I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 254: Huang 0chuan's shock

Charge chapter (12 o'clock)

Chapter 254 The Shock of Huang Qianchuan


Thinking of the two issues, Terminator and Zak, Fang Chong frowned even more. The strength of Terminator has been experienced for a long time, but to say how it feels afterwards?

Fang Chong just wanted to say something very bad.

The attacking power is terrifying, and the powerful Terminator is really difficult to deal with.

Although the "Sword" currently owned is very different from the last time when dealing with the "Terminator", the "Sword" currently owned can in fact to a large extent easily cause great damage to the "Terminator", but this The number of "Terminators" is not a single head at a time. Fang Chong knows that with his current strength, once the "Terminators" exceed three heads, their 6,000 people will be able to win even if it costs them. extremely high.

"Send a 'signal' first to let them retreat and save their fighting power ..." Considering the possible fierce fighting that may occur later, Fang Chong picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions to Song Ming.

"Yes ..." Song Ming, who was tens of meters away from Fang Chong, received a command and immediately a white 'signal bullet' bloomed in the night sky, emitting a strong white light.

"All guns are ready, teammates attack after they evacuate to a safe range ..." Fang Chong issued different instructions while the signal flare bloomed.


………………………………………… ..

Soon, a team of more than two hundred people quickly withdrew to a safe position. At the same time, hundreds of different artillery and energy cannons fired at once, and a strong firelight burst into the zombies.

The loud explosion was mixed with the screams of the zombies. Let the atmosphere reach its peak throughout the night.

"Why bombard with shells?" Watching the flicker of the fire, Huang Qianchuan walked to Fang Chong a little unhappy.

"Hulk" is strong, but he is not afraid.

However, he promised to obey Fang Chong's instructions, and he obeyed unconditionally, but he was puzzled.

After all, the value of 'Musculed Meat' is still very high, especially for level 4 zombies like 'Hulk'.

But in this round of bombardment, I am afraid that even if they killed the zombies before, the corpses will be different. It is really unlikely that they want to remove the flesh.

"A huge number of 'Hulks', do you think you can kill more than two hundred people?" Fang Chong questioned Huang Qianchuan, including some other 'evolutionaries', and the 'gene warrior' cast a doubtful look Mind.

While questioning, Fang Chong pointed his finger directly in front of the road.

The pavement that had been bombarded by shells just now is once again occupied by the 'Hulk'. The quantity is not worse than before ...

The reason why Fang Chong just issued the shell attack directly was here.

On the seventh floor, Xiao Lan is paying attention all the time. The number of 'Hulks' they see below is far lower than what Xiao Lan sees.

If this is not the case, Fang Chong will certainly not give up such a large amount of 'muscularized meat'.

For their current team, in addition to solving the problem of grain and grass, so many 'muscle meats' can to a large extent improve the strength of many people ...

"This ..." Huang Qianchuan also found the dense "Hulk" behind him at this time. At this time he realized that the situation was really not as simple as he imagined.

If such a large number of `` Hulks '' really do not use guns, even if they are exhausted, they will not be able to kill them ...

"Huang Qianchuan, I know you are distressing those 'muscularized meats', but compared to the safety of the team, 'muscularized meats' can be discarded, and we may have to face not only the 'Hulk' It's that simple? "Fang Chong was now completely assured of Huang Qianchuan's attitude. From the performance just now to the present, Huang Qianchuan said that he could do it. Although he questioned it, the response was normal.

From this situation, we can see that Huang Qianchuan really considers himself as a member of this team ...

"Is there a more powerful 'mutated creature' in this city?" Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong said that there might be something more powerful than the 'Hulk' person, and his face could not help but take it seriously.

"According to the proportion of zombies, there are no fewer than ten" terminators "behind such a huge number of" Hulks "... Qin Lan is also more powerful than Fang Chong after speaking After this sentence existed, she found that other 'evolutionaries' and 'gene warriors' had doubts, and she began to explain.

"Terminator?" Hearing such a word, not only Huang Qianchuan showed a puzzled look, so did everyone else.

Before today, they had learned that the highest level of zombies was 'Hulk'. As for 'Terminator', they had never seen it.

After all, in 'Kyoto Base City', only researchers have mentioned it in theory, and such a theory is limited to high-level ...

Huang Qianchuan's impression also seems to have been mentioned ...

"Yes, it's 'Terminator', a zombie with a strength close to a hundred, belongs to the evolution of 'Hulk' ..." Fang Chong nodded and introduced the general situation of 'Terminator'.

In addition to the appearance, strengths, and dangers of the Terminator, Fang Chong also described the situation he played against in a simple and focused manner.

But when it comes to the ultimate strength of Terminator, Huang Qianchuan's face finally changed ...

"One hundred and twenty or more ..." Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong said that the actual power of the "Terminator" was equivalent to the strength of the human "evolver" at one hundred and twenty, and his face was a bit ugly.

More than one hundred levels of defense are comparable to one hundred and twenty levels of attack.

He knows that such a "terminator" is not something he can deal with ...

Thinking of this, Huang Qianchuan subconsciously touched the silver-colored 'alloy knife' in his hand ...


Seeing such a change in Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong was not surprised at all. When Muge and Qin Lan were in trouble, Fang Chong had already learned from his mouth that this silver-white 'alloy sword' could cut the limit of defense.蔲 f8  寮  寮  寮 凇 凇 凇 br? Br />

The defense gap between the seventy-fifth level and the terminator's more than one hundred levels is very obvious ...

"Isn't that we must lose?" Huang Qianchuan's body trembled slightly, and after a long silence, he suddenly looked up, and asked Fang Chong unwillingly ...

"The biggest attack power of the alloy saber is more than 70 levels ..." Huang Qianchuan asked Fang Chong and said to himself with the "alloy sword".

"What is your current level?" Fang Chong did not answer Huang Qianchuan's words directly, but smiled and asked Huang Qianchuan an irrelevant question.

"Nearly a hundred ..." Huang Qianchuan answered this question, although he was displeased with Fang Chong.

"It's just close to a hundred?" Fang Chong's answer to Huang Qianchuan was obviously a bit surprised. From the point of view of the fighting power that Huang Qianchuan had just exploded, it was far more than Qin Lan, including Song Ming's close to one hundred 'gene' warrior'.

But soon, Fang Chong came back from wonder. Huang Qianchuan is a 'super-evolver'. The 'super-evolver' is actually not an ordinary 'evolver', including the 'gene warrior' which can be compared.

After learning about Huang Qianchuan's combat effectiveness, Fang Chong felt quite calm. Although there is a great possibility that there are only ten "terminators", it is not impossible to defeat them now.

He can deal with three heads by himself. Qin Lan and Song Ming together can pull at least two or three heads. Huang Qianchuan should deal with one head. As for the remaining part, more than 200 'evolutionaries' including 'gene warriors' 'Can't beat and never lose… ..

Thinking of this, Fang Chong was relieved ...


"Boom boom boom ...",

A series of shelling sounds sounded again. After the fire light flickered, 'Hulk' and other zombies of other levels were repelled again, but at this time everyone's expressions still did not show a slight relief.

The words "Terminator" are twining tightly in their hearts ...

"What do you mean by this?" Huang Qianchuan stared at Fang Chong, Fang Chong's words "just close to a hundred" made him a little angry ...

"You have more than one hundred combat capabilities. If you deal with the Terminator, you will not be able to win or lose ..." Fang Chong knew that Huang Qianchuan had misunderstood what he meant, but he knew Huang Qianchuan was a wise man. So I did n’t explain it directly, but I said what he was saying ...

"Oh, don't you lose?" Huang Qianchuan laughed when he heard Fang Chong's words. But after a few laughs, Huang Qianchuan's expression became angry. "Without weapons that can damage the Terminator, what can you do with strength?"

Ordinary zombies don't know the pain, let alone high-level zombies. When it comes to fists, unless you can punch a zombie's head down ...

"Mage song, give Huang Qianchuan the sword in your hand ..." Watching Huang Qianchuan's anger, Fang Chong smiled slightly, and at the same time turned around and said to the mage song around him.

Fang Chong knew that Huang Qianchuan's anger was not without the courage of the Terminator, but also annoying the Terminator's defense ...

Although Terminator's defense can be described as abnormal, on Fang Chong's side, the level of the sword is far more than the individual's strength.

These swords made of special metals are used to split zombies below level 150 and there are no problems with mutant creatures.

The best one is the blood-red sword that Fang Chong is carrying on his body. The sword created by "Red Copper" and "Red Iron" can be said that the defense within two hundred levels can be ignored ...

Song never doubted Fang Chong's order. After Fang Chong finished speaking ~ www.readwn.com ~, she directly threw the long knife in her hand to Huang Qianchuan not far away.

"'Crescent Moon,' the name of my sword ...". Seeing Huang Qianchuan's expression of doubt as he took the sword, Muge stepped forward and re-taken Huang Qianchuan's silver sword in his hand. Say: "You can ignore defenses below 150 levels ..."

"What? You can ignore defenses below level 150?" Huang Qianchuan heard the expression of Muge, and his expression froze directly.

In the base city of Kyoto, the best one-hundred sword is the alloy sword he held in his hand before. Is that sword worthy to break the defense of about 75?

He thought it would be enough, but now?

A battle knife that the idyll casually dropped over said that the split crotch d4 rhyme of the 150th grade crotch?

He's not dumbfounded ...

Chapter 254 The Shock of Huang Qianchuan

Chapter 254 The Shock of Huang Qianchuan

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