of his swords. They who possessed the Maya system, it was very easy to synthesize those swords made of special metals.

But Qin Lan ignored a problem. It is not difficult for them to have a Maya system, but what would happen if there was no Maya system?

"Yes ..." Qin Lan did not know why Fang Chong laughed at this time. "Do you say that you already have this ability in Kyoto base city?"

"Do you always think that alloy knives are easy to make?" Fang Chong nodded.

"Isn't it?" Qin Lan subconsciously looked at the sword in her own hands.

"It's not difficult for us to have alien technology, but do the researchers in the base city of Kyoto, the commander's side have alien technology? And do they have special metals?" Fang Chong asked several questions in a row.

"You mean ..." Listening to the continuous question of Fang Chong, Qin Lan suddenly felt a sense of realization.

At this moment she understood what Fang Chong was referring to.

"Yes, that is the meaning. It is absolutely impossible to research energy guns and energy guns with the current technology of Kyoto base city, but we can provide important information such as drawings, so with the current technology, it is absolutely possible to achieve Fang Chong nodded seriously.

"This is also ..." Qin Lan understood. The bewildered expression on his face was swept away, replaced by a joy.

She understood that if Fang Chong could be reached, humans might really be able to rebuild their homes ...


"Rest assured that humans can defeat zombies, Zak ........." Fang Chong understands what Qin Lan thinks. Although he still has no bottom in his heart, but Qin Lan's exudes hope, how can he not see it, feeling When Qin Lan's heart changed, Fang Chong was still worried, but couldn't help but patted Qin Lan's shoulder lightly, making her hope even more certain.

"You two are still so close in such a tense situation?" When Qin Lan was about to say something, there was still a playful voice behind the idyll.

"Dear you, your little girl won't be so jealous, will you eat my vinegar ...?" Qin Lan is now immune to the ridicule of herdsmen, and after breaking away Fang Chong's arm, she is not to be outdone. In response.

"Of course I'm jealous. Although you are a big wife, I am also ranked third after all. I have never seen Fang Chong hug me in front of so many people. Didn't even have a close gesture?" , Muge said with an unwilling remark, after speaking, he also gave Fang Chong a complaining look.

"Oh, it's wrong for Fang Chong to say this ..." Qin Lan was laughed at by the words of the animal husbandry. "Okay, I'll give him to you now, okay?"

Qin Lan pushed in front of the animal husbandry, and Fang Chong was completely speechless.

………………………………………… ..

"Don't play anymore, the situation has started to change ..." After watching the second girl fight for a while, Fang Chong's attention was drawn to the battle again.

Although it only took a few minutes, the scene was very different from what it was just now.

The original clean and flat road is now full of stumps and dead bodies, dead bodies, and thick black blood all over the ground, as if it had just had a blood rain ...

And the stench from the thick black blood was clear and audible even to Fang Chong, who was a hundred meters away.

If it hadn't been for a long time, I was afraid that just smelling it could make people faint.

However, these conditions are common to Fang Chong, and it is not these corpses or stench that will attract him.

It's a change in zombies.

The black zombies are still hordes, but from the changes in the current scene, it can be seen that the evolution of the genetic warriors who just rushed out has increased the pressure.

The zombies were led by secondary zombies, but as the zombies were quickly eliminated, they now faced the Hulk with more than double their strength.

"The strength is comparable to human Hulk at more than sixty levels. Even Fang Chong's evolutionaries, gene warriors are mostly at this level. Although they have sharp swords as their backing, they cannot hold up the huge number of Hulks.

More than two hundred genetic warriors, evolutionaries, they are now facing far more than ten times their number ~ www.readwn.com ~ Under the circumstances, the situation is not optimistic ...

………………………………………… ..

"Why are there so many Hulks?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan's animal husbandry looked back, and his face suddenly became pale.

So many Hulks still gave them a tremendous pressure from the bottom of their hearts ...

"The Hulk is not what we need to worry about now, no matter how many, we can't hold up our current guns ..." Fang Chong frowned. The proportion of issues he is worried about now, and there should be more than one Terminator.

He is now more worried about the Terminator, and there is still a great possibility that Zak will appear behind the Terminator ...

In the face of these two creatures, they are not the ability cannons and energy guns that they now have.

Chapter 253 Massacre

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