I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 264: "swift and fierce"

Chapter 264 "Stubborn"

ps sorry, the internet cable at home is broken today


"Although in this way, we have the opportunity to kill the 'Zaks,' but this is only an opportunity, it does not mean that we can really kill the 'Zaks' easily. I hope everyone understands,' Zak "Clan is really not as simple as we imagine now?" Fang Chong is happy, right, but is it really that simple?

When Fang Chong thought about this problem, he was a little afraid, and he almost made this terrible mistake like everyone else.

The 'Zak' is not a social group, yes, but even if there is no 'Zak group', there is enough for them to drink a pot.

Even if it is a low-level existence in the 'Zaks,' the strength level of the 'Primitive Zaks' is above human beings, and the strength level will not be lower than '200 levels.'

That kind of strength, even if it is one, for the current Fang Chong them, it is no exaggeration to say that the dangers are serious.

Fang Chong is the most powerful in the team, but the so-called most powerful, in fact, the strength does not exceed one hundred and fifty, about one hundred and forty. About Qin Lan, they are all in one hundred. Hovering between one hundred and ten.

Such strength is difficult to cause harm to the 'Zak people'.

If it is not fortunate, the ‘Zak ’s encountered are still‘ defensive ’. I ’m afraid Fang Chong will try their best not to harm it.

And now the 'weapons' is also an important issue.

Now in their entire team, Fang Chong's sword is already the best, but this one is the best, that is, it can split the defense of about one hundred and eighty. Now, if it is against the Zak, I want to give it The damage done is really difficult.

For all these reasons, Fang Chong will continue to emphasize that everyone should pay attention and be careful ...

The so-called ability to kill the 'Zaks' they just discussed is actually an imagination. The fact is really unlikely.

Unless Fang Chong can take their strength to the next level or have more powerful weapons.

Then Fang Chong was able to launch a "ten-turn superimposed chop".


"We understand what you mean ..." Fang Chong said in a heavy tone, and everyone was quiet again. Fang Chong said that they all understood, but just how dangerous it is, I don't know

Perhaps it was from feeling that Huang Qianchuan did not refute Fang Chong's ideas for the first time.

The more detailed Fang Chong's description, the more outrageous this Fang Chong said, the more likely it is true ...

"Okay, then everyone is going to rest first. It should be safe tonight. We came over ..." After Huang Qianchuan had no other problems, after Fang Chong sat down again, he waved and let everyone go.

Anyway, it is not difficult to see from everyone's expressions that everyone knows.

As long as you don't take it lightly, the loss will not be too big ...

It ’s okay for Chong not to say anything. After Fang Chong spoke, everyone else felt really tired.

Unlike Fang Chong, who had the experience of facing a Terminator before, they probably knew it.

The first time they faced the "Terminator", even Huang Qianchuan, the pressure in their hearts was very high, especially in the end, facing the situation of the two "Terminators" at the same time, the danger was really precarious ...

Huang Qianchuan now remembers the situation at that time. If he was really hit by the "Terminator", whether he can appear here now is a huge question mark.

But fortunately, there was a timely appearance of the pastoral song, and he saved a small life.

Although there was no injury, as long as Huang Qianchuan remembered the dangerous situation at that time, his heart rate accelerated. The danger was really chilling and cold ....

Now that it is time to rest, Huang Qianchuan did feel a very tired feeling all over his body, and his muscles were sore.

After looking at Fang Chong deeply, Huang Qianchuan left without saying anything.


"Don't you go to rest? After dawn, the situation isn't sure if there will be any changes ..." Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan and the three of them were still in place, and smiled at them.

He himself felt tired too.

"Fang Chong, I think you are very unfair. I will only tell sister Qin Lan about the things of the Zak people. The two of you didn't even say it ..." Muge Song said after Fang Chong finished talking. He stood up and walked to him, holding Fang Chong's arm in one hand and muttering his mouth, saying angrily. "You say equal treatment, but you are too biased about this matter, it is sister Lingya ..."

"Uh ..." The pastoral song resembled a coquettish blame. Fang Chong was speechless for a while, but he didn't know how to answer the topic of pastoral song, and the pastoral song was just a matter of his own.

Fang Chong's eyes subconsciously scanned Ling Ya's face.

Although Ling Ya didn't say anything on her mouth, her expression and eyes revealed her thoughts.

Slightly resentful glances undoubtedly indicate that she also complained that Fang Chong had not told them about such a big thing, but only told Qin Lan.

"How do you know that I said to Qin Lan?" Fang Chong discovered that Ling Ya also had a look similar to that of Muge, and then he remembered this question. How did Muge and Ling Ya know that Qin Lan knew this?

He obviously told Qin Lan not to say it casually. With Qin Lan's personality, she would never say it, but now?

Fang Chong can only ask ...

& nbs2000p; "We guessed, but now your expression has told us, you just told Sister Qin Lan in advance." Muge smirked.

"You are too amazing ..." Fang Chong smiled bitterly.

"Qin Lan ’s response was so calm. If you did n’t know it in advance, the reaction would not be like that. You do n’t want to think about it. Except for you just now, Qin Lan is the most calm ...” Ling Ya analyzed Fang Chong, and the analysis is Ling Ya ’s strong point

"Actually, this incident was brought up with Qin Lan ........." Fang Chong shook his head gently and said.

However, he did not lie, but when he came to mention the incident, he did accidentally.

"Is that what you two said after that and that night?" After hearing the word inadvertently, Muge's eyes rolled up, and after half a ring, Muge's mouth looked like a non-smiling Yang, with a look of ambiguous expression. With Fang Chong.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong was speechless again. The rhetoric used by the girl of Muge was too rude, and after that, that ...

And also put on a look you know ...

In addition to the "sturdy" rhetoric of the idyllic idyll, Fang Chong was also very surprised. The idyll seemed to say casually, but this casually said that he was right.

When talking to Qin Lan about the 'Zak people', it was true that he was embracing Qin Lan tightly.

In that case, Fang Chong was the most relaxed and most wanted to be comforted.

"No, actually I was told?" Looking at Fang Chong's different expressions, Mage's mouth widened. She understood one thing from Fang Chong's expression, which was the possibility of her guessing. bingo.

Although I have known that Fang Chong had happened with Qin Lan, but what I really learned from Fang Chong's expression was more or less a little jealous, or was he jealous?

Even Fang Chong and Qin Lanchi appeared in her mind. Picture of naked hugging.

Thinking of these humiliating pictures, unmanned idyll, his face was instantly red.

Although she was careless in words, she couldn't imagine that if it really happened to her, she would ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Xiao Nizi, isn't it wet ..." Qin Lan never spoke. She didn't know how to explain the circumstances under which Fang Chong mentioned to her. In that case, she was not the first time. With her personality, it's still hard to tell.

But this will see Mu Geju's face bowed with shame and she doesn't care about anything. Her unmanned little girl dares to tease her. Why is she experienced and afraid to try it?

Thinking of this, Qin Lan chuckled and stared at Muge.

"Wet? What's wet?" Muge responded subconsciously, with a little panic, but he didn't understand the meaning of Qin Lan's words.

"Where do you say that?" Qin Lan smiled even more lavishly, and the pastoral song could not react, and Qin Lan was happier ...

"Sister Qin Lan, you are so bad ..." Mu Mu looked at Qin Lan stupidly. After Ling Ya's reminder, she finally reacted and understood the meaning in Qin Lan's words.

The thought of Fang Chong was still there, but she was still stupid and did not understand the meaning of Qin Lan's words. Muge's face was already a blusher and redder.

Even the ears were flushed.

However, this idyll is less shy, but more charming.

Fang Chong suddenly found out that this little Nizi was not very old, but she looked like she had become a ripe peach.

"Just tell me, we understand ..." Qin Lan laughed even more happily. Muge always liked to tease her relationship with Fang Chong. Now that she has a chance to refute, Qin Lan must be chasing while she wins. "Wet, we can enjoy ourselves ..."

"I'm not coming ..." Qin Lan Yue said more and more explicit words, Muge finally couldn't resist, lying on the table.

But when lying down ~ www.readwn.com ~ Muge subconsciously glanced at Fang Chong.

"Hehe ..." Lingya couldn't help laughing when she saw Muge like this.

Only Fang Chong was sitting stupidly. In this case, his best way was to be silent, otherwise, he would be burned.

Being strangled is too innocent.

At the same time, his heart was extremely depressed, and the girls now are too stubborn. He is not as good as a man ...

Qin Lan, in particular, actually said the word 'wet'.

Even he was provoked ...



Chapter 264 "Stubborn"

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